Chapter 308 The Specter's Attack (Fourth Update)

Walking on the street, after the eldest lady bought a bunch of things that Lu Zhuo was not interested in, Lu Zhuo saw an interesting thing.

That is Lucy's figure, it can also be said to be a doll.

In the previous life on Earth, Lu Zhuo really wanted to buy handmade things, but the genuine ones were a bit too expensive.

"Boss, how much is it?"

"100 gold!" The boss stretched out a finger, showing a smiling face, and said, "This figure is perfect, and you can even take off your clothes."

As he spoke, he shook his hand, and took off Lucy's hand until only the three-point figure remained.

"Don't do this kind of thing!"

The eldest lady complained weakly at the side, she was quite happy to see her figure.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo couldn't help laughing, just thinking of a certain plot, couldn't help but said: "It's so expensive, is there anything else?"

"There are also figures of Erza and Mira." The boss took out two exquisite models with a calm face.

"how much is it?"

"Ten thousand gold."

"It's so cheap, I want it all."

The eldest lady on the side had black lines, completely unable to complain, "Is the gap so big..."

On the sea far away from Magnolia is the guild of the ruler of the ghosts.

On the top floor of the guild, in the darkness, a person said coldly: "Fairy Tail, it's growing too fast, if you don't suppress it, it may not be able to deal with it!"

"Hey, you bastard, you actually think about dealing with the guild controlled by your father." Joseph, wearing the silver coat of the ten great wizards, sat directly above him, showing a sneer.

Standing in front of him below was Makarov's son and Laxus' father, Ivan!He is also the guild leader of the guild that later appeared in the Damo Dou Yanwu, the Tail of the Raven.

Because Makarov didn't pass on the position of general manager to him, he held a grudge. First, he wanted to establish a guild that surpassed Fairy Tail, and second, he wanted to destroy Fairy Tail, proving that Fairy Tail is also garbage.

Joseph looked at Ivan and said with a sneer, "I know that Fairy Tail now has two Holy Ten Great Wizards!"

"Hmph, you are just a newly promoted top ten magician, are you afraid?" Ivan sneered, with a mocking look on his face.

Joseph said coldly: "Don't provoke me, of course I won't be afraid, even if that old man and Lu Zhuo are added, I dare to fight. You are right, if Fairy Tail continues to develop, I'm afraid It’s really going to be completely on my head.”

"Since that's the case, let's suppress it now, when it's fledgling." Ivan's voice was flat, and then his body disappeared in the darkness.

At the same time, a sharp light flashed in Joseph's eyes.

When Lu Zhuo and Lucy returned to the guild, what caught their eyes was the guild that had been pierced through by several long iron rods.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo turned cold and spit out two words.


The eldest lady was stunned for a moment, but before she could react, she subconsciously asked, "What is a ghost?"

"It's a guild that is looking for death."

Lu Zhuo said softly, and then dragged Lucy into the guild's basement.At this time, this place has become a temporary guild, and Lucy ran to Mira with a puzzled look on her face.

"what's going on?"

"The guild has been attacked." When Mira spoke, she still had a smile on her face. In this world, there are few situations where she can appear angry without using the soul of Satan. indivual.

Regarding this matter, Lu Zhuo was somewhat puzzled in his heart at this time.

Jiude's side has long been settled by him.Under normal circumstances, Jiude would not hire the ruler of the ghosts. Without Lucy as the target, no matter how you look at it, such an attack should not happen.

This plot should have completely collapsed.

Frowning, Lu Zhuo walked to the counter, looked at Makarov with a look of displeasure on his face, and said, "Do you need me to kill these jumping clowns?"

"Forget it, it's just that the building has been destroyed." Makarov sighed, waved his hand, and said, "It seems that our guild has been targeted again."

Hearing these words, Lu Zhuo suddenly realized that Fairy Tail was almost recognized as the strongest in the guild.Moreover, this is still in the guild, when people like Nazgray have not fully grown up.

Now that there is a newly promoted holy magician like him, he will inevitably attract the jealousy of many people.Coupled with the inertia of the plot, this guy Joseph brought the ghost ruler to provoke him.

Wanting to use provocation to suppress Fairy Tail is really dizzy!

Lu Zhuo sneered, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

In the eyes of these people, I am afraid that he is a newly promoted holy magician, but the reality is that even if he meets the black dragon Akunologia, he can still beat him without a temper!
As if feeling Lu Zhuo's thoughts, Makarov said slowly: "The Baram Alliance has already threatened the Guangming Guild Alliance. We can no longer take the initiative in civil war. It's just a guild building, so let's bear with it."

Lu Zhuo looked at Makarov and said, "Do you think this is the end or the beginning?" After speaking, Lu Zhuo turned around directly and came to the gloomy-faced Erusa.

Now that Specter has already started to target Fairy Tail, it must be just the beginning. Lu Zhuo still doesn't like Makarov's tolerant attitude.

But after thinking about it, there is Jubia, the little rain girl, on the ghost side.In addition to this battle, although there were some twists and turns, Fairy Tail was still victorious, so Lu Zhuo was going to wait and see.

Seeing Lu Zhuo sitting over, Erusa had a gloomy face and said, "They're going too far."


Lu Zhuo nodded. For him now, a guild like ghosts can be wiped out with a single slap.This incident just flashed through Lu Zhuo's mind.

At this time, his attention was entirely on Ersha, and Lu Zhuo was thinking about how to design the plot of the Tower of Paradise to untie Ersha's knots.

That's right!It was designed by Lu Zhuo!
In Lu Zhuo's heart, Gerald has now become a supporting role, a prop specially used to untie Ersha's knot.

"I hope they won't do other more excessive things, otherwise..." There was also a cold aura on Ersha's body, but it disappeared in an instant.

"How is your sword practice?"

Lu Zhuo stretched out his hand casually, as if he wanted to touch Ersha's sword on the table, but he pressed it on her jade hand again.

At this time, Erza, because of learning the sword, seldom wears armor on her body, but always holds the sword in her hand.This is also what Lu Zhuo taught her. If you want to become a great swordsman, you must have a sword heart, and such things as a sword heart must be slowly realized from the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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