Chapter 311 Makarov Attacks
"Lucy sauce, don't get me wrong, Lu Zhuo just saved me. Actually, I came to ask you to go to the hospital." Leibi blushed a little, knowing what Lucy was thinking, and quickly explained.

Knowing that the dominator of the Specter had attacked Rebby, and severely injured Jeter and Troy, Lucy's little face suddenly showed an angry expression.

A group of three came to the hospital, and everyone from Fairy Tail had almost gathered.

Although it was night, when they heard that their partner had been attacked, there was unspeakable anger in everyone's heart.

Makarov stood at the front, looking at Jeter and Troy, who were covered in bandages and had blue faces. The few remaining white hairs on their heads seemed to stand on end.

Destroying our guild, I can bear it...

But hurt my child...

Absolutely unbearable!
"Ghost... the war is on!"

"Damn ghost rulers, I'm going to burn them all into roast pigs!" Natsu was furious, with flames spouting from his mouth.

Ersha stood aside with a cold face, without saying a word, but the aura exuding from her body can freeze people's blood!
Standing next to Lu Zhuo, Leibi murmured with guilt on her face, "They did this to protect me..."

"Don't talk about Leibby, you are also one of the victims. If Lu Zhuo hadn't arrived in time, maybe you would have been lying here with the two of them." Lucy took Leiby's hand and comforted her softly. with.

Lu Zhuo at the side sighed and said, "Old man, do you want me to solve it?"

"No, I will take action on this matter myself!" Makarov said with a firm face, "Please stay here and protect the guild and patients."

Hearing these words, Lu Zhuo's face immediately turned pale. What kind of thing is it? It's enough for him to protect any patient.

However, considering that the girls like Lucy Lebby will stay in the guild, I don't know if the ghost will launch a sneak attack or something. Although Lucy is not the target, the situation will be worse.

Because if Lucy is not the target, it means that everyone is the target.Specter came with the purpose of provocation and war.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhuo shook his head helplessly, and glanced at the sky, as if he saw the restored will of the world hidden deep in the source.

With you, in this case, you can still maintain the inertia of the plot.

"Old man, be careful of a guy named Dakong Alia in the four elements."

Looking at Makarov, Lu Zhuo kindly reminded him that he didn't want to see the old man look sick after being attacked.

Makarov nodded after hearing Lu Zhuo's words, and said, "Alia, I remember."

Early the next morning, Makarov brought Fairy Tail's main force to attack the Specter's Ruler's Guild!
Lu Zhuo, who stayed in Magnolia, was standing in front of the town, looking up at the sun in the sky.

Then, he waved his hand lightly.

A burst of space power burst out, and there was an extra person in front of Lu Zhuo in an instant.Impressively, he has already become the king in Edras and wears the crown of Mystergang!
Mistgang frowned, he just felt dizzy, and changed the place inexplicably.Lu Zhuo was the only one who could move him here at will.

"What's matter?"

Mistgang looked at Lu Zhuo with a bit of respect.

At this time, he already knew that Lu Zhuo was not an ordinary mage from Fairy Tail, but a god from another world.Even the entire Edras world now is already in Lu Zhuo's hands.

"The ruler of Specter is at war with Fairy Tail, go and destroy all their branches." Lu Zhuo said lightly, with an orderly tone.

Mistergang agreed without hesitation, and then noticed that something was wrong with his appearance, so he immediately changed into the original Mistergang's attire, and then ran to the Specter's branch.

In fact, Lu Zhuo can do this by himself, but he is a bit lazy now.Moreover, Mistgang should be the one to do this. Even if the will of the world suddenly recovers, Mistergang will not do anything to it.

After yawning, Lu Zhuo turned around and walked towards the guild.

At this time, the headquarters of the ruler of the ghost.

"Jajiru killed two of them, but was killed by that Lu Zhuo."

"It seems that Fairy Tail is not as weak as imagined."

A group of people sat around and discussed in a hurry.

One person slapped the table, with a mocking look on his face, and said: "That guild is only a newly promoted holy magician, plus a dead old man whose magic power has regressed so much, how could it be our young and powerful Joseph Society?" long opponent!"

"That's right! Next, we will completely defeat Fairy Tail."

"Yeah, cheers to defeating Fairy Tail..."

At this moment, there was a loud noise from the gate of the ghost.

Shards of wood and iron splashed in all directions, the door was smashed to pieces, and a burst of flames suddenly erupted, making the entire guild look scorching hot.


The flames were suddenly retracted, and the sun shone in, forming the black shadows of a group of people.

"Who... said to defeat Fairy Tail?"

Naz stood there, clenched his fists, his anger was about to break through the sky!Behind him, the ferocious Erusa and the others rushed straight.

Seeing this, everyone in Yougui showed a shocked expression.

The next moment, they burst out laughing together, showing mocking and joking expressions.

"Yo, isn't this the trash from Fairy Tail?"

"How dare you come to our headquarters!"

The miscellaneous fish who ruled the ghost laughed and taunted, not paying attention to the livid faces of Makarov and others.

"War is on! So much nonsense!"

Erusa let out a cold snort, and rushed out first, the sword in her hand danced like pear blossoms all over her body, like snowflakes flying, one after another sword light flew left and right, killing ghosts' miscellaneous fishes in an instant!
Seeing this, Naz did not show any weakness, and rushed forward with a roar.

The dragon's...roar!
With a roar, those ordinary mages, even if they were opponents of the monster Natsu, fell to the ground one after another.

"Okay... so powerful!"

Seeing this scene, the ghost mage who had been mocking Fairy Tail suddenly showed a horrified expression, and was instantly sent flying by Natsu's fire dragon fist!
"Don't be afraid! We ghosts are the strongest..."

Before he finished speaking, this person was frozen into a human stick by Gray!
Fairy Tail instantly gained the absolute upper hand, showing a crushing state!
However, Makarov, who watched this scene, frowned, and did not show the joy of victory.

He also knew the information about Specter, and knew that Specter had the iron dragon Gajeel and the Four Elements, but in the battle at this time, there was no sign of Four Elements and Gajeel at all.

Thinking of this, Makarov frowned, snorted coldly, and burst out with monstrous magic power.

(End of this chapter)

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