Chapter 314 Four Elements Sneak Attack (Fourth Update)

On the streets of Magnolia, Lucy and Rebby walked together with some fruits in their hands.

"The specter really went too far." The eldest lady sighed, and she felt very uncomfortable when she thought of Jeter and Troy being beaten into bandages all over their bodies.The members of the guild, in her opinion, are all partners.

There was a bit of anger in the eyes of Libby on the side, and said: "Grandpa President has taken Erusa and the others to the Ghost Headquarters, and will definitely avenge Jeter and the others."


Lucy responded, but suddenly her eyes froze, and she looked forward coldly.

"Who is it, come out!"

"Yo ho ho, you can actually find my existence."

I saw the ground in front of Lucy and Leibby, the soil suddenly rolled up, and a hole was cracked.A man dressed like a gentleman, with a cane in his hand and a monocle in his right eye appeared in front of them.

"You are... the four elements of ghosts?!"

Lucy and Rebby immediately took a few steps back while showing a state of alert.Fairy Tail has already inquired about the situation of the four elements. Seeing Sol at this time, Lucy immediately recognized it, and immediately pinched the key at her waist.

Saul ignored Leibi, looked at Lucy, smiled, and said, "Dear Miss Lucy of the Heartfilia family, I greet you, my gentleman."

After hearing this, Leibby showed a surprised look, looked at Lucy, and said, "So you are a lady from a wealthy family."

"No, now I'm just Fairy Tail's partner." Lucy smiled at Lebby, and then stared at Sol sharply.

"What do you want to do!"

Lucy stared at Sol coldly, her tone severe.She doesn't have any affection for the enemies of the guild.

Seeing Lucy's appearance, Sol suddenly showed a sinister smile, and said: "If Miss Heartfilia is killed in Fairy Tail, will Mr. Jiude think that Fairy Tail didn't protect him well?" Baby girl, then kill Fairy Tail."

"Lucy sauce, be careful!" When Rabby heard Sol's words, she immediately knew that his target was Lucy, and her expression became stern in an instant, and she grabbed her magic pen.

Lucy looked at Sol with a dignified expression, and she felt that she and Rebby together might not be Sol's opponent.

But now this is Magnolia, just a short distance from the guild, and Lu Zhuo is there.As long as Lu Zhuo knows the situation here, even if there are ten more Thors, Lucy believes that it will be just a piece of cake for Lu Zhuo.

The two looked at each other, and both understood what the other meant. They looked like they were going to fight, but they turned around and ran away suddenly.

However, Sol smiled wretchedly, and said: "I can spy on other people's minds, you two, just stay obediently."

As soon as the words fell, three people turned out from the corner of the street, plus Saul, just surrounded Lucy and Lebby.

Daikon Alia!
Rain girl Juvia!
Sol of the Earth!
Flame Bunny Pills!
The four elements are dispatched together, just to kill Lucy!
Seeing this scene, Lucy and Rebby's pretty faces were a little pale.

"To deal with two weak girls, all four elements are dispatched?" Looking at the four people surrounding them, Lucy sneered coldly.

"Juvia is just here to complete the task." Under the rain girl Juvia's feet, there was a constant flow of water.As she spoke, the sky also began to drizzle.

Aliya Oku folded her hands on her chest, and tears suddenly flowed from her eyes.

"It's so sad, two lovely girls are going to die here, how sad is it?"

Tutuwan raised the corner of his mouth, chuckled lightly, and said, "You two, it's not worth all of us dispatching. We just do it cleanly and don't be discovered by that person. Besides, even if we are discovered, it's up to us Four, don't be afraid of him!"

After hearing his words, Lucy's heart sank slightly. She naturally knew who Tutuwan was talking about. Surrounded by the four elements at this time, they had no hope at all. can make a big noise and attract Lu Zhuo...

Thinking of this, Lucy pulled out the key of Taurus abruptly, and instantly summoned Taurus.

"Taurus, destroy me hard and make the biggest noise!"

"Hey, follow Miss Lucy's orders... Your breasts are much bigger..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Lucy had a black hair, what time is this, this damn protoss is still joking.

Taurus responded, lifted the big axe, and was about to chop it down on the ground.

However, at this moment, Juvia's little hand stretched forward.

Water restraint!

In an instant, the drizzle between the sky and the earth turned into a violent storm, and a stream of water surged in, enveloping Taurus.

Taurus is struggling desperately, but can't get rid of it!
Lebby on the other side saw this, a look of anxiety flashed across her face, and the magic pen in her hand flickered.

"Magic words... make noise!"


Just when the magic words representing the loud voice were about to erupt, Dakong Alia clasped his hands together and groaned softly.

The magic words were directly drained of magic power in his airspace, and instantly shattered without a single sound.

"Give up, this gentleman will give you a decent way to die."

With a wretched expression on his face, Sol walked towards the pale Lucy and Rebby.

However, before he took a few steps, a big hand suddenly appeared on top of his head.This big hand grabbed his head and pressed it down hard. It was like inserting a carrot, and it directly pushed his whole body into the ground.

Because he was forcibly pressed into the ground, Thor spat out a mouthful of blood, the magic power in his body was disordered, and his face was full of fear.

How could someone appear here, making the four of them feel nothing at all? !
"What did you just say, you want a decent way to die?"

For Lu Zhuo, as long as he thinks, everything in the small town of Magnolia cannot escape his perception.Sensing that Lucy and Leibby met the four elements, Lu Zhuo came over directly and slapped Sol.

"Lu Zhuo!"

"Brother Lu Zhuo!"

When Lucy and Rebby saw the familiar figure, they immediately showed joyful expressions.

On the other side, Tutuwan and Alia looked extremely ugly.And Sol, who was pushed into the ground by Lu Zhuo's slap, looked like he had eaten a dead child.

The only difference is Juvia, the rain girl.

She looked at Lu Zhuo, although Lu Zhuo's current appearance was far from the child's when she met her a few years ago, but for some reason, she recognized him immediately.

" it you?"

"Well, your magic power is well mastered."

Lu Zhuo glanced at Zhubia and smiled kindly, making Zhubia blush instantly, and the drizzle in the sky instantly turned into a clear sky.

(End of this chapter)

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