Chapter 327 Heading to the Tower of Paradise (Fifth Watch)
"You really are." Lucy rolled her eyes, looked at her drenched body, and smiled helplessly.

"Okay, okay, Lucy-chan, since we've come down, let's come together." Leibby smiled and came over to smooth things over, and then took the lead to swim behind Lu Zhuo.

After some frolic, Lu Zhuo took advantage of the girls.Only then did he leave the swimming pool contentedly, and sat aside, looking at the girls who continued to frolick in the swimming pool.

At this moment, Lu Zhuo raised his brows suddenly and sneered, "Are you here?"

Lucy came out wrapped in wet clothes, and was about to call Rebby, when a light suddenly flashed in front of her.As a mage, she subconsciously tilted her head and dodged the attack.

"who is it?!"

The eldest lady's expression turned cold. When she encountered an attack, her originally good mood suddenly turned into a bad mood.

"Hey, Fairy Tail's mage, the reaction is good."

A sneer came, and the playground suddenly became chaotic amidst a wave of magic power.

Looking at the group of people approaching, the eldest lady looked alert, and immediately took a protoss key in her hand.Although the Protoss was moved to the world of Aedras by Lu Zhuo, nothing about the contract has been lifted, and nothing about the Protoss has changed.

Erza was the first to react after Lucy was attacked, and immediately jumped out of the pool, but when she saw someone coming, a look of shock flashed across her face.

"Why are you guys?!"

Walking over, it was Wally, Simon, these childhood friends!
"Hehe, Ersha, you betrayed us back then, didn't you expect us to find you again?" Xiu looked at Ersha, chuckled lightly, which distracted Erza slightly, and turned to Ersha the next moment. Throw a magic card.

Erza, who was frozen in place, seemed to be imprisoned by that card soon.

"Hmph! Some old accounts do have to be settled."

An indifferent cold snort came, and an earth-shattering pressure suddenly broke out.

Suddenly, a shocking wave erupted from the entire swimming pool, and all the water was splashed everywhere. Then, the water turned into a big hand in the air, and grabbed Xiu, Simon and others directly in his hand!


Xiu and the others turned pale with fright, although Gerald had reminded them not to conflict with Lu Zhuo, as long as they secretly captured Erusa.However, how could it be possible not to disturb Lu Zhuo and take Erusa away? !
"Lu Zhuo, don't hurt them."

It was only then that Ersha came to her senses, a look of unbearable flashed in her eyes, and said softly to Lu Zhuo who was coming from behind.

"Well, since you said so, I won't kill them."

Ersha understood Lu Zhuo's character very well. As long as someone around Lu Zhuo was attacked, especially a woman, Lu Zhuo would not hesitate to give the most severe counterattack.

At this time, she has subconsciously regarded herself as a woman protected by Lu Zhuo.

Of course Lu Zhuo also noticed this, and he was a little happy in his heart, so he waved his hand lightly.


The big hand condensed by the blue water turned into a water polo in the air, imprisoning Xiu and others in it, and then made them all suffocate and faint.

Afterwards, Lu Zhuo waved his hand and directly threw these people into the world of Aedlas, completely suppressing them.

In fact, even if Ersha didn't say anything, Lu Zhuo would not kill people directly. After all, there is Simon in it, Kagura's brother.When the time comes, let these people know Gerald's true face, that's fine.

Walking in front of Ersha, Lu Zhuo looked sharp and said, "Sister Ersha, I think... we should go to the Tower of Paradise."

Erza visibly trembled slightly when she heard the name Tower of Paradise.

Why are you panicking?Now that his strength is so strong, and he is by his side to protect him, he should have rescued those partners.

Thinking of this, Ersha calmed down, nodded solemnly, and said, "Okay!"

Seeing that she agreed, Lu Zhuo nodded, and turned to look at Mira and the others who were in a panic behind.

"Go, we'll wait for you."

Mira knew about Ersha and Lu Zhuo's past, looking at Lu Zhuo at this time, a trace of affection flashed in her eyes, and she smiled at Lu Zhuo.

Lu Zhuo looked at these lovely girls with eyes of obsession, admiration, and affection. He also felt infinitely satisfied in his heart, and said softly, "Don't worry, it will be over soon."

After finishing speaking, Lu Zhuo walked to Ersha's side, and gently took her hand.

At this time, Erza let him pull her, and she no longer blushed and shy, and her expression was very calm.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo smiled slightly, gently rubbed her soft and soft hands, and then pulled her forward a step.

A bright light flashed, and the figures of the two disappeared in an instant!
The next moment, the figures of Lu Zhuo and Ersha came directly to the Tower of Paradise hundreds of miles away.

Being led by Lu Zhuo to cross such a long distance in an instant, Erusa felt a little dizzy, tilted her body, and fell into Lu Zhuo's arms.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo silently recited ten sentences in his heart that he didn't do it on purpose, then folded his arms together and gently held her in his arms.

That fragrant breath made Lu Zhuo's eyes reveal obsession.

After all, Ersha is a powerful mage, and she quickly recovered. After discovering her appearance, she blushed slightly, stood up, and walked in front of Lu Zhuo.

Looking at the familiar scene, Erza sighed softly and said, "Let's go."

Hearing these words, Lu Zhuo suddenly showed a look of joy in his eyes, and stepped forward, gently holding Ersha's little hand.Erza still didn't resist, as if it was a matter of course, the two of them walked forward.

In the past, Erza would definitely say, come with me, or go quickly.

Now that it is replaced by "we", it is already a disguised recognition of Lu Zhuo's position in her heart, and has risen from a younger brother to the other half of her life.

Returning to the old place, Lu Zhuo was also a little bit emotional.

At that time, because of the suppression of the will of the world, there was only a wisp of will left, and then he was reborn in an ordinary boy, and began the journey of being oppressed by the will of the world.

But now, he has enough confidence to fight against the will of the world, but when he fights, he is not sure to protect the world of Fairy Tail from being destroyed.This is the reason why Lu Zhuo wants to continue to increase his strength and continue to find new ways to easily suppress the will of the world.

At this time, at the top of the Paradise Tower, Gerald watched this scene through a magic projection, and a flash of fierceness and fanaticism flashed in his eyes.

"finally come……"

Although Lu Zhuo's way of teleporting directly across hundreds of miles shocked Gerald, he is a member of the council, and because he knew that Lu Zhuo's strength had reached the false abyss, he was extremely dignified.

(End of this chapter)

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