Chapter 329 Erza's Sword Intent (Subscribe)

"Who is Lu Zhuo?" A trace of doubt flashed across Turtledove's face, but he looked at Ersha with a smile and said, "The little girl named this non-magical power that can control flames Sword Intent, I didn't expect someone to have the same thoughts as me, I really want to meet, is that the man over there?"

Having said that, Turtledove glanced curiously at Lu Zhuo in the distance.

With this glance, Lu Zhuo was also looking at her.

From Lu Zhuo's eyes, it was as if he saw the stars and the ocean, the vast and boundless scene made Turtle Dove lose his mind suddenly.

"Distracted when playing against me, are you overconfident!"

Erza's cold voice came from the flames, and a ray of light flashed across her body, and she put on the Yandi's armor, and then grabbed the goblin sword and slashed hard.

The flame burst from the middle in an instant, and the torn sparks fell on Erza's Yandi's armor, and were instantly extinguished.

Immediately afterwards, Ersha's figure rushed out, the sword in her hand was like a line between heaven and earth, with a burst of sharp sword light, which turned into a sky full of sword energy, and suddenly fell.


Turtledove finally recovered from Lu Zhuo's incomparably deep gaze, watched the sword aura falling from the sky, glanced coldly, and then swung the sword fiercely in his hand.

When the two swords collided, there was a crisp sword cry, but the explosion of sword energy around them instantly covered it up.

"In this case, as a swordsman, one blow should determine the outcome!"

Because Turtledove was distracted, although he blocked the sword, he also took a few steps back, feeling a pain in his wrist.

In the original book, the last thing Turtledove used was the most common slash, to meet the strongest Erza's blow, so she failed, but now, she is extremely dignified, and directly took out her strongest attack.

Moonless Flow...Zhan Yue!
When the sword was swung, it seemed to flash with the light of the crescent moon. There was no sword energy all over the sky, and there was no sword light reaching the sky. All the power was condensed in that moon.

This sword, seemingly slow, is actually extremely fast.

During the flight, the crescent sword energy solidified quickly and gradually turned into a full moon!
"Oops, you can't let her gain momentum."

As soon as Ersha's expression turned cold, she was about to move forward quickly and break through the sword before it reached its peak, but she found that she couldn't move at all.

It wasn't because she couldn't move, but because the sword was extremely fast. Under the crisis, her consciousness became faster than the speed of the sword, but her body couldn't keep up with that speed at all.

Thinking of this, Erza was extremely dignified, and the only action left for her now was to swing the sword.

But swinging a sword, can it be blocked?
By the way... Lu Zhuo's swordsmanship...

At this moment, Ersha suddenly thought of Lu Zhuo's swordsmanship, which seemed to be calm but natural, and any magic, buildings, and armor would be shattered under his sword.

Lu Zhuo in the distance, watching this scene, suddenly smiled.

Erza, your sword intent is also one of the most powerful sword intents. You are worthy of my love, the queen of fairies.

Erza swung her sword slowly at this time.

This sword, unlike Lu Zhuo, completely controls the elements, and surpasses all things with sword intent.It's a sword, to break ten thousand spells!

She doesn't use the power of any elements, she doesn't use the sword intent to control the elements, but directly uses the sword intent itself, with one sword strike, thousands of elements are destroyed!
With a soft sound, the two swords collided.

Without a sound, Turtledove's expression suddenly changed, as if he wanted to say something, but was covered by the next roar.

The entire earth was torn apart by the confrontation of these two swords!

This is a battle between two peak swordsmen, and their destructive power is already comparable to that of great swordsmen.

"It's so powerful that I actually broke through... Am I going to die? My swordsmanship probably hasn't reached its peak yet."

Turtledove felt that Erza's sword intent instantly crushed her sword intent, and pressed towards her, inch by inch, death was close at hand!

For some reason, she suddenly thought of the look that Lu Zhuo and her had just looked at.That look is deep and infinite, as if carrying the stars of the universe.

At this moment, those eyes appeared again in front of her.

Lu Zhuo's figure suddenly appeared between the two, the place where the sword intent collided most violently!

Even if it is extremely strong steel and diamond, if it is placed in this position, it will be crushed by the clash of two sword intents.However, with such an earth-shattering power, even Lu Zhuo couldn't lift the hem of his clothes.

All sword intents were naturally stagnant in front of Lu Zhuo, not daring to take a step forward.

"Sister Erza, you have won."

Lu Zhuo looked at Ersha, smiled slightly, and said, "Congratulations on condensing your own sword intent."


Ersha nodded, seeing Lu Zhuo intervening, she was finally able to take back the sword in her hand.

Her sword intent is to break ten thousand spells with one sword, so this sword cannot be retracted unless it is blocked.If Lu Zhuo hadn't made a move just now, Turtledove would have died directly by her sword.

At this time, Lu Zhuo waved his hand lightly, and without hesitation used his original power to suppress time and space again.

At this moment, the turtledove felt like a dream.She has experienced the feeling of being on the verge of life and death many times, but this is the first time she has encountered this feeling of being saved while dying so close.

"Why... why did you save me?"

Looking at Lu Zhuo, although Turtledove was shocked by everything around her, including Ersha's frozen expression, the stagnant clouds in the sky, and the sound of the disappearing waves, she knew that all of this was done by the man in front of her.

"Because... I admire your sword skills."

Lu Zhuo looked at the turtledove, showing an admiring look, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and said, "Do you want to know the road ahead of you?"

"Your conditions?"

Turtle Dove smiled slightly, and instead of answering Lu Zhuo directly, he asked Lu Zhuo a rhetorical question.She is a mercenary, she knows that there is no such thing as a good thing, and she has to pay the price.

Even though Lu Zhuo saved her life, it was impossible for her to obey Lu Zhuo unconditionally, and she had to see what the conditions Lu Zhuo gave were.

"My condition... you can be my apprentice."

Lu Zhuo got straight to the point, but after saying this, there was a flash of reminiscence in his eyes.

Strictly speaking, even Erza is not his apprentice.Only one of his apprentices, Da Siqi, is qualified.

This girl is in the world of One Piece at this time, and she still hasn't given up her swordsmanship practice, even reaching the realm of swordsmanship.

In Lu Zhuo's view, Turtledove's talent is better than Da Siqi's, and maybe he is qualified to reach the Sword Origin Realm, and he might have the strength of a semi-holy or even a holy level.

"Accept me as a disciple?"

A look of surprise flashed across Turtledove's face, is this a condition?It felt as if it was all in her favour.Looking around at the suppressed time and space, the turtledove smiled.

"What is your swordsmanship like?"

(End of this chapter)

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