Chapter 333 Afterwards, You Are an Angel

"Hungry, this..." Lu Zhuo showed an embarrassing expression. His brother is still staying in his body at this time, and the current posture is Lu Zhuo riding on Angel's body. This makes Lu Zhuo, who is as thick as a star Zhuo also felt a bit of embarrassment.

What else can I do, anyway, I've already done it, so let's finish it!

Lu Zhuo also simply broke the jar, anyway, he was planning to take An Jie away, this was just a little earlier, um, and she couldn't accept it obediently.

At this moment, Angel, with a heartbroken expression, did not notice the change that happened to Lu Zhuo just now.

I came to look for Nirvana, and wanted to use Nirvana to conquer the world, but I didn't expect that I hadn't seen Nirvana yet, and I lost my most precious thing because of the influence of Nirvana.

However, she didn't suffer a loss, because she exchanged the most precious thing for something even more precious, something she might never get in her lifetime under normal circumstances.


At this time, Lu Zhuo's eyes were no longer joking and playful, but gentle.

No matter what the reason was, Angel had become his own woman anyway.Lu Zhuo's attitude towards his own woman was naturally completely different from before.

"just kill me……"

Angel's eyes were blank, she spoke indifferently, and lay there motionless.Even if Lu Zhuo lifted the restraint on her, she still looked like she was waiting to die.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo shook his head, knowing that what he did to her before was indeed too much.But since it has been done, it can only be compensated in other ways.

Standing up, Lu Zhuo lightly waved his hands, and the bodies of the two disappeared in a burst of golden light.

The next moment, in the sky of Aedlas, in a palace made of white clouds, the figures of two people fell instantly.

"Where is this? Have I... come to heaven?"

Angel's ashen-like eyes suddenly flashed a gleam of light, looking around, the palace made of white clouds was like a heavenly kingdom, with twelve gorgeous stars surrounding her feet, a gleam of joy suddenly appeared on her face .

Standing behind her, Lu Zhuo looked at her perfect body, but because of himself, there was a little flaw in her body, he sighed, and then opened his mouth lightly.

"Anjieer... from now on, you are an angel. In my holy place, the first angel."

After saying this, Lu Zhuo's figure flashed, and he came directly in front of Angel.

"You..." Angel was taken aback. He thought that he had been killed by Lu Zhuo, so he came to the kingdom of heaven, but it seemed that this was not the case.

The next moment, one of Lu Zhuo's fingers lightly touched her forehead.

"This is a gift from me to make you an angel..."

Lu Zhuo looked at Angel as if he was looking at the most beautiful and satisfying artwork.

A beam of colorful light suddenly shot out from Lu Zhuo's fingertips, and directly entered the center of An Jie'er's eyebrows.A dull look instantly appeared on Angel's pretty face.

"It's a pity that we haven't captured the origin of Fairy Tail world yet, so... that's all we can do for the time being."

After Lu Zhuo sighed, he showed a faint smile and waved his hands lightly.

Under the holy land made by Lu Zhuo, the surrounding twelve golden zodiac stars instantly shot out twelve golden rays of light.

The place covered by that light is Angel's body.

Surrounded by colorful and dazzling golden light, Angel's body as white as jade was slowly covered by a white veil.

According to the image in his heart, Lu Zhuo used his original power to forcibly turn Angel into an angel that belonged to him. This was also Angel's greatest long-cherished wish in his life.

However, without the original power of the Fairy Tail world, even though Lu Zhuo refined the world of Edras, it is still a little difficult to forcibly transform Angel into an angel.

Even with the blessing of the power of the twelve stars of the Golden Zodiac, this matter was done with extreme reluctance.

Finally, when Lu Zhuo's forehead was sweating a little, the golden light and colorful colors in front of him gradually dissipated.

What appeared there was Angel's new image, and behind it were twelve white wings, symbolizing the twelve-winged seraphim.On the head is the ring of angels that belong to the condensed power of the golden zodiac.

Lu Zhuo created this image by drawing on what he knew from his previous life, the people from Sky Island in the world of One Piece, and the image in Angel's heart.

"Unfortunately, without the origin of Fairy Tail, it is impossible to forcibly shape the power of the holy level after all."

Looking at Angel who has truly turned into an angel, Lu Zhuo still showed a trace of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Even with his original power, coupled with the fusion power of the Golden Zodiac, it only allowed Angel to reach the peak power of the semi-holy level.

However, from Lu Zhuo's point of view, he was not very satisfied, but from Angel's point of view, there was a look of shock in his eyes.

At that moment just now, she felt that her body was enveloped in a burst of warmth, and her strength was increasing without limit.

Gently shaking the jade hand, she only felt that even if she couldn't control that pure power perfectly, but wanted to obliterate her president, the second personality of Brian, the leader of the Six Demon Generals, was also waved. matter.

It can be said that as long as she has full control over the power she possesses now, even if she encounters Hades, Pluto, or even the seven-headed dragon that attacked during the Damo Dou Yanwu period, she can contend or even defeat it!

And this is just the power bestowed by Lu Zhuo!
"You... who are you?"

At this moment, An Jie'er looked at Lu Zhuo again, and there was no hostility in his eyes, but a trace of respect instead.This respect actually comes from the power of the star spirit on her body.

There is nothing to say about the power of the original source, but the golden halo bestowed by the golden zodiac is pure power of the star spirit. Strictly speaking, Angel is now like the king of the star spirit. Therefore, facing Lu Zhuo with a higher status, he would naturally show respect.

"I... I have many titles, Lu Zhuo, Sword Master, God..."

In Lu Zhuo's eyes, there was an expression of reminiscence, and he said: "I remember that there are titles such as Ghost Sword, Sword God, etc. Along the way, the titles that accompany me have become less and less."

"God..." Angel was silent for a while, at this time, because of her great strength, she almost understood everything.In Lu Zhuo in front of her, she could also feel that in Lu Zhuo's body, there was a power that even she was looking up to now.

"So, is there really a god in this world?"

Angel looked at her body and suddenly smiled.

"God is just a title. You can think that I am a god, or you can think that I am not a god. are my angel, and I am your man. That's all."

(End of this chapter)

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