Chapter 341 Slaying Nirvana!
"how is this possible!"

There was an expression of disbelief on his face, as soon as he opened his mouth, the blood line began to spurt blood.

With this sword, Erza cut open his Genesis...nothing, and even disemboweled himself.

It can be said that this guy is already in a state of dying.

It is said that people who are about to die have good words, but the fact is... they are about to die, and it is the last word to hold someone back!

Knowing his state, there was a hint of madness in Zero's eyes, and he let out a wild laugh, which made Jura and the others' faces change drastically.

"what are you doing?!"

Before everyone stepped forward, Zero's body exploded suddenly, turning into a cloud of blood mist, but as soon as the magic words were reached, they were also inserted into the core of Nirvana.

Seeing this scene, Xiang suddenly revealed a horrified expression.

"No, that's a self-explosive magic signal!"

"What, self-destruct?!"

At this moment, the expressions of Jura and the others all changed wildly.

How powerful is the source of magic power that can drive such a huge city to Nirvana?Once it explodes, its power may be no less than that of magic elves!

Even the entire Kingdom of Fiore may be affected, and these people will die without a place to bury them!

"Sound, quickly think of a way."

Leo on the side, with a look of shock and anger, shouted angrily.

However, after Xiang entered a few magic words, he was sweating profusely, and said, "No, it's too late. Even if you want to crack it, you need to give me 10 minutes. Now, it's only 1 minute away from self-destruct."

"One minute, can you destroy the magic source of Nirvana?!"

In this situation, Jura became more calm and explained the key point.

"It should be possible! This Nirvana seems to have six sources of magic power. We need to divide them into six groups and destroy them at the same time to destroy the source of magic power!"

Hearing Jura's words, Xiang Xiang seemed to think of something, and quickly said the method to destroy Nirvana.

"In that case, hurry up!"

With 1 minute left, Jura didn't say anything nonsense, and immediately started grouping, but when she saw Lu Zhuo, she was dumbfounded.

This guy Lu Zhuo was still hugging Ersha with a relaxed expression at this time, and then Wendy at the side carefully treated Ersha's minor wounds.

"Hey, it's going to explode in half a minute!"

Those who had already been divided into groups even started to run straight away. Seeing such a leisurely Lu Zhuo, they all showed a look like a madman.

"Brother Lu Zhuo, is it really all right?"

Wendy dispersed the healing magic, showing a worried look.

Erza looked at Wendy, smiled and said, "The second time I feel it, it's still a very strong healing magic. Don't worry, Lu Zhuo said it's fine, so it's fine."

Seeing Ersha lying in her arms with a trusting look on her face, and looking at Jura's impatient look over there, Lu Zhuo couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Lu Zhuo, there are ten seconds left, it's too late!"

"Don't be so troublesome." Lu Zhuo responded with a chuckle, then let go of Ersha and floated into the air.

The countdown was ringing profusely with sweat, and seeing the death line approaching step by step, the tension in my heart reached the extreme.

It's over!Ruined!

Just when he panicked and thought it was too late, Lu Zhuo looked calm and shook his wrist.

The Holy Dragon Sword turned into a red light and popped out suddenly, and was lightly held by Lu Zhuo.

"I told you, it's not that troublesome."

At the last second, Lu Zhuo said lightly, and then waved the holy dragon sword in his hand lightly.

A silence.

Nothing happened.

Everyone's eyes widened, you looked at me, I looked at you, showing doubts.

"No...didn't explode?!"

"Ring, what's going on?!"

There was also a puzzled look on Xiang's face, and he said, "It's strange, I don't know. But Nirvana's self-destruction was prevented, and the source of magic power disappeared inexplicably."

"Could it be that Mr. Lu Zhuo did it?" Jura realized at this time, no wonder Lu Zhuo and Ersha were so relaxed, they had already figured out a way, and Jura was convinced by Lu Zhuo at this time.

Just as he was about to walk over to thank Lu Zhuo, he found that after Lu Zhuo took back the Holy Dragon Sword, he waved Erza and Wendy into the air.

"This is……"

Just showing a puzzled look, everyone's face changed drastically in an instant.

With an earth-shattering loud noise, under the stunned and unbelievable eyes of everyone, Nirvana... the entire mobile city was suddenly disconnected from the middle!

The cut was extremely neat, as if it was cut open by a sharp knife.

But... how is this possible? !
"Hey, you've gone too far." Ersha also showed a look of shock on her face. Originally, she heard Lu Zhuo say it's okay, and he came to solve it. How could she have imagined that Lu Zhuo's solution turned out to be a solution? Did the sword cut Nirvana in half? !
Wendy's small mouth has been opened into an O shape, and she stammered, "This...was this made by brother Lu Zhuo? It' amazing!"

Everyone either jumped off Nirvana, or used magic to fly into the air until Nirvana, which was cut in half, fell to the sides and hit the ground with an earthquake-like roar.

"This... this is a miracle!"

"How can human power reach this level..."

Jura stood on the tall rock and iron wall, looking at the one that was even taller, Lu Zhuo with one arm around Ersha and Wendy with the other, showing a look of awe.

So, have you gotten to this point yet?Who is stronger than Jeff?

"But... terrible, is this his real strength?"

Naz and Gray looked at each other, and the two incompatible guys smiled wryly at the same time. The two of them were still thinking about challenging Lu Zhuo.

Leo and the others watched this scene with trembling legs.

I seem to have a conflict with Lu Zhuo? !It turned out that he was too strong and didn't bother to care about himself.

This time, Shirley was already petrified, and if she saw Lucy again, she would not dare to speak provocatively, but walked around.

The other Xiang, Xiu, and the others couldn't even speak, they all pointed at the scene, dumbstruck.

Lu Zhuo put his arms around Ersha and smiled, as if he didn't do it himself.

"wait for me."

Looking at the Nirvana that was cut open, Lu Zhuo's eyes showed a look that was so true, he gently opened the two girls, and then he came to the core of Nirvana in a flash.

Cutting open Nirvana is not just for pretending, Lu Zhuo wants to get the core of Nirvana, that is the magical power of fusion of light and darkness, just suitable for the current Lu Zhuo, after devouring it, he should be able to break into the holy level, Let's step into the abyss.

Thinking this way, Lu Zhuo found a crystal that was a strange fusion of light and darkness.

The crystallization was the same as the magic crystallization scene in Lu Zhuo's body, the only source of magic power.But... Lu Zhuo's body is only the size of a little finger, but the core of this Nirvana... is the size of a fist!

(End of this chapter)

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