Chapter 343 Opening of Sirius Island

My wives are still in Escalante, what if the source is really broken and I can't rescue it in time?I don't have the ability to resurrect the people in that world when the world is destroyed.

However, anyway, I also made a lot of money.

Feeling the essence that was ten times bigger in the body, Lu Zhuo laughed again, and then gently moved the essence, directly from the dantian, to the world of Aedlas between the eyebrows.

The source and the world reconnected, and everyone in the world of Edras could feel that the whole world seemed to become more energetic, and those magic molecules became more active and dense in an instant.

Even, the magical realm of many people has broken through because of this.

In connection with the heaven-piercing colorful miracle just now, everyone once again rushed towards the holy land in the sky, guarded by twelve golden planets.

"Thank you for the gift of the gods!"

Regarding this, Lu Zhuo just glanced lightly, and then returned to the Holy Land with a flash of his figure.

Looking at the girls gathered around, Angel, Erza, Lucy, Lisanna, Mira, Wendy, Rebby, Juvia, Karna.

"Are you interested in going to Escalante with me?" Lu Zhuo asked softly with a slight smile.

When Ersha heard this, she showed a very interested look, and said, "Of course, I really want to see what I look like over there."

"Lu Zhuo, can you take us there?" Mira smiled slightly, looking at Lu Zhuo with admiration and tenderness in her eyes.

The girls on the side also had similar expressions, Angel was almost tired of being thrown here by Lu Zhuo.

After smiling, Lu Zhuo said softly, "I'll take you there right away!"

Then, he waved his hand lightly.


Time and space were easily suppressed by him.

Wait until Sirius Island, let you come over.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhuo's figure gradually faded, and then appeared in Escalante.

As soon as he walked into the trade union, Lu Zhuo saw the mages in full swing.

"Lu Zhuo, you disappeared for another three months for no reason!" Mira pursed her lips, looking dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, I have something to do, and I told you in advance." Lu Zhuo smiled, stepped forward, and tipped her jade-like chin, like a prodigal son molesting a beautiful woman.

After lightly kissing her pink lips, Lu Zhuo turned his head and greeted Makarov who was beside him.

Makarov looked at Lu Zhuo, shook his head helplessly, and said, "You should be one of the examiners for this S-level assessment."


Lu Zhuo agreed directly, which surprised Makarov, remembering that Lu Zhuo hated these troublesome things the most.

Of course, Makarov didn't know at this time that Sirius Island would become the most lively stage this time.

After taking a sip of wine, Makarov calculated that the time was almost up.

Soon, when all the mages gathered, Makarov announced who had the qualifications for the S-level assessment.It is almost exactly the same as the original book, only one of the eight people can pass.

Lucy's home, back home, the eldest lady stretched comfortably, then scanned her bedroom and hall with vigilant eyes, and walked into the bathroom after finding that Lu Zhuo was nowhere to be seen.

"I'm so tired, I feel much better after taking a bath...Ahhh!"

Seeing a person suddenly appearing in the bathtub, the eldest lady yelled out in fright, although it was not the first time she had such an experience.

But this time, after taking a closer look, the figure in the bathtub was not Lu Zhuo with a smirk on his face, but Kana who was lying there quietly with a complicated expression.

Couldn't help but rolled her eyes, Lucy said she was powerless to complain.

Has my home completely become a place in the guild that anyone can enter?
So, where is Lu Zhuo?

Thinking of finding Lu Zhuo in the bathtub almost every time she took a bath, Lucy had a very strange expression this time, then put Lu Zhuo aside, and started talking with Kana.

At this moment, Lu Zhuo was sitting at Kildas' home, sipping a glass of wine with a calm face.

And Gildas, sitting opposite him, was smoking a big cigar.

"How do you feel?" Lu Zhuo asked after smiling.

Of course Gildas knew what Lu Zhuo was asking, a trace of helplessness and fear suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he said, "No way, that guy is too powerful."

"Of course, he is also a black dragon king!"

Laughing a few times, Lu Zhuo drank all the wine in the glass, then snapped his fingers at Kildas.

A ray of colorful light shone out, and under Kildas' surprised eyes, Kildas's broken leg and chest that had been eroded by the dark force and had not been completely healed began to grow in an instant.

The granulation grew wildly, and the artificial leg made of wood was broken in an instant. Then, in a short while, the injury on the chest was completely healed, and the leg regrown.


There was a look of shock in Gildas' eyes. With such power, even the Heavenly Dragon Grantini, known as the strongest healing magic, probably couldn't do it.

"Could it have reached that level?"

"Well, almost." Lu Zhuo said vaguely, then stood up, looked at Kildas, and punched suddenly.

Unprepared, Gildas flew upside down, crashing his house into a big hole.


The very embarrassed Gildas coughed a few times, stood up, and asked with a surprised face: "Hey, do you want to fight?! Don't think that I will be afraid of you if you reach that level."

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo laughed a few times, and said: "It's not a fight, um, because we are more alike, so I will help you heal your wounds, and because we are not like each other, so I will punch you."


Gildas touched the back of his head suspiciously. He was not an idiot, but he still couldn't understand Lu Zhuo's meaning.

Until Lu Zhuo walked in front of him, glared at him fiercely, and said: "You bastard, it's already very wrong to let your own woman be careless, and you don't even know that your own daughter is by your side for so many years. Her existence is why I want to beat you."

"What... my daughter?!"

Kildath's mouth suddenly opened wide enough to hold three eggs.

On the other side, the eldest lady was lying in the bathtub with Kanna, and Lucy was stunned when she heard the secret that Kanna said.

"Alas?! Are you the daughter of Gildas?!"

Surprised, the young miss's face became more and more curious, and she couldn't help asking the bottom line.

At this time, Gildas also looked at Lu Zhuo with a surprised face, and then the light in his eyes became brighter, and said: "So that's the case! I'm going to find her!"

"Forget about it, we're going to Sirius Island now."

(End of this chapter)

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