Chapter 350 Urrutia and Jeff
"But...she is so strong, Wendy is much worse than her. Brother Lu Zhuo, can you make me as strong as her? saved."

Hearing Little Wendy's words, Lu Zhuo's expression became strange.

It's very simple to get strength, just sleep with yourself... This shit is too abducting loli, why does she feel a strong sense of guilt, absolutely not!
What's more, Wendy still has the soul of a heavenly dragon in her body. Even if it is a dragon, Lu Zhuo will not like to be watched by the sidelines.

"This...Wendy, strength is acquired slowly, don't think about shortcuts..."

Just when she was about to get rid of Wendy's thoughts, Big Wendy had already killed Azma, and came over with a giggle. Her character was just the opposite of the shy Wendy, she was carefree, very similar to Kanna.

Rubbing Little Wendy's head, Big Wendy laughed and gave Lu Zhuo a strange look.

"Little Wendy, my sister told you that as long as you have sex with your brother Lu Zhuo, you can gain strength."

Before she could finish speaking, little Lolita's face flushed red, the heat was rising from her forehead, and her two little hands quickly covered her little face.

"You're so shy, haha!" Big Wendy laughed again as she watched this scene.

Lu Zhuo on the side, with black hair, only two characters in his heart... Speechless.

The matter here is over, and the camera turns to Urutia, who is on the island with her adopted daughter Melti.

Unlike the original book, Urrutia was almost uninterrupted, and he saw Zeref, who was sitting by the river with a sad face and seemed harmless to humans and animals.

"Master Jeff... finally found you!"

Seeing Zeref's figure, Urrutia showed an excited look on his face.

No matter how strong Lu Zhuo is, he never showed his full strength in front of her, so she never felt that Lu Zhuo could surpass Jeff, but she just felt that Lu Zhuo was very mysterious and unpredictable, which just happened to restrain her.

"This war...was it brought by you?" Jeff turned around, looked at Urrutia, still looking harmless to humans and animals, and asked softly.

"Yes, Lord Jeref, you haven't lifted the seal yet, our key is ready, and with your help, we will enter the age of great magic..."

There is still half a sentence that she didn't say, which is "I will be able to resurrect my mother Ulu..."

"You... make me very angry."

Plain, after one sentence, it is still plain.

But the moment Jeff stood up, his eyes burst out with an extremely fierce light, and his momentum was monstrous!

That is, an abyss-level powerhouse, showing his power and power!

Even though most of the people Jeff killed were out of necessity, as long as he killed someone, he would have a murderous aura on him.

Undoubtedly, 400 years ago, the massacre of Jeref in the whole world, his murderous aura is only stronger than that of Lu Zhuo!

In front of this aura, Urrutia's face paled immediately, and Melti at the side even fell to the ground.

" haven't been sealed?!"

"I've been awake all the time." With a cold expression on his face, Jeff glanced at Urrutia faintly. The murderous intent seemed to condense into substance, making Urrutia feel short of breath.

"Let me feel the preciousness of life again...You guys, damn it!"

Plain words, but with a chill that can freeze people's blood.

Jeff took a step forward, and a burst of black air suddenly burst out. This was not an unconscious death hunt, but Jeff's real action!
Black magic... Extinct!

There was a sound of a sword dancing through the air, and countless black rays of light turned into silk threads shining with jet-black light, forming a large black net with a sharp murderous intent.

"Do not……"

Urrutia never expected that such a situation would happen after seeing Jeff!

Under such circumstances, any rhetoric or tricks would be useless at all. She knew very well that if Jeff wanted to kill her, she would surely die.

"Urrutia, go!" At this moment, Melti's eyes showed firmness, and he jumped in front of Urrutia, as if he wanted to block this black magic for Urrutia.

However, the big net trembled slightly in the air, and it came in a flash with a fierce momentum that could cut through space.

Both Melti and Urrutia shrank their pupils, and there was no time to react. Even if Melti blocked in front, the result would be the same, both of them would die under this move.

There is no way to escape the mortal situation!
Even with the power that Urrutia possesses now, he can barely entangle when encountering a semi-holy abyss, but in front of a real saint-level abyss mage, he is an ant that can be killed in one move.

At this moment, what popped up in Urutia's mind was the figure of Lu Zhuo.

Can that villain... save himself?I don't want to die, I want to resurrect my mother...

"Urrutia, you are really naughty..."

This voice rang in Urrutia's ears, it was like the sound of nature, and it made Urrutia even want to throw himself into Lu Zhuo's arms to vent for a moment.


A crystal clear finger, as if piercing through the space, gently poked on the black net.

This scene made Jeff's look even colder.

Then, that black net, as if unable to bear the strength of a single finger, suddenly collapsed, turning into black air and scattering into the world.

"Lu Zhuo..."

When Urrutia saw the figure that appeared out of thin air, there was excitement in his eyes, but the next moment, the excitement turned into embarrassment.

Because Lu Zhuo directly pulled her over, hugged her by the waist, put a pad on his thigh, and slapped her hard buttocks a few times.

"You..." Urrutia, who was ashamed and annoyed, was beaten a few times, but felt trembling all over, his face was red to the base of his ears, his delicate body was weak, and he didn't even have the strength to speak.

"Don't hurt Urutia!" Melti, who was on the side, looked at this scene and rushed towards Lu Zhuo again.

Lu Zhuo glanced at her indifferently, um, not bad, a short-haired beauty with big breasts.

After getting this evaluation, Lu Zhuo lightly raised his hand, and pulled her over, just placed it on Urrutia's back, and slapped her ass three times.

As for why she was spanked, well, Lu Zhuo said it was just an itchy hand...

Jeff on the other side looked at this scene and was stunned for a moment, then he seemed to show a helpless expression.

"You...we met again."

"Yes, Jeff." Lu Zhuo gently put down the two girls, looked at Jeff, and smiled faintly.

"Ah...this war started because of me again, I don't want to hurt my life any more, please...kill me." Zeref sighed, with deep pain in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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