Chapter 352
The fairy queen, with absolute confidence in her eyes, believed that Lu Zhuo would definitely be able to defeat the black dragon, but at this moment, she was confused by the words of that strong man from another world.

Beside her, stood exactly like her, as if they were Erza and Natwoka walking out of the mirror.

All the women in Edras know that Lu Zhuo's identity is actually a supreme being from another world.Moreover, it has also become the god of Edras.

At this time, it is obvious that there is no need to keep the secret, because Erza and Shukalette.Mira, Lucy, and the other girls all have their hearts tied to Lu Zhuo.

Even if there are other women around Lu Zhuo who can bear it, then will there be any resistance to Lu Zhuo's origin and identity?

"This guy...hmph, how dare you lie to me for so long..." After Erza found out, her tone was icy cold, causing Nazgray and the others around her to retreat a long distance away.

Sister Ersha is a little angry, it seems that Lu Zhuo needs to work harder if he wants to sleep in her bed...

In the sky at this moment, Lu Zhuo held a crimson sword in his hand that also carried a dragon's might.

Holy Dragon Sword!
"'re saying the wrong thing, you...are my prey." Gently raising the sword in his hand, all the expressions on Lu Zhuo's face disappeared, and his expression was incomparably indifferent.

At this moment, Lu Zhuo had suppressed all his other emotions, and the next thing to do was to focus on fighting!
"Your sword..." When Heilong saw Lu Zhuo taking out the holy dragon sword, a shocked expression appeared in Heilong's eyes, followed by joy.

If it can swallow the holy dragon sword, it can also break through that level of realm.

It is at the peak of the holy level, because the world of Fairy Tail is currently unowned. If it has enough power, comparable to the power of a true saint, there is still a slight hope that it can control the world in turn and become a true saint. .

But... that's hard, hard.

Even if it swallowed the Holy Dragon Sword, Jeref, and even all the original power in Lu Zhuo's body, the chance of it being able to resist successfully and become a true saint is less than [-]%.It can even be said that it is less than one percent!

"I want to transcend the mother world where you were born and raised you..." Lu Zhuo looked at the black dragon, and at this moment, he should have sighed, but he had temporarily suppressed all his emotions.

One sword... the sky is destroyed!

A sharp light flashed in his eyes, Lu Zhuo didn't say any more nonsense, and swung the holy dragon sword in his hand in the most excited state.

Between heaven and earth, there was a roar.

The clouds of thousands of miles exploded and collapsed completely, and a huge crack was cut through the void by this sword, and even that crack was still spreading.

Ding Dong!

The sword collided with the claws raised by the black dragon, which were covered in an incomparably condensed magic power.

When the sword was released, the sky and the earth roared, but when it touched the target of the attack, there was no sound.

Lu Zhuo's body receded lightly.

The vision of the collapse of the world also gradually disappeared.

In front of him, on the claw of the black dragon, there was a bloodstain as deep as the bones!
"Isn't it cut off?"

Lu Zhuo looked indifferent, with the sharpness of the holy dragon sword and his sword skills at the peak of the sword origin, the black dragon resisted a blow, and his claws were not cut off.

In comparison, the black dragon was furious.

So what if he is the supreme being from another world, he is also the strongest in this world, it is unforgivable for him to dare to hurt himself!
With an earth-shattering roar, the black dragon's two claws seemed to cut through the void, and with the flapping of its two huge wings, the shattered clouds of thousands of miles were completely blown away.

"Humans, die!"

That was the black dragon's roar and fierce killing intent...

However... Lu Zhuo's expression didn't change at all, his eyes turned cold, his figure flashed again, and he came to the top of the black dragon's head before it raised its claws, and raised the holy dragon sword.

This sword, from top to bottom, fell like a star!
One sword... the stars fall.

If the first sword is a sweep, which can cut off the sky and the earth, then this sword can shoot down the sun, moon and stars!

Feeling the power of this sword, the black dragon finally showed a touch of shock in his heart.

The two huge claws can no longer be sent forward. Due to its size, its speed is always slower than that of humans. Of course, it is humans of the same level.

If compared to those below the holy level, then the speed of the black dragon is definitely not slow.

Its two claws made a decisive decision, bursting into a ball of dazzling light, like a shooting star, swung up from bottom to top, and collided with Lu Zhuo's sword for the second time.

This time, there was an earth-shattering roar.

One sword is like falling stars, but two claws are like two shooting stars piercing the sky.

In this collision, the black dragon's body was directly blasted into the sea!

Everyone who watched this scene, including Jeff, felt dazzled.

This kind of swordsmanship, this kind of duel, is the most exciting battle between heaven and earth!
"Okay... so powerful!"

"Is this Lu Zhuo's true strength?"

One sword made the black dragon bleed, and one sword blasted it into the sea.This visual shock made Lucy Lebby and the others look extremely envious.

Their man... so strong.Even humans from other worlds, so what.No matter who he is, this life belongs to him...

On the other side, the Magic Council, who were watching the battle, were shocked and their jaws dropped.

"I... I'm not mistaken, I can fight the black dragon... and even put that Akunologia at a disadvantage!"

"Even Zeref... doesn't have such power!"

"That he really human?!"

On the sea, there was a terrifying roar, and a violent explosion occurred on the sea surface, setting off huge waves.

The figure of the black dragon rushed out suddenly, rushing towards the sky.

A pair of dragon claws were bloody, and some of the scales were broken.

It should be enough to be proud of being able to face Lu Zhuo's sword head-on without completely cutting off his claws.But Heilong obviously didn't think so.

As the strongest person in the world, when did he suffer such humiliation!

" angered me!"

The black dragon roared, and its huge body suddenly exploded in a layer of pitch-black, incomparably evil power.

A blood-red force suddenly spread from its body, directly covering the entire dragon body.

Looking at this scene in the distance, Zeref's pupils shrank. "Here it comes, it's serious!"

Under the wrapping of that blood-red power, the black dragon's body suddenly doubled in size!
The shrinking of the body means that the strength has been concentrated, it is at least twice as strong as before!
And that blood-red thing actually left dense, shocking-looking blood-red patterns on the body of the black dragon, which are exactly the same as the patterns on the holy dragon sword!
(End of this chapter)

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