Chapter 361 Eclair's Heart
"Akelea...are you alright, I'm here to protect you!" The next moment, Mengmeng flapped his wings and flew over with a murderous look, holding a wooden stick that he found somewhere.

Akelea turned her head slightly, and instantly regained her iceberg beauty, as if the smile just now was just a dream.

"It's really...a different girl." Lu Zhuo murmured as he watched Ekelea hug Mengmeng's back.

At this time, Akelea seemed to think of something, and suddenly turned around in panic.

"They...they stole the Phoenix Stone!"

Seeing Ekelea with an anxious face, as if she had encountered a tragedy, Lu Zhuo patted his forehead.Patronizing on Akelea, I almost forgot about the damn stone.

But it doesn't matter, what kind of phoenix or something, just let it be revived, just grab it and give it to Ekeley Adam's mount.

Thinking of this in his heart, Lu Zhuo showed a 'dignified' look, and said: "Then, the Phoenix is ​​likely to be resurrected."

"It must not be revived!" Ekelea rubbed her temples, seemed to recall something, and murmured: "I seem to have remembered that there is a way to kill the phoenix. If it is too late to chase them, then We can only look for props to kill the phoenix, and kill it completely after the phoenix is ​​revived."

"Akelea...if Phoenix dies." Lu Zhuo really looked at Akelea with a serious face this time. Although in the original book, Akelea dedicated herself without hesitation, but now, Still have to look at this girl's heart.

Akelea responded without hesitation, with a firm expression on her face.

"I have lived for 400 years and witnessed countless tragedies. In this kind of life, there is nothing to miss. If I can kill Phoenix, everything will be fine."

Lu Zhuo looked at Ekelea quietly, then suddenly stepped forward, and under her surprised gaze, he gently hugged her in his arms.

"Akelea...I won't let you die. I will be your future partner and accompany you to the end of the world."

Hearing Lu Zhuo's somewhat tactful confession, Akelea's little face was flushed, subconsciously, she also opened those tender arms, and hugged Lu Zhuo lightly.

"I like your company very much. I finally met the partner I want, and I don't want to leave... But, if you can kill Phoenix, please don't show mercy, okay? Promise me."

"I..." Just as Lu Zhuo wanted to say that he could abuse the so-called phoenix, Ekelea's jade-like finger gently pressed his lips.

Akelea looked at Lu Zhuo seriously, and said, "Promise me..."

In this state, what else can Lu Zhuo do, he can only nod helplessly.Anyway, when the time comes, just blow up the damn Phoenix.

Seeing Lu Zhuo nodding, Akelea hugged Lu Zhuo again, with a trace of moisture in her eyes.

Mengmeng obediently watched this scene from the side, and did not step forward to disturb the two of them.

Lu Zhuo didn't expect that the relationship between him and Ekelea would be shortened in an instant after the continuous accidents.

Although he hasn't made it clear yet, Lu Zhuo knows that Ekelea's iceberg-like heart has already been melted by him, and he is only one step away from falling in love with him completely.

But this step is a natural barrier, a knot in the heart.

If the problem of Phoenix cannot be solved, then Ekelea will definitely bury this heart in the deepest place forever. His love is deeply engraved in her heart.

In the depths of the Baontali forest, among a dilapidated house, two figures walked in.

Akelea walked to the table with some vague memories.

The projection magic set by her father, Claude, a magic researcher 400 years ago, finally bloomed after 400 years.

"Akelea...Since you have seen this picture, it proves that my withered body can no longer hold on..."

"Akelea, I have already researched the magic that can kill the phoenix, but it seems that it should not be used."

"Akelea, I can feel that you have found your partner..."

The figure of the wizard Cloud, suspended in the air in the light curtain, spoke almost exactly the same words as in the original book.In the end, Ekelea knew that he was her father, who had passed away in 400 years, and finally couldn't help crying.

Lu Zhuo sighed, stepped forward and held her in his arms.

She didn't struggle, and quietly vented her feelings in Lu Zhuo's arms.

After a long time, Akelea raised her head, her beautiful cheeks were covered with two tear stains, and the hair on her forehead also became a little messy.

Lu Zhuo gently smoothed the messy hair on her forehead, and then wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with his sleeve.

"Let's go."

Holding Ekelea's little hand, Lu Zhuo led her out.

"Lu Zhuo... such a life, even if it is eternal, what's the point. I'm sorry... I can't accept your love... I really can't... I don't want to watch you die one day..."

Akelea was pulled by Lu Zhuo and didn't struggle, but the tears in her eyes overflowed again involuntarily.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo stopped, turned around, and looked at her tenderly.

"Akelea, I will not die, I will stay by your side until the end of the world!"

After all, without waiting for Ekelea to speak, Lu Zhuo directly hugged her head and kissed her lips.


I kept my first kiss for 400 years, and just gave it to this man... Ekelea's eyes gradually became blurred from sad, and her body began to heat up, becoming softer.

In order not to be disturbed, Lu Zhuo directly threw Mengmeng, a little bird, to Extania to play with those cats.

This kiss was deep and long.

It wasn't until Akelea's breathing was so short that she almost suffocated that Lu Zhuo reluctantly let go of her lips.

"I..." Ekelea looked at Lu Zhuo with a very complicated expression, except for not blaming Lu Zhuo for kissing her, everything else was mixed together.Just as she was about to speak, Lu Zhuo gently stretched out her finger and blocked her small mouth.

"Don't talk, okay? Believe me, Phoenix can be solved, and you won't die. I will let you stay by my side forever."

At this moment, Lu Zhuo domineeringly announced the ownership of Akelea, then gently bent down, hugged Akelea by a princess, and took a light step.

With every step, the surrounding trees galloped past. The speed surprised Ekelea.

But at this time, it doesn't matter whether Lu Zhuo is using magic or what.

"I'll take you to subdue that phoenix..."

Lu Zhuo, who was galloping constantly while hugging Akelea, kissed Akelea gently on the forehead, looked at her tenderly, and felt the soft and boneless body in his arms.


For some reason, at this moment, Akelea had the idea of ​​believing in Lu Zhuo. Even she was surprised, but she just believed, believed that Lu Zhuo could subdue the Phoenix, and believed that... Lu Zhuo would not lie to her.

(End of this chapter)

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