Chapter 364 A Firm Step

The sun shines on the earth with golden brilliance, like a fairyland on earth.

Lu Zhuo gently looked at Akelea, who was dressed but seemed a bit awkward when walking, and said softly, "I hug you?"

"You carry me on your back." Akelea smiled softly, an iceberg girl who opened her heart, that kind of warmth.

Kissing her lightly, looking at her bright and loving eyes on her pretty face with a hint of blush, Lu Zhuo felt extremely satisfied and delighted.

Picking her up, Lu Zhuo didn't use any strength, just walked along like this.

Out of the town, into the grassland, into the forest.

Any ferocious beasts were naturally avoided, because a golden phoenix hovered above Lu Zhuo's head.

Where Lu Zhuo's feet have measured, flower buds are competing to bloom, and the grass is full of dew. Wherever he passes by, it is as beautiful as poetry and picturesque.

This special power is the expression of the way of heaven and the truth in every move after becoming a true saint.

These flowers and plants are not so much stimulated by power to become lush, it is better to say that they are on a pilgrimage!

Lu Zhuo walked lightly, and the various auras he inadvertently exuded made Akelea on his back a little addicted.

From time to time, he said a few witty words to her, and Lu Zhuo felt that he hadn't experienced this kind of naturalness and warmth for a long time.

The change in mood also affected the changes in Lu Zhuo's body.

The world of Fairy Tail and the world of One Piece were originally suppressed by Lu Zhuo forcibly, but a little bit of fusion looks extremely blunt.

But now, it is as if the ice melted and became natural.

If this state can be maintained, the two worlds will merge perfectly!

At that time, Lu Zhuo's strength may leap to the peak level of the median true saint.

After Lu Zhuo became a middle-ranked true saint, his perception became much stronger than that of a low-ranked true saint.

He could even feel that in the turbulent flow of the void, across a long distance, there were countless worlds dotted with stars.

The Small Thousand World, the Middle Thousand World, and even the Great Thousand World.

Or, to put it more comfortably, the low world, the middle world, the high world...and the pinnacle world.

The so-called pinnacle world, Lu Zhuo has already noticed and inferred, it is no longer a single world of animation, movie, or novel, but the sum of the entire Two-dimensional.

Although it is very difficult for a true saint to appear, it is difficult for a low-rank true saint to appear in ten low-rank worlds. In ten middle-rank worlds, it may be possible to appear a low-rank true saint who can conquer other small worlds, but if it is a middle-rank true saint, then No one in a hundred.

Even so, in the vast and infinite Two-dimensional world, there are definitely more than a few middle-ranked true saints, and even upper-ranked true saints. In this way, the Two-dimensional world is composed of countless spaces, countless low-level, middle-level, and high-level worlds. , may be called the pinnacle world, an unsurpassable pinnacle.

This is not the first time for Lu Zhuo to feel his own insignificance. In his previous life, when he looked up at the starry sky on the earth, he could always feel his own insignificance and the vastness of the universe. However, when he came to the world of One Piece, he stepped up to the peak step by step, and at the same time felt the insignificance of the world. Big, vast.

When he became the next true saint, Lu Zhuo even had a slight sense of complacency. However, after years of plotting and calculating, he finally captured the world of Fairy Tail and became the middle true saint, and it fell apart.

The two-dimensional world is so vast that even Lu Zhuo, a middle-ranked true sage, cannot peek into the other side.Even Lu Zhuo felt that even if he became a high-ranking true saint, he would not be able to explore this infinite world.

Because, as long as the three-dimensional dimension still exists, a new plane is being born in the two-dimensional world every moment.For three-dimensional life, one idea is enough to create a world in Two-dimensional.

So, Lu Zhuo thought again, then whether the earth in his previous life, the earth in the three-dimensional world, would be a higher-dimensional life, created by a single thought.

It is precisely because I know my insignificance that I will work hard!
Breathing the air between heaven and earth, with energy and fresh air, Lu Zhuo had a firm look in his eyes.

Since there is a road ahead, I have to keep going.Now, the nerves that had been tense because of plotting against the world's will gradually relaxed.

After that, Lu Zhuo felt that he would not be a god in this world for long, so he would continue to go to other worlds to explore the vast Two-dimensional.

Lu Zhuo discussed these words with Ekelea one by one.

Eclair, who has witnessed the 400-year history, has a heart far beyond that of Lu Zhuo's other women. Many emotions and thoughts made Lu Zhuo deeply admire.

After all, although he has the strength of a middle-ranked true sage, Lu Zhuo is essentially just a human being who is not yet a hundred years old and has an ordinary youthful heart.

"Akelea, now you know that you will be by my side in your future eternal life."


Akelea leaned gently on Lu Zhuo's back, with a hint of expression in her beautiful eyes, she said softly: "I never thought that your origin would be so surprising."

"Although I have made psychological preparations, what you said, those vast worlds, and even the three-dimensional world where you lived in your previous life, make people feel extremely ethereal and illusory."

Hearing Akelea's words, Lu Zhuo stopped suddenly, put her down, put his hands on her shoulders, looked at her tenderly, and said softly: "Actually, at my level, sometimes I still feel confused and confused. Scared, I'm afraid, it's just a dream."

"A dream? But, I really exist by your side." Akelea's eyes were filled with deep love, her pretty face was flushed, and it touched Lu Zhuo's heartstrings.

Unable to bear it, Lu Zhuo bowed his head and kissed deeply.

Akelea responded to her affectionately. When Lu Zhuo confides in her and tells her everything without reservation, she knows that this man who has become a legend and a god is just an ordinary mortal. .

No sound, no clothes, on the beautiful grassland, the gods and witches are doing the most primitive and happiest things.


Walking slowly with both feet, it took Lu Zhuo and Ekelea two full months to walk back to Magnolia.

At this moment, the Fairy Tail guild is preparing for the Great Demon Fight!

In contrast, as soon as he returned to the guild, Lu Zhuo saw that the envoy of the Magic Council came specially for him.

I took the trouble to dismiss it, but got another holy magician title that surpassed the top ten magicians, and a more domineering holy magician robe. Basically, there was no real gain.

In comparison, the Kingdom of Fiore showed much more sincerity after learning of Lu Zhuo's return.Although it was just a piece of news, it was Princess Emerald, the queen who would inherit the throne in the future, who decided the news of the other half.


(Kavinka's amazing, excessive plot, and the last part of the Fairy Tail world, I find it difficult to write, this chapter is also a bit watery, and my mind is muddled. Please allow Xiaofeng to sleep well, during the day
renew. )
(End of this chapter)

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