Chapter 367
Princess Jade coughed lightly twice, with a blush on her pretty face, looked at Lu Zhuo, and said softly: "After seeing you, I found that although you look like an ordinary person, you are almost Everything is perfect and impeccable, which I really like very much.”

After all, she was a princess, and after speaking such words that were close to confession, she only showed a hint of the shyness of a little daughter, and continued to sit there openly, looking at Lu Zhuo.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo smiled, looked at her, and said, "Is this considered satisfactory to me as a son-in-law?"

"Well, I'm satisfied. Besides, whether I'm satisfied or not doesn't seem to be of any use, it all depends on what you want." Princess Emerald looked at Lu Zhuo and said softly. At this moment, she didn't look like a princess, but rather a maid.

Lu Zhuo couldn't help but sigh in his heart, at this step, even the princess of a big country is allowed to pick by himself, all because of his strength.

Getting a little closer, Lu Zhuo naturally grabbed Princess Jade's little hand.

Princess Jade struggled a little, then let Lu Zhuo pull her along.

"I heard that during the seven years I've been away, there have been six Demon Fighting performances?" With a touch of tenderness in his eyes, Lu Zhuo looked at Princess Jade, and he already recognized her.

Princess Jade nodded, looking interested, and said, "Do you want to know the details of these six times?"

"Tell me about it." Lu Zhuo smiled slightly, rubbed her tender little hands, and then lay down, leaning directly in her arms, and resting his head on her jade-like thigh.

Princess Emerald blushed slightly, but she didn't push Lu Zhuo away, allowing Lu Zhuo to do such an intimate gesture, and then softly explained the interesting stories of the six times of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts.

No one saw this scene, but the old king found out that Lu Zhuo had entered Princess Jade's room, and when he didn't come out, he felt joyful and complicated.

When the old king thought about it, there was really no better son-in-law than Lu Zhuo.Since Lu Zhuo didn't come out, it proves that Lu Zhuo must be satisfied with Princess Jade. The only thing he worries about now is what to do if his precious daughter doesn't like Lu Zhuo.

"It's really... a country is trembling in front of a person. Who can experience this feeling." Laughing dumbfounded, the old king walked into his palace with trembling steps.

And Lu Zhuo just swaggered and lived in Princess Jade's boudoir, no one dared to say anything.

In a few days, Lu Zhuo had a general understanding of what guilds had developed and how they had developed in the past seven years, which was unknown in the original book.

"...Just like that, the tiger biting the sword became the number one..." Princess Jade leaned gently on Lu Zhuo's shoulder, her voice was as sweet as a silver bell, and her pretty face was full of happiness.

In the past few days, the relationship between the two has developed rapidly. Although Lu Zhuo did not directly eat the Emerald Princess because of the face of the Emerald Princess, or the face of the royal family, it will be a matter of time before the Emerald Princess becomes his wife.

After all, Lu Zhuo is no longer the character he was when he first time traveled. It can be seen from the fact that he is still patient with Wendy and wants to give Wendy the best memories.

At this time, the opening time of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts Competition was approaching, and the mighty army of the Magisters Guild entered the king's capital, Kulocas.

Standing in the highest palace in the capital, where you can see the entire city, Lu Zhuo gently put his arms around Princess Jade's shoulders, watching the countless wizards' guilds entering the arena below, among them, the Fairy Tail team also has arrived.

"Your Royal Highness, Lord Sword Saint, the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts is ready, and it will kick off at twelve o'clock tonight!" A knight commander walked in, held the sword at his waist, and pointed at Lu Zhuo respectfully. And performed a knight salute with Emerald Princess.

"Understood, you go down." Princess Emerald replied lightly.

"Yes!" The knight commander saluted again, and then retreated.

Lu Zhuo looked at Princess Jade, smiled suddenly, and said, "Do you want to go out and play?"

Ever since the prince of the Kingdom of Fiore was casually killed by Hades of the Gate of Hades, the Emerald Princess has become a flower in the greenhouse. Although there is a chance to leave the palace, she can only walk around the flower capital Kulokas for a while. Turn around, and with a lot of knights, wherever you go, there are kneeling figures, which is meaningless at all.

Hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Princess Jade revealed a touch of joy, and said, "Is this okay? It's dangerous outside..."

Speaking of this, she herself burst out laughing, thinking that Lu Zhuo beside her could kill even a black dragon, and the recognized strongest person in the world, if there is still danger by Lu Zhuo's side, then even staying in the palace It won't be safe here either.

The defensive strength of the ten imperial palaces was also inferior to that of Lu Zhuo alone.

Gently rubbing Princess Jade's emerald-like hair, Lu Zhuo said with a smile: "With me here, you can play wherever you want in the future, and no one can hurt you."

"Okay, wait for me to change my clothes..." Princess Emerald agreed immediately, but she couldn't go out wearing her clothes, otherwise, she would kneel and worship wherever she went, which would be boring.

"Don't look back." Looking at Lu Zhuo who was still standing by the window, Emerald Princess had a shy look on her face.

Lu Zhuo waved his hand casually, jokingly, if Lu Zhuo wanted to see, he could see what Princess Emerald was doing from the sky.The little girl's request also made Lu Zhuo a little funny, and instead had the idea of ​​teasing her.

Dressing alone, especially girls' skirts, is a hassle.

Just as Princess Emerald was trying to pull a zipper, two fingers suddenly stretched out from the void and helped her close the zipper all at once.

This moment shocked Princess Jade, because Lu Zhuo's figure was still standing in front of the window, and these two fingers that appeared out of thin air seemed to come across space.

There is no doubt that only Lu Zhuo can do this.

"You...Master Juggernaut is bullying weak women again!" Princess Jade got angry and bit those two fingers hard.

"What's wrong with me, I didn't look back." Lu Zhuo still looked out of the window and laughed, but Princess Jade knew that Lu Zhuo must have seen everything.

"Hmph, I'll ignore you like this again!" Princess Jade would never have joked with Lu Zhuo or blatantly said such words against Lu Zhuo when they first met.

But now, the relationship between the two has reached such an intimate level.

After smiling, Lu Zhuo stopped teasing her, and when she got dressed, Lu Zhuo jumped down from the balcony of the palace while hugging her slender waist while she cried out in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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