Chapter 374 Kagura VS Yukino
"My God, this woman..."

"You even bet your life, it seems that you have the belief that you will win, and you are worthy of being a tiger bitten by a sword!"

Under the horrified eyes of countless people, the battle kicked off.

"The door of Pisces, open!"

Xue Nai's expression was calm, the key in her hand shook slightly, and the contract magic words were issued, instantly summoning Pisces among the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Lu Zhuo, who was watching this scene from a high place, nodded slightly, and said with a light smile, "You were not Kagura's opponent in the first place, but now even though the zodiac signs are much stronger because of me, Kagura is even stronger... "

"Hey, what does that Kagura have to do with you?" Princess Emerald beside Lu Zhuo asked curiously.

"It's my sister." Lu Zhuo replied with a smile.

Princess Jade flattened her mouth, puffed her face, and said, "Why do all the beauties have something to do with you? Doesn't this princess have no status at all?"

"Hehe, what status do you want?" Lu Zhuo glanced at Princess Jade with a half-smile, then suddenly hugged her and kissed her deeply on her pink lips.

"Oh...don't, there are so many people watching!" Princess Jade struggled to get up, her pretty face flushed like a ripe apple.

In this kind of occasion where tens of thousands of people are watching, making intimate actions with Lu Zhuo, she will lose face as a princess, and even the royal family will lose face.

"Don't be afraid, I don't want them to see it, then no one will be able to see it, even if I put you here..." Lu Zhuo smirked and took his hand from her snow-white neck, gently deep into the collar, holding live a warm.

"You scoundrel..." After hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Princess Jade blushed even more, but she no longer worried, and lay obediently in Lu Zhuo's arms.

At this time, there was almost no suspense in the battle below. After Kagura drew his sword, the Golden Zodiac was almost instantly killed.

Horrified, Yukino quickly summoned Ophiuchus, the No. 13 house above the Golden Zodiac.

However, Kagura just stood there calmly, and said lightly: "Brother's will is my will, and my will is the will of the Sword Master... Slash!"

With one sword strike, there is nothing that cannot be cut, nothing that cannot be broken!

This Ling Ran sword intent made Lu Zhuo look sideways at it, and smiled, saying, "Girl Kagura, the level of swordsmanship is not weaker than Turtledove... She looks very desperate."

Xue Nai looked at the sword light that was visible to the naked eye, with the momentum of cutting everything, and felt extremely bitter in her heart. She never thought that the woman in front of her would be so ridiculously strong!
"Block... must be blocked!"

Thinking silently in her heart, the star spirit in front of her roared, trying to block the sword glow, but when the sword glow touched her body, due to the damage, it turned into smoke with a bang and returned to the star spirit world.

And that sword light, with an irresistible momentum that cut off the world, came with a bang!

"Will... die?"

At this moment, the speed of the sword light is extremely fast, so fast that it is only a blink of an eye for everyone, but the consciousness of people when they are dying is faster, so fast that they can even see, the sword light is inch by inch, 'slow' move over.

That feeling was like watching the god of death approaching step by step, being dragged into the abyss bit by bit!
"not good!"

Everyone, as long as they are strong people above the holy tenth level, secretly screamed in their hearts that something was wrong.

Even Kagura himself might not be able to take this sword back, it will definitely make Yukino's blood splatter on the spot!And because of the previous bet, death is also death in vain!

However, no matter whether it is Erza, Jura, or the dark knight commander, the hidden holy ten wizards, Makarov, it is too late to block this sword.

The only ones who could stop him were two people present, one was Mebis with a calm expression and a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The other, in an instant, came down from the most honored stand on the height, inside the Martial Arts Field!

Ding Dong!

It was an ordinary finger, and one could even see the delicate fingerprints on it.

In Xue Nai's eyes, the speed of this finger surpassed that of the sword light, and it came from behind her and met the sword light one foot in front of her.


A cracking sound came suddenly, it wasn't the finger being chopped into pieces by the sword light, nor was the sword light being broken by the finger, but the space in front of Xue Nai, as if it couldn't bear the strength of this finger, it cracked inch by inch!
With one finger, you can destroy the world!
"Tsk, such a coincidence, the thin space... and there are demons who want to take the opportunity to come?" Lu Zhuo frowned slightly, withdrew a little strength, and after smashing the sword light, he turned his arm violently, and gently hugged Xue Nai , and then the body floated back.

At the same time, Lu Zhuo swung his other hand violently towards the shattered space, and at the same time let out a cold snort and ruthlessly pressed into the shattered space.

After that shattered space, there is an endless space of hell!
Demons roared angrily.

But at this moment, a coercion that surpassed the world and despised all sentient beings descended suddenly, making all the demons tremble in their hearts.

Especially the demon who attacked the space node and wanted to take the opportunity to invade Escalante, even spurted blood directly. The entire huge body was crushed by a force until the whole body collapsed!
"Every demon family, dare to step out of hell, die!"

An indifferent voice, like the power of the sky, resounded throughout hell, making all the demons tremble with fear.

Even the several holy demons in the deepest and darkest abyss were extremely terrified.

"The Lord of the World..."

"Follow the order... don't try to enter the space above."

"I didn't expect that the black dragon really failed. This breath is the alien supreme who killed the black dragon..."

"Wrong, he is already the Supreme God of our world."

Several strands of thoughts intertwined, and immediately restrained the demon in hell.

But at this time, in another section, Escalante, the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts Arena.

Kagura's calm little face suddenly took on a layer of joy, looking at the figure in front of him, as for Yukino in the arms of that figure, she directly ignored it.

"Brother Lu Zhuo..."

"Well, very good. Kagura has grown up." Lu Zhuo greeted Kagura with a smile, and then gently let go of Yukino in his arms.

At this time, Xue Nai finally realized, her pretty face blushed slightly, her heart trembled inexplicably, she bowed slightly to Lu Zhuo, and said, "Thank you, Master Sword Master, for saving me..."

"you are welcome."

Lu Zhuo replied lightly, then ignored her, and walked towards Kagura in front.

Only then did Kagura say to Yukino, "Your life is mine!"

At the same time, the entire Damo Douyan Martial Arts Arena was once again incomparably noisy. Just now, Lu Zhuo made a move, and that god-like finger shattered the space.

And in the back, that light swipe restored the shattered space again.

That kind of power is simply inhuman!
These two strokes are simply the power of the gods, deeply engraved into the hearts of everyone present.

If Lu Zhuo only showed his coercion on the first day, then this time today, everyone can see what a mountain is in front of him!

(End of this chapter)

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