Chapter 377 Xuenuo's Heart
In a quiet and beautiful palace, Lu Zhuo was leaning on the bed with a calm face.

Beside him was Xue Nao who was biting her lip lightly, with a blush on her face.

"You know what to do next." Lu Zhuo looked at her playfully, chuckled, and said.

"En." Xue Nai responded softly, and slowly unbuttoned her clothes with jade hands, revealing a flawless white tender body as white as jade.

Looking at her body, Lu Zhuo's eyes were clear, and he didn't show the fiery eyes of a pervert, but looked at her with admiration.

"Beautiful, very beautiful. Even without any changes, your body is comparable to that of an angel."

Listening to Lu Zhuo's praise, the blush on Xue Nai's pretty face became heavier, and she became more and more shy. She subconsciously wanted to cover up important parts of her body, but forcibly controlled herself to let go.

She gently knelt down in front of Lu Zhuo, and murmured: "Master, please have mercy..."

"Hehe, you girl, let me tell you what to say." Lu Zhuo suddenly shook his head slightly, laughed, jumped up from the bed, and gently rubbed Xue Nai's little head.

"The appearance is strong, the heart is kind, and the heart is also very appraised. He can stick to his promises, even if they are unbearable promises."

Under Xue Nai's surprised gaze, Lu Zhuo gently picked up the clothes she had taken off and put them on her body.

Afterwards, Lu Zhuo walked slowly, came to the window, and looked at the sky outside.

"Even being my maid is not cheap and has no status. Even if you are my slave, in this world, besides me and my woman, you are the most noble existence!"

Speaking of this, Lu Zhuo took a step towards the window, the window seemed to be non-existent, like an illusion, Lu Zhuo's figure directly stepped across and stepped into it.

"When are you really willing to give everything to me, let's talk about it. Now, you can go to see your sister."

The last calm words came into Xue Nai's ears, and the girl suddenly couldn't help sobbing.

Originally thought that he had sold everything and his dignity, but he never thought that Lu Zhuo would care about the heart of a girl like her who had already sold everything.

She didn't think that Lu Zhuo did this just to get her, because Lu Zhuo could order her and possess her by force.And beside Lu Zhuo, none of the girls she saw was worse than her.

Among women, perhaps the lowest status is her who has sold everything.

But Lu Zhuo still gave her the right to make a second choice. The phrase that she is willing to give up everything can be understood in turn, if she is unwilling, then Lu Zhuo will not do anything to her.

"Oh, although I had a premonition that such a day would come, I didn't expect it to be so soon." A chuckle came from behind Xue Nai, and a pair of jade arms gently hugged her in his arms.

"It's... Sister Sorano?"

"Yes, my sister, Yukino. However, my name is not Kong Nai now, but my name is Angel, and I belong to his angel angel." Angel smiled, gently stroking Xue Nai's hair, eyes With tenderness.

No matter what, the relationship between the sisters will always remain. Even though one used to be a dark mage and the other was a light mage, now they only have one identity, and they are both Lu Zhuo's people.

At this moment, Lu Zhuo's figure was standing calmly on the highest place in the world. After turning his gaze away from Xue Nai and An Jieer, Lu Zhuo showed an unspeakable smile.

What are you doing now?

Or, what do you want to do?

There was no answer, but a pair of arms wrapped around him lightly behind his back, it was Mira of Edras.

Lu Zhuo stretched his body comfortably, then lay down on his back, lying in Mira's arms, and slightly closed his eyes.

Lu Zhuo is not a saint, even he found that after mastering the power and rights, his mind changed a lot.Even just now, he had the idea of ​​forcing Xue Nai to give her everything for him.

Honestly, there's nothing wrong with that.The will in Lu Zhuo's heart is the way of the strong.The strong can do whatever they want, even break all the rules.As long as you are strong enough.

But Lu Zhuo knew that once he really broke all the rules recklessly, he might become a different person.That would be a, devil-like, cold, evil personality.

Why is the way of heaven ruthless and desireless, and why many powerful people, including those legendary gods in the previous life, will appear on the road of cutting off the seven emotions and six desires.

It is because, if you maintain human feelings, you will not be able to control your own mind when you really become extremely powerful, so powerful that you can override everything.

"But... I just want to forcefully control my heart... Slashing passion and desire, it's too ridiculous!" After a smile, Lu Zhuo turned around abruptly, hugged him and looked at him with a smile on his face. With gentle Mila.

Below at this time, in the Holy Land, many girls were looking at Lu Zhuo's figure angrily.

"That guy brought in another woman, and now he's still bullying Sister Mira."

"Hmph, Escalante has another one of us. This guy's harem is too big!"

"I don't think it's too much. Besides, Miss Mira went up by herself."

"Lisanna, you indulge him too much!"

The voices of a group of girls gradually turned into playfulness and playfulness.

Escalante, the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts Arena.

"You seem to have changed a bit." Princess Jade looked at Lu Zhuo who was sitting beside her with a look of surprise on her small face.

Lu Zhuo smiled slightly and said, "Can you see that too?"

"Well, it seems that the temperament has changed a little." Looking at Lu Zhuo's appearance, Princess Jade muttered and looked at Lu Zhuo with scrutiny.

"Okay, don't worry about this anymore, today's competition is about to start." Lu Zhuo smiled and pulled her over, hugged her, and pointed at the Damo Dou Arena below.

Below at this time, a huge Temple of Subduing Demons suddenly rose from the field.

As in the original book, Erza took on all the monsters alone.

In fact, as long as you catch half of them and kill them all, you are already number one.But Erza still chose to take over everything. This is not only the pride of Fairy Tail, but also her pride.

After all, she is also the older sister of the current Master Juggernaut, how could she be judged weak and weak!

"It's really hard work."

The corner of Lu Zhuo's mouth twitched slightly, but there was admiration in his eyes.In fact, the power of Fumo Temple is the same as in the original book, but Erza's strength is several times stronger than in the original book.

One person beheaded a hundred monsters without any damage!
(End of this chapter)

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