Chapter 379 Sky Sisters Flower

This voice directly suppressed all the noise.

At the same time, Lu Zhuo's figure left the high platform again, and stood between the two girls who were about to fight another roar and howl.

"Brother Lu Zhuo..." Wendy watched Lu Zhuo intervene in the battle timidly, thinking that she seemed to have embarrassed Brother Lu Zhuo and failed to win.

As a result, Lu Zhuo flicked her little head, and said with a gentle smile, "Why are you working so hard, and what the hell are you shouting about?!"

"Ah...well, isn't she trying to snatch brother Lu Zhuo?" Wendy's cheeks flushed instantly, and there was a hint of confusion in her big watery eyes.

"Stupid..." Lu Zhuo glanced at her angrily, and was defeated by her invincible cute eyes. After rubbing her little head, Lu Zhuo looked at Xue Liya on the other side with a half-smile.

On that occasion, to be able to yell openly that she likes Lu Zhuo and wants to experience the feeling of love with Lu Zhuo, this girl's extroverted personality can no longer be expressed in words.

But facing Lu Zhuo's gaze at this time, her little face turned slightly red.


"Needless to say." Before she finished speaking, Lu Zhuo directly interrupted her words, making Xue Liya's heart tremble.

Doesn't he like his confession? Did the first confession of "love" fail like this?
"You girl is too cute." Rubbing his forehead helplessly, Lu Zhuo walked up to Xue Liya and said, "This is the first time we met."

Hearing Lu Zhuo's evaluation of her cuteness, Xue Liya's dim eyes lit up countless little stars again.

"Well, I've noticed you for a long time, but you must have never paid attention to me." Xue Liya was a little restrained in front of Lu Zhuo. Seeing her like this, the corner of Lu Zhuo's mouth twitched again.

This kind of feeling, there is no doubt that I really like myself.When did you become the object of your crush?
"Okay, your performance is very good. You can confess to me so boldly in front of so many people. Well, I can accept your love." After glancing at Xue Liya with some teasing eyes, Lu Zhuo directly He took her little hand, and then took Wendy's little hand, and disappeared into the field in a flash.

Of course, in the previous paragraph, Lu Zhuo suppressed time and space.

So in the eyes of countless spectators, they only heard the Juggernaut stop the match and judged the tie, and then the two little lolis disappeared.


When Lu Zhuo, the Juggernaut, interfered in the game again, the referees smiled wryly. After looking at each other, there was no rebuttal, and they continued to the next game helplessly.

As for the audience present, they dare not have any opinion on Lu Zhuo.

"It's really wild and unrestrained enough." Lu Zhuo said with a smile as he took Wendy's little hand and walked on a golden wheat field, followed by a short-haired pink-haired Laurie Shelia.

"This is my 'love'." Xue Liya took the initiative to hold Lu Zhuo's other hand, showing a sweet smile.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo couldn't help laughing, and lay down casually in the wheat field, just like an ordinary farmer.Seeing this, the two little girls smiled and looked at each other, and obediently followed Lu Zhuo to lie down.

Although Lu Zhuo didn't take the initiative to show any momentum, as long as he stays beside Lu Zhuo, he can feel the incomparably light, peaceful wilderness with the breath of nature.

Quiet and elegant.

Even Lu Zhuo's every move bears the traces of the Dao.This is also the reason why the girl Xue Liya, after taking a glance at Lu Zhuo from a distance, was instantly occupied in her heart.

"From now on, you and Wendy should be good sisters." Lu Zhuo smiled and touched Xue Liya's head, thinking that the two of them are also very good sisters in the original book, so he said casually.

"Yeah, as long as you don't rob Brother Lu Zhuo from me, Wendy is willing to be best friends with Xue Liya." Wendy hugged Lu Zhuo's arm, gently shaking it on her flat chest .

Xue Liya also imitated her appearance, but obviously this girl is more 'pretty' than Wendy.

"Hmm... Is this the feeling of 'love'? It's really reassuring and pleasing." Xue Liya still talked about love.

Hearing her words, Lu Zhuo couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, shook his head helplessly, and said, "Don't say this word in the future, love should be in your heart, not in your words. "

"Is that so? Got it, brother Lu Zhuo."

Obviously, Xue Liya's self-acquaintance is extremely deep. She just met Lu Zhuo not long ago, and just after being recognized by Lu Zhuo, she immediately became extremely familiar.

Regarding this, Lu Zhuo smiled lightly, but thought she was quite cute.


At night, just like the night before, the power of time and space is constantly distorting and running wild.

Lu Zhuo stood quietly in front of the window, looking out at the city shrouded in moonlight.Behind him is the future Lucy who still has pain in her expression.

Even with Miss Lucy's continuous enlightenment, future Lucy, who has personally experienced her partners leaving one by one, can never forget those painful scenes.

"Lucy... don't blame yourself... If you don't open that door, the world will evolve into another way... and it will also be destroyed."

Lu Zhuo muttered as he felt the power of the increasingly intense space-time riot.

"Why..." Lucy looked at Lu Zhuo with tears in her eyes.

Lu Zhuo turned around, looked at her tenderly, and said softly: "If the door is not opened, the world will be completely ruled by Akunologia in seven years, or suppressed."

"Only in this time and space, only when you come here and prevent that door from opening, can a hopeful future be ignited... But since I am in this time and space, there is no such thing as despair and hope. "

Speaking of this, Lu Zhuo suddenly stepped forward, put his hands lightly on Lucy's shoulders, looked at her beautiful eyes with a trace of sadness, and said softly: "I can't accompany you to your World, resurrect your partner...but I can be here, to avenge your partner."

"I..." Lucy looked at Lu Zhuo, and as soon as she said a word, the tears in her eyes couldn't stop gushing out. This day, her tears almost never stopped.

Regardless of the fact that Lu Zhuo had just met her, she threw herself into Lu Zhuo's arms and burst into tears.

"I can understand... that kind of pain... I can understand it." Lu Zhuo gently rubbed her blond hair, with love in his eyes.

At this time, in the corner of the flower capital Kuluokas.

The space seemed to be exploding, and violent roars erupted continuously, but they were hidden deep in the chaotic time and space, and no one could hear them.

(End of this chapter)

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