Chapter 392 The cute black pupil

"My servant has met the emperor's envoy, but I don't know his identity. Please forgive me for being a little rude." Several court ladies knelt down on the ground, their bodies trembling, for fear that Lu Zhuo, a big man, would blame him.You must know that the palace is a place that cannibalize people without spitting out their bones!
Lu Zhuo just glanced at them indifferently and said, "Remember me now."


Just as several court ladies responded tremblingly, there was a sound of trotting footsteps coming from the hall, and then a petite body in a dragon robe threw itself into Lu Zhuo's arms.

"elder brother!"

Hearing the little emperor's address to Lu Zhuo, the kneeling maids lowered their heads even more. What is the identity of the emperor's elder brother? !

Lu Zhuo touched her small head with a smile, and said, "Do you still look like an emperor?"

"In front of my brother, I'm just your little sister." The little emperor raised his head, looking at Lu Zhuo with a blushing face.

Then, she noticed the palace maid kneeling behind her.

"Brother, come and play with me." Feeling that it was boring to be looked at by others, the little emperor pouted, holding Lu Zhuo's hand, and was about to walk towards the bedroom where he lived.

Lu Zhuo was pulled by her, so he followed slowly, and at the same time smiled and waved at Hei Tong behind him, saying, "Hei Tong, come here."

Hei Tong continued to eat the candy he was holding tightly in his arms, and followed behind with a cute expression on his face.But in the depths of those cute big eyes, there was a trace of surprise that lingered for a long time.

I just saw the whole world, the most honorable and supreme emperor, His Majesty?
Also, the elder brother that I recognize is actually the elder brother of His Majesty the Emperor?What kind of identity is that!
Feeling that his little head was a little unimaginable, Hei Tong simply put everything aside, concentrated on tasting the candy in his hand, and obediently followed behind Lu Zhuo.

Lu Zhuo was leading the little emperor along the magnificent corridor.The little emperor walked happily bouncing around, without the majesty of an emperor at all.

Heitong, who was originally carried by Lu Zhuo, consciously followed behind the two of them and did not go to their side.

After realizing this, Lu Zhuo couldn't help laughing. Although the black pupil is cute, she is actually a very smart little girl.

Especially as an orphan, as a slave, she lived with her sister, and she knew what to do when facing what kind of person.

Turning around gently, Lu Zhuo stretched out his hand directly towards Hei Tong.

"bring it on."

Hei Tong stared blankly at Lu Zhuo. She didn't know why Lu Zhuo, a big brother who had just met, even met her for the first time in less than 10 minutes, why did he treat such an orphan, a slave, and a lowly status like her? good.

She silently stretched out her little hand and let Lu Zhuo hold it.She felt a hint of happiness in her heart, which she only felt when she was with her sister Chitong.

If she just recognized Lu Zhuo's brother just because of candy, then now, she recognized Lu Zhuo's brother from the bottom of her heart.

Not only is it related to the friendly aura that Lu Zhuo specially exudes, but it is also related to Lu Zhuo, who is obviously high-ranking but approachable. He really treats her, the younger sister he just met, as his own sister.

"Brother, who is she?"

Only then did the little emperor notice the black pupil.Originally, she thought that Hei Tong was the little maid Lu Zhuo was looking for, but she didn't expect that it would be the younger sister that Lu Zhuo recognized.

A slight hint of jealousy flashed in my heart, after all, as the emperor of the empire, she became Lu Zhuo's younger sister, and why can this little girl be Lu Zhuo's younger sister?

But this trace of emotion just passed by in a flash, and was erased by her.She is well behaved and knows what to do when.I also know that the emperor of an empire like her, the most noble and supreme person in the world, is the same as ordinary people in front of the god Lu Zhuo.

"Hello, I am the emperor of the empire. Since you are my brother's sister, you are also my sister. If someone bullies you, come to me, and I will vent your anger on you!"

The little emperor smiled, but said very dignifiedly.

Hearing her words, Lu Zhuo also smiled lightly. In fact, Heitong should be older than the little emperor, but no matter how you look at it, it is better for the little emperor to be his sister.

Then, Hei Tong's next words made Lu Zhuo and the little emperor feel ashamed.

"Even if you are His Majesty the Supreme candy won't share with you..." Heitong was very nervous to protect the candy in his arms, his big eyes widened, revealing A very goofy expression.


After Lu Zhuo and the little emperor looked at each other, they both showed helpless expressions.

Then the little emperor giggled, walked up to Hei Tong, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Allah, I won't compete with my sister for dim sum. Well, since my sister likes to eat dim sum, I will let the maids Send you the most exquisite dim sum in the world."

As they said that, several people also walked into the little emperor's bedroom. The little emperor gave orders to the maids with a majestic face, and then grabbed the hands of Lu Zhuo and Hei Tong, pulling them both to his own dragon. Sit down on the edge of the bed.

"What's your sister's name?" The little emperor asked friendlyly while looking at Hei Tong with a smile.

Hei Tong still used a cute expression to cover up the mess in her heart. After all, everything that happened now made her feel like a dream.

"My name is Hei Tong, and my sister's name is Chi Tong."

Subconsciously, Heitong replied and introduced his sister at the same time, although the little emperor didn't ask.

Lu Zhuo gently rubbed Heitong's little head, with a loving expression in his eyes.

He knew how deep Heitong's love for Chitong was.Although in the original book, the two girls turned against each other, in fact, they are deeply in love with each other.

"In the future, you can live here first. After a while, I will take you to find your sister."

Looking at Hei Tong tenderly, Lu Zhuo said softly.

Heitong raised his head and looked at Lu Zhuo, with sweet candy in his mouth, but a very sour heart.

She pouted her small mouth, tears suddenly overflowed from her big eyes, she threw her head into Lu Zhuo's arms, and wept softly.

She was very afraid, very afraid that this was a dream, and suddenly there was a big brother who was so kind to her and had an extremely noble status.Everything like this is just like a dream.

Lu Zhuo gently hugged her, he could guess her weak heart, and comforted him: "It's true, it's all true, become my sister, you won't suffer anymore..."

The little emperor watched silently from the side, then sighed softly, like an adult.

"It seems that this little sister with black pupils has a very unfortunate life experience."

(End of this chapter)

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