Chapter 395 The minister's apprehension

Ernest also cursed at this idiot in his stomach, and quickly thought of a countermeasure in his mind, not how to save his close relative, but how to separate the relationship.

Who is this person scolding?He didn't know it himself, but Ernest did!That is the god who made the empire immortal for thousands of years!

He doesn't want to be remembered by Lu Zhuo, the god who has guarded the empire for thousands of years!

All the civil servants and generals below looked at that person with different expressions.There is pity, there is sarcasm, and there is curiosity.

In fact, Lu Zhuo swaggered and dragged the little emperor to the early court, people who didn't know Lu Zhuo were naturally very shocked.

But most of the people who can get into this position are old fritters. Even Ernest didn't say anything. The person who pulled the little emperor must have a background.

Only Ernest's close relative, a donkey, saw Ernest's expression and thought it was Ernest who was angry with Lu Zhuo, so he couldn't wait to jump out.

At this moment, although the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty are silent, they are all paying attention to how this matter will end.People who don't know Lu Zhuo's identity are also waiting for Lu Zhuo's identity to be revealed.As for the guy who jumped out, he has long been regarded as a victim by most people.

"You are bold!"

The little emperor had anger on his face, it was anger from the bottom of his heart.

It was she who asked Lu Zhuo to accompany her to the morning court, but someone dared to scold Lu Zhuo!Slapping her in the face of His Majesty the Emperor is fine, but slapping Lu Zhuo in the face will really make the little emperor extremely angry!

Even the little emperor didn't explain anything, just waved his hand violently.

"Drag it down for me, cut it off!"

Seeing this, that person was stunned. He was so stupid that he didn't know why he suddenly became like this.He didn't wake up until the guards came to drag him, and immediately knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me! Your Majesty!"

"Drag it out!" The little emperor yelled coldly with a look of anger on his face.

Seeing that the prayer to the emperor failed, the man who was dragged down suddenly burst into tears and snot, and shouted at Ornest, as if he was drowning in the water, catching the last straw.

"Cousin! Cousin, save me! Cousin!"

When Ernest saw this, his face was livid with anger, his fat face trembled wildly.

"Bastard, who is your cousin! Confessing relationships, ignoring etiquette in the courtroom, shouting loudly, ignoring the authority of His Majesty the Emperor, the crime will be added one more class, and you will be executed in the short time!"

As soon as these words came out, the man was stunned in shock, he didn't even think about what was going on, he just yelled at him, and somehow got the fate of Ling Chi's execution!
When he reacted and wanted to beg, he was dragged out of the hall by the guards.

Looking at this scene, all the civil servants and generals were silent.Just now, a colleague who was extremely powerful because of his reliance on Ernest, got the end of Ling Chi's death because he said a wrong sentence.

This is a very dangerous palace, far beyond the swamp!As long as you take one wrong step, you will not even be left with a scum!

Heitong stood beside Lu Zhuo quietly, with the usual cute expression on her small face, she looked very calm, but she was actually covering up the ups and downs in her heart.

A high-ranking official who was able to crush her countless times before, or even the imperial assassination force she was sold into, was directly executed for scolding Lu Zhuo!
"Hei Tong, you have to remember, if someone scolds you or insults you, don't hesitate to give him death! No matter what the situation is, you are always right, because I... will always stand behind you."

Heitong said such a sentence in Heitong's ear flatly, the incomparably domineering words, Heitong nodded slowly, I don't know if it was subconscious, but he heard it in his heart.

Except for those who knew Lu Zhuo's identity and took it for granted, the other civil servants and generals all looked at each other in blank dismay, terrified in their hearts.

You know, what was revealed in the scene just now was not as simple as Lu Zhuo killing a small official, but that Ernest was afraid of implicating himself!
Can make the powerful and powerful, ministers under one person and over ten thousand can do this, so what is Lu Zhuo's identity!
Hornest killed one of his close relatives without hesitation to get rid of the relationship, which made Lu Zhuo look a little different. This person is indeed a talent. If he were placed on the earth in the past, he would definitely be like Qin Hui and Zhao Gao. guy.

Watching Lu Zhuo glance over, Ernest forced a smile on his face.

"God..." As soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly thought that Lu Zhuo didn't seem to want to reveal his identity as a god. After a little cold sweat broke out on his forehead, he changed his words instantly and said, "Master Emperor, what do you think?"

The position of Emperor Shi has been vacant for hundreds of years, or a position that has hardly appeared since its establishment.

If it is said that the minister, Ernest, is in control of the entire court, but it is not clearly pointed out that he is exercising the rights of the emperor.

Then the emperor's teacher is to point it out clearly, and to exercise the emperor's rights!

This position is not below one person and above ten thousand people, but directly above everything, keeping pace with the supreme emperor.

It is a position that only the first emperor, the last emperor, can give.

As for why this position has been vacant for hundreds of years, it is naturally because no old emperor would set up a position for his children that would threaten his child's imperial power before his death.

"Emperor...Emperor teacher?!"

Except for those civil servants and generals who knew Lu Zhuo's true identity and kept silent, everyone else looked at the man in shock, with an extremely calm and indifferent expression, who was holding a little loli standing beside the emperor.

Emperor Shi, but exercising the emperor's rights, even if there is a dispute with the emperor, the order of the emperor should be the main thing!
Considering that the little emperor was really young at this time, it is not impossible for the first emperor to set up an emperor teacher before his death.However, what surprised those people was why the emperor was not Ernest, but Lu Zhuo, a face that was so young and had never been seen before?

Lu Zhuo listened to what Ernest said, but he didn't refute. Instead, he admired the minister's adaptability.Nodding his head lightly, Lu Zhuo said flatly, "Just do as you say."

Ernest was relieved when he heard Lu Zhuo's words.

The reason why he moved out the position of Emperor Teacher and fictitiously gave it to Lu Zhuo was because he knew that as a god, Lu Zhuo would never be able to compete with him for power in the court.

If the emperor master is placed on him, it will definitely be useful. If placed on Lu Zhuo, it is probably just an identity of Lu Zhuo, a god playing in the world.

Of course, Ornest also knows that he can fake everything else. The emperor, even the position of abolishing the emperor, will definitely not be able to get it, because General Bude can tolerate his cholera, but it is impossible. Let him be a false teacher.

But Lu Zhuo came to be the emperor's teacher, even if the first emperor did not have any will, General Bude would not dare to object!
(End of this chapter)

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