Chapter 397 Lu Zhuo's Appreciation

Above the hall, there was silence, and everyone was waiting for the next speech of the little emperor to decide which side they stood on.

However, after a while, what the little emperor said made everyone's brains a little bit overwhelmed.

"By the way, I have one more thing to announce. This little sister with black pupils is the adopted sister of Lord Dishi, that is, my younger sister. Now she is the princess of the empire."

This topic, the jump is too big!
When Ornest heard this sentence, his expression moved slightly, his eyes turned slightly, and he immediately lowered his head slightly towards Hei Tong, grinning with a friendly smile.

"The old minister has seen Her Royal Highness the princess."

Since it was possible to avoid the murder of Esdeth in court just now, it would be great, and this little girl seemed to have such a close relationship with Lu Zhuo, a god, so Ernest naturally wanted to try her best to please her.

At the same time, he also had some emotions in his heart. Ever since the late emperor trusted him, when has he thought about how to please others?
With Hornest taking the lead, all the civil servants and generals below also reacted immediately.Since the little emperor avoided the topic just now, they certainly wouldn't ask for unhappiness.

Moreover, since Hei Tong is Lu Zhuo's younger sister, it is only natural that he gets the status of princess.

"I have seen Her Royal Highness Princess."

This time, a faint smile flashed across Esdes' face, and he also bowed slightly towards Hei Tong.

Interesting... It seems that this mysterious imperial teacher makes Ernest very afraid. What is he... why?

With that in mind, she was meticulous about the etiquette she should do.

Although Estes is lawless, he also knows who can be offended and who cannot be offended.Just like that person just now, even if he killed him, there would be no problem, so she killed it at will.

But now, Lu Zhuo's status is obviously recognized, making the minister Hornest afraid, so naturally Esthers will not go head-to-head.

Moreover, even though Esdes is strong-mouthed and outspoken, and what to say when she thinks of it, she is meticulous about the etiquette she should do.

You must know that even the minister, Ernest, was ridiculed by Esdes in court for eating meat every day, and one day he would die of high blood pressure.

And Ornest knew Esdes' character, so he could only smile and not take it to heart.

Hei Tong stared blankly at the officials below who saluted her. The two small hands holding Lu Zhuo's arms were sweaty, but they maintained a firm look.

Even though she knew that Lu Zhuo and the little emperor were going to turn her into a princess of the empire, when they actually did it, it still made her feel very uneasy.

That was the leap from being a slave sold to the empire to becoming the most honorable royal family in the world!
Sister... Hei Tong is very happy, I really want to see you...

Hei Tong's two small hands tightly hugged Lu Zhuo's arm, but he was meditating, he must be firm, get his brother's approval, and then go see his sister...

Lu Zhuo looked at Hei Tong's appearance, smiled, stretched out his other hand, and gently squeezed her little face with a little stiff expression.

Looking at this scene, the little emperor nodded in satisfaction, and then said majesticly, "Is there anything else?"

A silence.

Finally, Ernest reminded in a low voice, "Your Majesty, you can retreat..."

So, this morning that made countless people tremble with fear finally came to an end.All the civil servants and generals withdrew.

Estes glanced at Lu Zhuo with twinkling eyes, it was curious and interested, but he didn't regard Lu Zhuo as a prey, which also made Lu Zhuo feel a little happy.

Estes could feel that, as the almost strongest woman in the world, she could feel Lu Zhuo's extraordinaryness, even though Lu Zhuo's aura at this time was like that of an ordinary mortal, without any pressure at all.But the instinct of hunting super dangerous species all the year round let Esdeath know that this man is not that simple.

Bowing slightly to the little emperor, Esdes stepped back.Even if you are interested, you have to learn more about it later.

Watching Esdesh leave, Lu Zhuo raised the corner of his mouth slightly. If we talk about a strong woman, Esdesh is undoubtedly the most powerful woman Lu Zhuo has ever seen, an existence at the level of an S queen.

Moreover, Estes' appearance and figure are definitely first-class.

Of course, these alone only made Lu Zhuo a little tempted. After a thousand years of meditation, he has changed a lot compared to the time when he liked beautiful women when he saw them.Of course, this is also related to Lu Zhuo's position.

As long as Lu Zhuo is willing, he can even create the most perfect woman out of thin air.Because of this, what Lu Zhuo cares about now is not those beautiful appearances, but each girl's various personalities.

Just after everyone retreated, Lu Zhuo waved at Ernest, and Ernest immediately walked over.

Seeing no one around, he looked at Lu Zhuo respectfully, and said, "Supreme God, what do you want?"

"You are doing well, and I will be the emperor in the future. Also, no one is allowed to tell Esdes my true identity!"

"Yes!" He replied without hesitation, and when Ernest raised his head again, Lu Zhuo's figure had disappeared in front of him.

Accompanying the king is like accommodating a tiger, but what about accompany the gods?Compared to competing for power with the late emperor back then, it was far more dangerous!

Ornest, who finally let out a long breath, thought of this, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and walked away slowly.

The little emperor jumped down from the throne, looked at Lu Zhuo, pouted and said, "Brother, isn't General Esdes a bit too much?"

"She has that personality, and I really appreciate it." After a slight smile, Lu Zhuo hugged the obedient black pupil with one hand, took the little emperor with the other hand, and left slowly.


"It's really interesting. The little emperor supported by the minister turned out to be a girl, and a mysterious man appeared out of nowhere." In the torture room, Estes held a jagged whip in his hand and listened to his ears. With those screams beside him, he closed his eyes slightly.

"It's really intriguing, it makes me not even interested in torture."

That beautiful, alluring face was filled with doubts and a faint smile, but this smile made the hearts of the people around him chill.

Anyone who knows Esdes knows that when she smiles, there must be nothing good!
Just when everyone was terrified, Esdes got up slowly, threw the leather whip in his hand, and swept the sky blue waist-length hair gently, and the whole person walked out.

Everyone looked at Esdes' back in dismay, and only whispered when Esdes walked away.

"General Esdes didn't have a good time today!"

"It seems... someone is going to be unlucky."

"Shh, don't talk about her! If you hear it, you're dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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