Chapter 417 A look

"Don't think about it, you'll know when you see it." Gozqi said in a deep voice, feeling that things were completely out of control, that the emperor would come here and even call Chitong by name, it was simply a fantasy!


Chitong responded softly, and followed behind Gozqi. Green and the others wanted to continue asking Chitong, but seeing that Chitong was also puzzled, they followed behind in silence.

Finally, they returned to the town and came to an ordinary wooden building.

Chitong's face was very calm, she gently opened the door and walked in, but her slightly trembling hands showed that her heart was ups and downs.

"elder sister……"

The moment she stepped in, Chi Tong felt a petite body suddenly plunged into her arms, and that familiar voice instantly made her heart tremble.

The current Chitong is not the one in the future. She has experienced countless darkness and killings, and she is able to hide all her emotions under a calm appearance.

Without hesitation, she hugged Heitong directly, with joy on her pretty face.

"Black pupil..."

Lu Zhuo looked at this scene with a smile, and didn't step forward to disturb the scene where the sisters met, but bypassed them and walked out.

They have too much to say, Lu Zhuo will give them quiet time.

As soon as he walked out, Lu Zhuo saw three teenagers and three girls standing behind Goziqi nervously.

Gozcina had obviously experienced hardships, his mature face was a little restless at this moment, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

The next moment, he saluted Lu Zhuo without hesitation.

"The captain and mentor of the elite seven-member group of the imperial assassination force, I have met the emperor."

Lu Zhuo waved at him, gesturing him to get up, and then looked at the six people behind Gozqi with a calm expression.

Compared to Gozqi's instant respectful salute, the reactions of the six boys and girls were quite different.

They all had a look of disbelief in their eyes, looking at that extremely young looking figure.

In their thinking, the high officials with His Majesty the Emperor, the people standing at the pinnacle of power, should be extremely mature guys.Who knew it was a boy who looked only a little older than them.

Not only them, but Gozzi also had a hint of surprise in his eyes when he saluted.But he already knew about this in advance, so the emotion just flashed by and was suppressed by him.

Lu Zhuo smiled and looked at the six people, not caring that it was very disrespectful for them to look at him like this.In fact, Lu Zhuo fixed his body to the left and right.And these six people are about the same size as Chitong, and they are about fourteen or fifteen years old.

" are that Master Emperor?" A short-haired girl looked at Lu Zhuo with surprised eyes and subconsciously spoke.

After saying these words, Gozzi on the side immediately frowned.

Although he didn't know what kind of abilities Lu Zhuo possessed, he must be a very scary person to make Minister Ernest, the scariest person, fearful.

This sentence, if you look at it in a small way, it is just rude, but in a big way, it will definitely be regarded as a provocation by the other party!

"Chikushi! What are you talking about? You need to call your lord!" With a trace of anger, Gozzi yelled directly.

"Ah!" Zhuzi was taken aback, his eyelashes trembled, he saluted Lu Zhuo in a panic, and said, "See... I've seen Master Emperor..."

Lu Zhuo waved his hands casually, and said, "You don't need to be too polite." After speaking, he looked at Zhuzi with a smile on his face. The girl's appearance is definitely a bug on the earth.

She looks fourteen or fifteen years old, but her breasts are about to grow into cows!This is the most authentic child face ****!

It's a pity that almost all of these people died. In the elite group of seven, there was only one red pupil left in the end, and they defected to the revolutionary army. It must be said that the training of the empire failed.

Hearing Lu Zhuo's words, he felt that Lu Zhuo was not as majestic and terrifying as he imagined, so Zhuzi couldn't help raising his head again, and looked at Lu Zhuo's appearance carefully.

And the other two girls beside Zhuzi also set their sights on Lu Zhuo.

Gozzi noticed Lu Zhuo's gaze, and his eyes narrowed slightly. He is not a simple father. His identity is the captain of the Imperial Assassination Force, and the former Raksha Four Ghosts!

From Lu Zhuo's eyes, he instantly analyzed that there was a hint of appreciation.

Gozzi lowered his head, pinched his fingers lightly, and thought about it in an instant, should he give his 'daughter' to Lu Zhuo to make the emperor satisfied with him?
If Chikushi and the others knew what Gozzi was thinking, it would not be anger, but sadness and disbelief.Accompanying them for more than a month, in their eyes, the stern and kind father is actually such a person!
However, Gozzi also had a problem at this time, he was a little bit reluctant.Because these are the seven people he has carefully selected, if he just sends out one, it always makes him feel that he is not perfect immediately.

If it doesn't work out...

One moment he was thinking about how to curry favor with Lu Zhuo, but the next moment, a murderous intent flashed in Gozzi's heart, and even his fingers touched the Teigu Murame hanging on his waist, this one-hit deadly Teigu.

This is the real ruthlessness. When you meet someone, consider whether you can kill him or not!
However, this thought also flashed through his mind.

It is impossible for a person who even the ministers are extremely afraid of to be killed by a small person like him.

However, Lu Zhuo seemed to have noticed something, turned his head slightly, and glanced at Gozqi.This glance made Gozzi's hairs stand up in an instant.

This is the only word in his heart!
The next moment, a second thought flashed through his mind.


As a veteran assassin, he just revealed his murderous intentions easily?
It really looked like Lu Zhuo, without the slightest sense of threat, and looked like an ordinary person, which made Gozqi a little careless.

However, Minister Ornest is also just an ordinary person, can he be killed at will?
There was a trace of cold sweat on his forehead. Not only did he make a mistake to himself, but he also gave Lu Zhuo a look just now.

That look made him realize in an instant what is scary!
A powerhouse of his level, looking at the entire empire, there are absolutely not many who can completely defeat him.The only ones who can completely defeat him are Esdes and General Bude.

The eyes of the two gave him the feeling that he had become a prey, facing the wild beasts!
However, the look that Lu Zhuo gave him gave him a completely different feeling!

That is an ant, facing the vastness of the whole world!Endless, even he himself felt that he had to be deeply immersed in it and could not extricate himself!

What kind of existence can have such eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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