Chapter 419: Chi Tong's Goal

In the wooden building, Chi Tong gently hugged Hei Tong, and her eyes were full of love. Even if she knew about Hei Tong's shocking experience, in her eyes, Hei Tong would always be her sister, her favorite. younger sister.

The little emperor was sitting in Lu Zhuo's arms at this time, looking at Heitong and Chitong from a distance, and said curiously: "Look, brother, Heitong and her sister Chitong are really similar, except for the color of the eyes and hair. The place is exactly the same!"

"Exactly the same? Not necessarily."

There was a hint of playfulness on Lu Zhuo's face suddenly, and he said with a smile: "Look at Hei Tong, she has a flat chest, and Chi Tong, the girl, has developed very well."

As soon as these words were said, the pretty face of the little emperor in her arms was blushed. She couldn't help but look at her own flat chest, and then let out a heavy snort.

"I am the emperor, the most noble existence, how could it not be comparable to that red pupil, um, I will definitely be the biggest in the future!"

Hearing these words, Lu Zhuo's expression became a little stiff, what is this?There is a fart relationship between the emperor and the size of the chest!
Looking at the little emperor's haughty look, dumbfounded, Lu Zhuo rubbed her face vigorously, and after arousing her resentful gaze, Lu Zhuo surrendered.

"Okay, my majesty the emperor, it will be very big in the future."

After saying this, Lu Zhuo himself couldn't help laughing, and the little emperor felt a little shy, and buried his head directly in Lu Zhuo's chest.

On the other side, Heitong lay obediently in Chitong's arms, whispered about his experience, and finally said softly: "That's it, sister, come with me to see brother."

"Hmm." Chi Tong nodded lightly, looking at Hei Tong with a trace of complexity in his eyes.

Now she is just a low-level trainee assassin who has just started training as an assassin.But Hei Tong is already an incomparably noble Imperial Princess Her Royal Highness!
However, this gap did not cause any cracks in their sisterhood.Because the relationship between them has already surpassed everything.

Hei Tong can give up all his identities without hesitation, and follow his sister to go far away.Chitong, on the other hand, can also give up his life to protect Heitong.

Being led by Hei Tong, Chi Tong seemed a little restrained when he walked to Lu Zhuo and the little emperor.

Don't blame her, anyone standing at the low end of the world will feel a little panicked when they suddenly see the top person in the world one day.

"See His Majesty the Emperor, Master Emperor..."

In the face of these two characters who rule the entire empire and can shake the world with every word and deed, Chi Tong's eyes are respectful.

Black pupil is a princess, but she is not a princess.Lu Zhuo is Hei Tong's elder brother, not her elder brother.She is very aware of her position.

Lu Zhuo looked at Chi Tong and showed a faint smile.

From her body, Lu Zhuo clearly felt the power of fate.She is the daughter of destiny who belongs to this world.

However, this power is only half, and the other half is supposed to be on that slag rice.

"You don't need to be too polite." Lu Zhuo waved his hand with a smile, making Chitong stand up, then looked at Chitong, and asked softly, "Chitong, what is your goal?"

"Target?" Chitong was a little dazed, she didn't expect Lu Zhuo to ask her this question.Randomly, she said with determination on her face, "I want to let the people of the empire live a happy life, and I will wipe out all the existences that threaten the peace of the empire for the empire!"

The brainwashing is very good, only two or three months.This was the first thought that flashed through Lu Zhuo's mind, but Lu Zhuo didn't intend to directly change everything about Chitong.

In comparison, Lu Zhuo is more interested in comparison.Compared with the answer he got when he asked Estes.

"Become a strong man." Just four simple words, but it set off Esdes's more paranoid and crazy determination!

Because of this, Lu Zhuo knew that Esdesh had the hope of becoming a saint, while Chitong's hope was very small.

However, just because it's small now doesn't mean it's hopeless in the future.

Estes is Lu Zhuo's first favorite, and Chitong is also his second favorite.Which of the two can become a saint?

Lu Zhuo didn't know the answer either.

Standing up, Lu Zhuo walked towards Chi Tong and circled her around.

There is no doubt that the appearance of Chi Tong, the amber eyes, the black waist-length hair, and the beautiful and picturesque appearance, this is an extremely stunning girl.

Even Lu Zhuo felt that Ma Yin, Chelsea, and these girls were only unique in one aspect. Although they were also perfect and beautiful, when it came to beauty, they were still a little bit worse than Chitong.

Before he knew it, Lu Zhuo stretched out his hand subconsciously, gently picked up a strand of black hair from Chitong, twisted it lightly, and put it under his nose to sniff gently.

"Does Master Emperor like my hair?"

The soft voice pulled Lu Zhuo back from his trance.Chitong's appearance was not as shy or anything like other girls, but was extremely plain, with a hint of doubt.

Putting this expression together is...Stupid!
In the same state as Hei Tong, one word, cute!
Not to mention that Lu Zhuo was standing there blankly, the little emperor on the side immediately started giggling, ran over and patted Hei Tong's sword light and said, "Hei Tong, you and your sister are so much alike! Especially this expression..."


Silently, Hei Tong also showed a cute look.

Seeing the appearance of these two sisters, Lu Zhuo was almost overwhelmed!It's okay to have black pupils, but you are a goddess with red pupils, okay?This cute look will lose your image!
Shouting some unscrupulous words in his heart, the corner of Lu Zhuo's mouth twitched, and then he said weakly: "Yes, Chitong. I like you a little bit, not just for your hair, but for you as a person."

After saying these words, Chitong's small face finally had a faint blush.No matter how cold and cold she was, no matter how she could hide her emotions, such words that were almost confessed to her face could still shake her heart violently.

"If you can make the people of the empire happy, Chi Tong is willing to accompany the adults forever." Biting his lips lightly, Chi Tong said such a sentence, and there was some faint brilliance in the amber eyes. .

Hearing these words, Lu Zhuo's expression gradually calmed down, he gently let go of Chitong's hair, and walked in front of Chitong.

"Why do you have to care so much? Do you know that you can't even control yourself." At this point, Lu Zhuo's tone suddenly became a little cold, "If I want to get you, you can't put any conditions at all. !"


At this time, Chi Tong suddenly regained her composure, and she no longer had the fluster and tension she had just faced the emperor and the emperor.There was a trace of stubbornness in her eyes, "I know, the darkness of the empire, I hope the Lord can manage it... This is just my wish, and I can give my life..."

If you change this sentence a little bit, that is, if you don't promise me, I won't let you get it, and you can even commit suicide!

It's almost a threat!
Of course Lu Zhuo could hear that the originally cold eyes had become dull instead, and his expression was extremely dull.

"Are you threatening me with this?"

"I'm just begging my lord." Chi Tong stared at Lu Zhuo closely, showing no sign of weakness.

(End of this chapter)

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