Chapter 421 Najeta's Betrayal
Nadetta sighed, not surprised by Lubbock's words, she would not have discussed this topic with Lubbock if she hadn't absolutely trusted her.

"I'm very disappointed in Esdes, and I'm very disappointed in the Empire."

"Nardetta..." Lubbock didn't call the general again, but looked at Nadetta with a twinkle in his eyes.

"I haven't replied to the people who came to contact me a few days ago. How about you help me send a letter."

"Of course!" Lubbock responded decisively, he didn't care at all, the person who contacted was the revolutionary army!

He only cared about Nadetta.


A month later, Esdeth led the army back, and behind him was the southern alien who was trampled and flattened, and trembled when he heard the name Esdeth.

On this day, a secret memorial was presented to the palace.

The minister, Ernest, stood beside the little emperor with a relaxed expression, looking at the ministers below.At the same time, he couldn't help but glance at the other side, Lu Zhuo's figure was not standing there.

"Your Majesty, I have something important to report to you."

"Say!" The little emperor waved his hand impatiently, for some reason, she hates government affairs very much now, she just wants to lie in Lu Zhuo's arms, or play tricks on little black pupil.

Therefore, she simply pushed many important national affairs to the ministers.And Ornest naturally accepted it with pleasure, what he likes most is power.In this way, Lu Zhuo hardly showed up, and the little emperor didn't bother to care about government affairs. It was almost exactly the same as in the original book. Ornest ruled the empire with one hand!
However, Ornest couldn't deal with the general's treason, so he could only report it to the little emperor.

"General Najeta... has defected to the Revolutionary Army!"

Ernest said such a sentence calmly, causing the entire court to be in an uproar.

"What? General treason!"

"Najita turned out to be..."

The pair of eyes below were either horrified or incredulous.

Officials who knew the existence of Lu Zhuo, the god who guarded the empire, were only surprised, not worried.And those who don't know are faintly worried about the future of the empire.

After all, even the generals have betrayed, how much control does the empire have?
"Give me peace!"

Listening to the chaos below, the little emperor frowned and shouted. Although his voice was crisp and delicate, it had the majesty of an emperor, and the hall was silent in an instant.

"Minister, since you reported it to me, you must have a solution."

The little emperor tilted his head to look at Ernest and asked.

Ernest laughed, bit a piece of meat roll presumptuously, and said with some lisp: "General Estes and that traitor Najta are together, don't worry."

"Oh, that's good." The little emperor nodded, she also knew about Esdesh's strength, Lu Zhuo had not praised Esdesh in front of her once or twice.

The person who can be praised by the elder brother of the gods must be the one who reassures her.

However, just when the little emperor felt that things were all right, an official suddenly walked out from below, knelt down and said in pain: "Your Majesty, the power of the revolutionary army has expanded so much that even the generals of our empire have been taken by them. If they rebel, they should be wiped out!"

"Hmph, it's just a small thief, and it's scattered all over the place. When they gather, it won't be too late to calm them down again!"

The speaker, Ernest, looked at the speaker with a sneer, and didn't dare to say a word.

You fool, there are gods guarding the empire, even if the sky falls, you can push it back!
The people who spoke were naturally those few officials who didn't know about Lu Zhuo's existence, and they happened to be jealous and dissatisfied with Ornest.

"Your Majesty, we can no longer listen to the nonsense of this traitor, Ornest. If we don't rectify Chaogang, the empire will be over!"

"Bold! How dare you say such a thing, drag it down and put it to death!" Ernest was immediately furious, stepped forward, and shouted loudly.

In an instant, a group of guards rushed in and dragged the man down.

The man had torn his face and shouted harshly, but no one spoke, and the entire court was silent.Although there is a sense of grief, no one dared to talk back to Ornest.

And the little emperor is also a little angry because of his words, and he will not protect him.

What is an empire is over!As long as her brother is there, even if she is the only one left in the empire, she can sit still if she wants to be the emperor.

"That's it, retreat!"

With a snort of dissatisfaction, the little emperor announced his withdrawal from the dynasty, and then ran out of the palace in a single swipe. No one dared to stop her, she was already used to it.

The direction she was running was naturally Lu Zhuo's Imperial Master's Mansion.

At this moment, Lu Zhuo was lying on the bamboo chair with his eyes lightly closed, letting Xueer and Xueya pinch his legs and shoulders for him.

The little emperor jumped up unceremoniously, and jumped directly onto Lu Zhuo.

Lu Zhuo opened his eyes helplessly, looked at the little emperor's mumbling mouth, and said with a smile, "You girl, what happened?"

The little emperor recounted the matter very dissatisfied, Lu Zhuo listened calmly, touched her little head gently, and said with a smile: "I said, everything is just a play. When everything is over, you Whatever ending you want, I will give you whatever ending you want. Whether the empire exists or not, and whether you will be emperor or not, is up to you to choose."

"Well, as long as my brother is here, there will be no problem." The little emperor just vented the dissatisfaction in her heart, and after Lu Zhuo comforted her softly, she felt at ease.

"Xue'er Xueya, bring me a chair here. Give me a massage too."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Both Xue'er and Xueya showed a smile, stepped away slightly, and in an instant, a chair was magically obtained, allowing the little emperor to lie down comfortably.

As the younger sister recognized by Lu Zhuo, the little emperor is also the target of Xue Er and Xue Ya's orders.

Except for the people Lu Zhuo approved of, even Ernest and General Bude, they must be dismissive now.

Because they are no longer humble maids, but standing on the clouds, looking up at the mortal world, like gods watching a play.

Although she is still Lu Zhuo's maid, there are only Lu Zhuo and Hei Tong who need her services.

After Lu Zhuo smiled, he closed his eyes again, but instead of resting as before, he released his perception. Although he closed his eyes, he could see everything.

His eyes turned to the south, and Najieta was leading nearly [-] soldiers who were loyal to her and also disappointed with the empire.

By Najta's side, Lubbock followed her calmly.Even if it means betraying the empire, as long as he follows Najieta, he is willing.

It has to be said that although this Lubbock has a tendency to be a pervert, his infatuation with Najeta is worthy of praise.

(End of this chapter)

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