Chapter 423 Lu Zhuo's Shot

Nadetta screamed in her heart, but she couldn't react at all, she could only watch...she couldn't see at all!It can only be simulated in consciousness, the scene where Esdes kills himself instantly!

A sound like an ice cube burst out from Nadetta's body.

However, the strange thing is that Najeta's body slowly disappeared, it was an afterimage!

Estes stopped what she was doing, and countless ice cubes fell to the ground slowly. A light burst out of her eyes, and she said excitedly, "It's you!"

"En." Lu Zhuo nodded lightly, and put Najieta aside casually.

If it is in the original book, Esdes can only destroy Nadetta's arm and one eye, and Nadetta has the ability to escape.

But now because of Lu Zhuo's meddling and causing Esther to go too far, Najieta has no hope of escaping, so Lu Zhuo can only rescue her.

"Why do you want to save me..." Nadetta was stunned for a moment, but she still hadn't reacted from that state of dying.

"It's nothing, I just want to see how you can save the world." Lu Zhuo smiled lightly, but it seemed to be mocking.

"You..." Najieta looked at Lu Zhuo with a complicated expression. The meaning of Lu Zhuo's words was to let her go.

She is a traitor who betrayed the empire!As the emperor's teacher, Lu Zhuo would let her go, which made her extremely unbelievable.

Why, Lu Zhuo would let him go.

She felt that there seemed to be nothing in her body that could attract Lu Zhuo, not even her body, because Lu Zhuo never looked at her with possessive desires, only calm and slightly mocking.

Estes on the other side laughed happily, completely ignoring Najieta, even she didn't care that Lu Zhuo would let Najieta go.

"Come on, fight with me! I didn't expect to see you in advance before arriving in the imperial capital. Are you here to greet me?"

"Yes, I want to see how much stronger you, a mad woman, has become. If you are still that weak, I might grab you and rub you."

At this time, Lu Zhuo also ignored Najieta, who was on the side, and looked at Esdeth with a playful face.

Estes snorted, looked at Lu Zhuo provocatively, and said, "Then beat me! Otherwise, you are mine, and I will teach you well!"

"Crazy woman." Lu Zhuo said the word with a smile, then took Esdeth's leg casually, while lowering his head to avoid the ice arrow shot by Esdeth.

Lu Zhuo backhanded and waved his two fingers together. Esdeath used the ice wall without hesitation.

Click click!
The sound of ice cubes bursting came, and the ice wall of more than ten layers was quickly broken, but Esdes also got a chance to escape.

Of course, this is because Lu Zhuo has restrained a lot of strength, otherwise, it is impossible for the current Esthers to take Lu Zhuo's casual sword.

Najieta on the side looked bitterly at Lu Zhuo and Esdeth who fought directly as if no one else was there.

What are these two people... in their hearts? !

Crazy, all crazy!
Without hesitation, she labeled Estes and Lu Zhuo as lunatics. Seeing that they ignored her, Najieta felt a little humiliated, but she still understood the saying that the green hills would not worry about burning firewood. of.

No one wants to die if they can't die.

Helping up Lubbock who vomited blood and was unconscious on the other side, Najieta walked directly into the jungle.As for the [-] soldiers under him, they had already scattered and fled in all directions. Some of them were particularly loyal and did not escape, but hid aside and dared not go forward.

It was not until Nadetta came out with Lubbock that a group of talents reunited.

Lu Zhuo and Estes didn't bother to pay attention to Najieta at this time.The two were fighting fiercely with each other.

That's right, a punch and a kick!
Estes knew that her Teigu was not as powerful as Lu Zhuo's strange power that could cut everything.

No matter what kind of ice it is, Lu Zhuo can cut it off at will.

And if he didn't use Teigu, Lu Zhuo wouldn't use that ability, and Esdeth could have the upper hand by relying solely on the power of hand-to-hand combat.

Of course, this is also the case where Lu Zhuo has suppressed his strength and speed to be equal to Esthers.

Even so, Lu Zhuo's eyes can still slow down Esdeth's movements infinitely, and can see through everything.

However, being able to see through everything, Lu Zhuo still fell into a disadvantage, because Esdesh's attack was too perfect, and Lu Zhuo occasionally overused his power, directly seeing through Esdesh's body...

However, on the surface Lu Zhuo didn't show anything, just smiled faintly.

In fact, would Lu Zhuo with such a strong control overuse his strength?Maybe it was intentional, Lu Zhuo didn't know his own heart, he just thought it was interesting and amusing.

Anyway, this time, when I came to this world, besides avoiding the guy outside, I came here to play.

Besides, even if Estes knew that Lu Zhuo would see through her occasionally, she probably wouldn't mind at all.This crazy woman's thinking is definitely different!
Moreover, she took it for granted that the weak should obey the strong.Even when Lu Zhuo defeated her three times, she would say: You won, you can do whatever you want.

Lu Zhuo didn't do anything to her, he just let her continue to become stronger.

In the face of Esdes, the Queen of Shaking S, how should I put it, Lu Zhuo meant to appreciate it, and he liked it very much, but he didn't have any sexual thoughts.

Estes shouted loudly, and suddenly punched Lu Zhuo in the chest, sending Lu Zhuo flying away.

"What's going on, are you distracted?"

Instead of chasing after the victory, Estes stopped in place, his beautiful eyes flickering as he looked at Lu Zhuo who was intact and easily landed.

"Cough cough!"

What, do you want to tell the whole body of Esdeth that I accidentally looked at just now?
Lu Zhuo coughed twice, if he said what he just thought, Esdesh might go crazy, so it's better not to say it.

"It's nothing, it was a little distracted, we continued to fight."

"If you don't fight, you win." Esdes stood up, shaking his head, with frost on his face.

Lu Zhuo looked at Esdeth with some surprise, she took the initiative to admit defeat and kicked out the fight, this is not the queen's character!
As if seeing Lu Zhuo's thoughts, Esdes glared at Lu Zhuo viciously, and said, "I punched you with all my strength, and you didn't even have anything to do, so how can I beat you? Use Tegu Geng Can't resist your damn strange power."


Lu Zhuo had black lines all over his head, and only then did he realize that he was distracted just now and forgot that he was going to pretend to vomit blood when he was sent flying.

Shaking his head helplessly, Lu Zhuo could only say: "Then wait until you become stronger."

"Hmph, I know you have hidden a lot. Your strength and speed must be stronger than mine, but I will definitely not be weak, and I will definitely surpass you!" Esdeth's eyes shone brightly, looking at Lu Zhuo, let Lu Zhuo get a little hairy.

This look seemed to dismember him.

"Hey, crazy woman, don't look at me like that."

"Okay." With a clean response, Esdesi turned her head directly. If she loses, she loses. If she loses, she will almost obey Lu Zhuo's orders.

Of course, except for Lu Zhuo, she would never admit defeat to anyone, or even bow her head.Lu Zhuo is special, because Lu Zhuo really frightens her a bit.

"I really want to know how strong you are." Estes didn't care about Lu Zhuo's background at all, she just wanted to know the strength.

After listening to Esdesh's words, Lu Zhuo gave Esdesh a meaningful look.

"I hope you know."

These words made Esdes startled slightly, and then smiled, with firm confidence and enthusiasm in those blue eyes, "I will definitely! And I will surpass you!"

I am waiting.

Lu Zhuo looked at Estes with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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