Chapter 430: Lelang City Interlude
Lelang City, near the junction of the north of the empire and foreign nations.

Chi Tong and his party, after completing the mission in the south, took nearly three months to cross most of the empire's borders and came to the north of the empire.

In the jungle, Goziqi held a task list in his hand and smiled at the seven people in front of him.

"Because of the superior performance of Chi Tong and Zhu Zi, Sabatini and his party have all been cleaned up, which is perfect."

"The next task is, in Lelang City, the city lord of the alien ethnic group in the north, Lakiri, this is a big fish, use the skills you have learned to clean up him!"

With a cold smile on the corner of Goziqi's mouth, he turned the task list in his hand and let Chi Tong and others see the appearance of the prefect painted on it.


The comfortable and warm sunshine, under a cool umbrella, Nahaxiu lay there relaxed and comfortable.

Guy took a puff of cigarette and complained: "I'm really idle, Nahaxiu. Wouldn't it be enough to rush into the city in one breath at night?"

"Shut up, it's not that simple. The city is full of traps, and the prefect who secretly communicates with other ethnic groups will not take any precautions?" Nahaxiu gently flipped the book in his hand and replied casually. .

Then, Nahaxiu glanced at Green, who was wearing a waiter's clothes with a cup of coffee, and said with a chuckle, "Trash fish, you won't forget your mission, right?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten, let's sneak around to collect information first, right?" Green grinned, showing his white teeth, and after he finished speaking, he showed a worried look, "I don't know how the girls are doing."


In the city, a cute girl with short hair, Chikushi with a childlike face, is walking in the city with a broom.

Suddenly, she wiped the sweat from her forehead, pouted and said, "Sure enough, the newcomers will not be sent to clean the inside of the city, so they won't be able to get useful information."

Looking at the inner city in the distance, she shook her head lightly, showing a cute look, and said: "The captain does not allow casual intrusions without caution, so please be patient."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and continued to sweep the floor.

Finally, after finishing the task, she wiped the sweat from her forehead, stretched her waist happily, and said, "Okay, the daily routine is completed."

At this moment, a man in an officer's uniform came out of the inner city and suddenly waved at Zhuzi.

"Hey, come here!"

After finishing speaking, a lewd look flashed in his eyes, but he concealed it again.

Tsukushi didn't notice his gaze, but was a little surprised.

The officer glanced at Zhuzi, a satisfied look flashed across his face, and he continued: "I'm going to come here after finishing my work."

At this time, Chikushi felt that there was something wrong with his gaze, but since she was a maid now, it was impossible for her to disobey the command of the chief, as that would expose her identity.

So, she obediently followed the officer to a dark corner.

Looking at the officer in front of him with fiery eyes sweeping around her body with a malicious expression on his face, Chikushi seemed a little nervous, pinching the corner of her maid dress skirt, and said timidly: "What... what's the matter?" something?"

The officer raised his mouth, looked at Chikushi viciously, and said, "Do you want to make more money? Ten times more money than this maid! As long use your **** for Let me serve... how about it?"


Chikushi almost exclaimed, her small face turned red, and she looked at the officer with frivolous eyes in embarrassment and anger.

The officer did not hide his gaze, stared straight at Chikushi's chest, then turned around pretending to be casual, waved his hand, and said, "If you decide, just talk to me."

"What to decide?"

A faint voice came suddenly, and footsteps sounded from the corner.

Both Zhuzi and the officer turned their heads away, seeing the sudden appearance, Zhuzi covered his mouth in shock.

"Master Emperor?!"

Although he covered his mouth, the exclamation was still shouted out, and the officer's expression changed dramatically.

Cold sweat appeared on his forehead, his body trembled a little, he forced a calm smile, and said, "I'm just kidding, why is that lord here..."

Lu Zhuo raised his head, glanced at him casually, and hummed softly.

The officer suddenly felt as if something had exploded in his mind, and suddenly his eyes became blood red, and he turned his head viciously, looking at the inner city in the distance.

"Damn the city lord! You killed my parents and took away my beloved woman! Damn you, damn it!"

In an instant, the officer became like a madman, rushed out of the dark corner, pulled out his sword directly, rushed into the inner city, and rushed towards the city lord's mansion.


The soldiers guarding the gate were all dumbfounded when they saw his appearance, but they didn't dare to stop them. They watched the officer rushing into the city lord's mansion with a sharp sword like crazy, and then an angry shout came from the city lord's mansion. , and the clanging of swords.

And in that corner, Zhu Zi looked at this scene, still in a daze, did not react at all, why did the officer suddenly go crazy and shout to kill the city lord.

However, although she has big breasts, she is not brainless, and she quickly reacted.Besides this mysterious and powerful man in front of him, who else would suddenly do such a thing?
"Imperial Assassination Troop...Zhu Zi, I have seen the Emperor Master..."

At this time, she realized that she hadn't saluted yet, so she quickly saluted Lu Zhuo, but Lu Zhuo gently stopped her.

"no need."

Lu Zhuo waved his hand with a smile, and said, "I'm just out for a trip this time, the imperial capital is too boring."


Chikushi was in a daze for a while, but she didn't know how to answer, could she happen to meet her on a mission when she was traveling?This is too much of a coincidence!

Besides, Lu Zhuo's status is the imperial teacher of the empire, comparable to the emperor's status!How could it be possible to come out casually to engage in some kind of tourism.

"Um... what's the matter with you?"

Zhuzi looked at Lu Zhuo, said something timidly, and suddenly thought of what the rogue officer said just now, her pretty face turned red.

Inexplicably, she switched Lu Zhuo's identity with that officer's.

What should I do if Master Emperor also asks me to do this kind of thing?Is it to resist death, or to obey orders...

Thinking wildly, his little face became more and more red. Looking at her, Lu Zhuo was also a little stunned, and said with a smile: "Why, did that guy scare you just now? Don't think about it anymore, I have already driven him crazy. "

(End of this chapter)

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