Chapter 432 Chelsea's Appearance
The Imperial Assassination Force took action, and in just three months, it swept across the entire area, and completely shocked the revolutionary army.

Because this team of killers caused heavy damage to the revolutionary army, although only a dozen people were killed, but all of them were important people!
The Revolutionary Army immediately dispatched their assassination troops, and agreed to the bandit Tengu Party on the road, the next target of the Imperial City assassins, and started the battle.

On the winding and rugged mountain road, a man with orange shawl hair, with headphones, a lollipop in his mouth, with a tired and troubled look on his small face.

"Really... I can't walk anymore!"

Chelsea dragged herself feebly, her arms drooping, and she looked listless.

"Just bear with me!"

In front of Chelsea, an old woman with a bandage on her head turned her head and said with a vicious smile, "I remember, you said bad things about me before..."

"Ah..." Chelsea groaned weakly and almost fell to the ground.

Another beautiful girl at the side walked over silently, "I'll carry you on my back."


Seeing this, Chelsea couldn't help cheering, raised her hands high, and made a face at Barbara.

Barbara shook her head and said helplessly, "Tiaozi, you dote on her too much!"


With the arrival of the revolutionary army killer.

The battle of the White Wolf River soon kicked off.

Although the Tengu Party members who ambushed the Imperial Assassination Squad made ambush and raids, they were no match for Nahaxiu Akahito and the others.

On the burning ship, Barbara stood there with a gloomy face, and said, "You idiot of the Tengu Party! Damn it, Chelsea, go investigate!"


Chelsea responded very simply, she was the most obedient to orders when doing tasks.

She took out a small box, took out a bunch of makeup items from it, slid it a few times casually, and a faint force spread out.

As if it was a transformation technique, she turned into an owl and flew high into the sky.

Below, Nahaxiu and the others who were slaughtering all recorded their respective information powers. Chelsea wanted to wipe off her sweat, but turned her head weakly, and found that she was in the form of an owl.


It's tiring to fly with your arms...

Chelsea complained weakly in her heart. At this moment, her eyes suddenly flashed, and she stared at the shore, a figure standing there quietly.

White robes, gold-edged patterns, and that incomparably young appearance.

At first glance, Chelsea recognized that it was the second person on the assassination list of the revolutionary army... the imperial division!
This image, when Chelsea saw the picture for the first time, was deeply imprinted in her mind.Because Lu Zhuo's appearance is really too young, he doesn't look like the emperor teacher of the empire, the person in charge of the highest power in the empire!
Regarding Lu Zhuo's appearance, the revolutionary army was completely confused.Even, no matter what method they used to infiltrate, they could only get Lu Zhuo's appearance, but not any information about Lu Zhuo.

Of course, there is still some information revealed, for example, Lu Zhuo doesn't like money, he's a bit lecherous... Judging from the fact that Lu Zhuo is surrounded by girls...

How could he be here!

This was a thought that exploded in Chelsea's mind, and it shook her mind so much that she almost couldn't maintain the owl form!
You know, Lu Zhuo's status is equal to that of the emperor!Such a person, appearing here, what does it represent? !

She didn't dare to move at all, forcibly suppressed her shock, and quietly flew into the night sky.

Just as she was retreating, Lu Zhuo suddenly raised his head, with a playful smile on his face, and glanced in the direction she left.

Chelsea...the expected meeting.


"Report, this is the information I got from the investigation..." Chelsea returned to Barbara. At this time, the battle was over, and both sides had retreated to a safe place.

Although it was flying in the air, only Nahaxiu and the other three teenagers were the ones who took action in that battle, and Chi Tong and others were not exposed.

Barbara looked at the scribbled pictures that clearly showed a person's appearance, nodded, and said, "In this way, there are three people exposed to our information, but the assassination team of the empire must be More than so many..."

"Wait a minute, I found another person..." Chelsea hesitated, the doubt and surprise in her eyes were caught by the keen Barbara.

Barbara frowned and said, "The other person, is it the leader of these killers?"

"No...he's not the killer of the empire...he's the man, the man in our revolutionary army who has hardly found any information."

Hearing this, Barbara seemed to think of something, a look of shock appeared on her wrinkled face, and a murderous aura erupted from her body.

"Is... an emperor?"

Chelsea nodded lightly, but said in a low voice: "But I'm not sure, because his identity is too special."

After listening to Chelsea's words, Barbara frowned, took a few steps back and forth, and then took a pencil drawing that Chelsea handed over, her expression became very serious.

"It's definitely him. Apart from him, no one would wear this dress, or rather, no one would dare to wear this dress. It's just...why does he appear here..."

Looking at the pictures depicted in that painting, which were exactly the same as the pictures in the top secrets of the Revolutionary Army, Barbara directly confirmed Lu Zhuo's identity.

"What shall we do?"

Chelsea sat aside with some distress, and whispered: "This person is not within the scope of our assassination, and his appearance means that things must be out of control!"

Barbara stood there quietly, suddenly rubbed the stack of drawing paper in her hand a few times, and threw it into the trash can.

She closed her eyes, and after a moment of contemplation, a murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

"Notify the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army and request to mobilize the hidden troops in the north! If this person can be killed, everything will be worth it!"

After hearing Barbara's words, black lines suddenly appeared on Chelsea's little head, and she said weakly: "Is there something wrong with your brain? We should not care about people of this level!"

"But if you can kill him, it will be a big victory for the Revolutionary Army!" Barbara settled down firmly, and Chelsea was finally powerless to resist.


In a small town, Gozzi quietly came here with Chitong and other girls who had not revealed their identities in the previous battle.

Since the assassin of the revolutionary army appeared, this is no longer the task of Chi Tong and others, and the captain of Gozqi also needs to join in.

"Find a place to stay first."

Gozzi is very calm, he knows that the assassins of the revolutionary army must be looking for them now, and they just need to wait and see what happens.

(End of this chapter)

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