Chapter 434 The decision of friendship

Taeko clenched her fists and led Cornelia to a quiet abandoned courtyard.

"What's the point of calling me to such a place?"

Although Cornelia didn't have any precautions at the beginning, but when she came to this quiet place at this time, her killer instinct, the power she had been trained for several years, naturally burst out.

A bold idea, one that she couldn't believe, appeared in her mind.

Taeko is... an enemy? !

Immediately afterwards, she was mercilessly attacked by Taeko, a very happy friend she had just made!
"So that's it, Taeko is a member of the revolutionary army."

"I really want to be friends with Cornelia, but... I can't right now. So, if there is a next life, let's be friends again."

"Then...that's the deal."

Cornelia accepted Taeko's sneak attack, and she was not sad. Instead, she was calm. Similarly, Taeko was also calm.

"I am the god of death, Ogbel's breath is the wind of impermanence, leading you to hell!" Said these words calmly, Taeko swung the sword in her hand fiercely, and cut off the trace of emotion .

At the same time, Cornelia punched without hesitation, with a calm expression, "I will bury Taeko."

Calmly say this kind of words of severing friendship, and calmly fight. it really peaceful?Or hide in the calm, the trembling heart?

In the end, Cornelia fell under Taeko's sword and was beheaded by Taeko!

"One solved...then, the next one." Taeko looked at Cornelia's corpse with no sadness in her eyes, because she had cut it off before.

Just after she left, a figure slowly walked out from the side, and came to Cornelia's body.

Lu Zhuo raised his head, looked at the sky, stretched out his finger lightly, a touch of nothingness, but real soul, suddenly condensed.

Cornelia's soul, with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes at this moment.

"I... am I dead? Is this my soul?"

She looked at her state and her body lying on the ground, a bitterness flashed across her face.

Can't I be Chi Tong Zhu Zi's sister anymore?Can you never see them again?
"You're dead, but you're not dead." A flat voice interrupted her thoughts lightly, and only then did she notice that in front of her, Lu Zhuo was looking at her calmly.

" can see me?" Cornelia suddenly felt very miraculous and weird. She didn't expect that souls, ghosts, and such things really existed. Moreover, Lu Zhuo, the mysterious master of the emperor, still see her.

Lu Zhuo looked at Cornelia's soul, showed a faint smile, and said: "Originally, you should die here, no matter from the cause and effect, or from the rules of the world, you should die. However, I don't really want to die. Seeing this ending, I will give you a chance."

"Come to my side and be my maid, you can be resurrected, and you can continue to watch Chitong and the others, but without my permission, you can't let them know that you are still alive."

Hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Cornelia's eyes were full of shock.


How is this possible? !
However, Lu Zhuo could see her soul, and her current state seemed to be controlled by the emperor in front of her.

"You, can you really revive me?" Cornelia said tremblingly. In fact, the voice came from her mind. No one except Lu Zhuo could hear her words and see her soul.


No one will accept death, especially a girl like Cornelia who yearns for life infinitely.

She agreed, and her soul was taken away by Lu Zhuo, who was sent directly back to his Imperial Master's Mansion, and at the same time reshaped her body.

She didn't realize until after her soul and body re-integrated that she was completely naked in her soul form!
Even the body that Lu Zhuo reshaped for her was naked!

That embarrassing shyness instantly covered up the surprise in her heart.She was very amazed at this god-like power.

"Your name is Cornelia, right? You will be one of us from now on." Yin was holding a piece of clothing, specially made by Lu Zhuo, for the girls around her, a model of maid outfit.

Fortunately, Lu Zhuo himself left after sculpting her body, otherwise she would be ashamed to death if she put on clothes in front of Lu Zhuo.Although she has died once, she is still a girl.

"It turns out that Emperor Shida... Master, is he a god?" Under Xueer's teaching, Cornelia knew Lu Zhuo's identity, and it took a long time to wake up from the shock.

Then, she couldn't wait to know what happened to Chi Tong and the others.

Even though he jumped out of the chessboard and became a spectator, he knew that even if Chitong and the others died, Lu Zhuo would surely bring them back to life with Lu Zhuo's means.But that kind of concern still made her especially want to know the development of the matter.

At this time, Lu Zhuo was watching Taeko's death at the scene of Cornelia's death.

Taeko died at Chitong's hands, although she wanted to take advantage of Cornelia's death, which shocked Chitong and revealed her flaws.

But Chi Tong, who had already placed darkness in the word and 'burial', was completely immune to this level of stimulation.Moreover, Chi Tong's strength is undoubtedly the strongest among girls, even comparable to the boss Nahaxiu among boys.

After killing Taeko, Akahito knelt in front of Cornelia's body and wept bitterly.

"Cry, it proves that you are not a qualified assassin."

Lu Zhuo was watching this from the side, and now he came out calmly and looked at Chi Tong.

Chi Tong was very surprised by Lu Zhuo's appearance, and then she looked at Lu Zhuo with that kind of sad eyes, and said softly, "You witnessed everything?"


"Why didn't you save her?"

"Save who? Taeko? Cornelia?" Lu Zhuo looked at Chi Tong and showed a faint smile.

Chi Tong looked at Lu Zhuo and fell silent.

Yes, why did Lu Zhuo save people? For a person of Lu Zhuo's status, wouldn't it be normal for an ordinary subordinate to die?

Moreover, the target of the revolutionary army will also be Lu Zhuo. It is also very normal for Lu Zhuo to hide himself and not expose himself.

But...she had an inexplicable resentment in her heart.It's not resentment, but something close to resentment.

"Aren't you possessive towards girls?"

These words came out of Chitong's mouth calmly, making Lu Zhuo stagger and almost fell down.

What is possessiveness towards girls!Hey, Chi Tong, I haven't done anything to you, right, where did you see this!

(End of this chapter)

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