Chapter 436 It's time to pretend
"Hehe, girl Xue'er, are you a little jealous?" Lu Zhuo ignored Miaozi and the two, walked up to Xue'er, pinched her little nose, and snorted, "Look at you, your little mouth is almost poking up to the sky, The little nose is going to be crooked!"

"Not at all." Xue'er's face flushed, she held her head high and snorted.

"Ah, you still dare to play Tsundere attribute with me, the family law serves you!" Lu Zhuo pretended to be surprised, then snorted, hugged Xue'er, and walked directly to the bedroom with her panicked expression.

"Sister save me..."

"Puchi." Xueya pursed her lips and chuckled, and sold Xueer completely, anyway, to Lu Zhuo, the master.

On the other side, Remus, Yin and the others all looked at this scene with red faces. Lu Zhuo never concealed himself in front of them, since they were all his maids anyway.

Both Taeko and Cornelia were stunned, and their two faces turned red instantly.

Then Xueya turned her head, looked at them with a smile, and said with a faint, unquestionable majesty in her words: "You must agree to any request from the master, including serving the bed."

"Serving... serving the bed?!" Taeko and Cornelia looked at each other, and both saw the silly shyness in each other's eyes.

Silver on the other side, although also a little shy, couldn't help but snorted and said, "This is an honor, people want it, but I haven't got it yet."

Remus and Mai Min, who were beside Yin, took two steps back at the same time, and said with a tacit understanding that we don't know this girl.

However, it can be seen from their eyes that they are actually looking forward to Lu Zhuo's pampering... They are very envious of Hei Tong, who used to be with them, but now has a status like a princess, and is loved by Lu Zhuo. A girl who is pampered and pampered in every way.


After conquering Xue'er, Lu Zhuo returned to that small town.

At this time, I can already feel a kind of flow of people, surging towards here, the troops mobilized by the revolutionary army, and even bring the foreign nationalities in the north!

There are nearly ten thousand people surrounded, it is simply the rhythm of siege!

In the forest next to the town, a unilaterally crushing killing kicked off.

"I am the god of death, Ogbel's eyes are for the light of impermanence, guarding your journey to hell!" Barbara is worthy of being a master of a generation, even if she is old and weak.But the strength is still strong, completely crushing Nahaxiu, Green, and Guy!

In the end, before Gozqi arrived, the three of them were beheaded!

Seeing that his most proud subordinate was killed, Gozzi was furious. The Tegumura in his hand was obviously stronger than Barbara's weapon. In addition, Gozzi was still in the prime of life, and Barbara had crushed Naruto just now. The assassination masters of Ha Xiu and the others immediately fell into the situation of being crushed.

In the end, she died under the sword of Gozizi.

Lu Zhuo didn't even pay attention to the occurrence of these things. The only thing he paid attention to was that Chelsea pretended to be Gozzi, attacked Poni and killed him.

Then, pretending to be Bonnie, she assassinated and killed Chikushi.

Lu Zhuo also took away the souls of Zhuzi and Bonnie and sent them to his Emperor's Mansion to resurrect them.

Just when Chelsea wanted to kill Chi Tong again, a large force of the revolutionary army finally arrived, with tens of thousands of people on three floors and three floors, and the entire town was blocked by water.

The girl Chelsea just glanced at her mouth, too lazy to pay attention to Chi Tong anymore, she was going to die anyway.

The only one who made her gnash her teeth was Lu Zhuo, the emperor's teacher. However, at this moment, she suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling.

Although she clamored to kill Lu Zhuo, she, the assassin, trembled for some reason when she really wanted to see Lu Zhuo die.

So, she left without watching the final outcome of the tens of thousands of people besieged.

And this ending was completely different from what she expected.

Even, she was sad because of Lu Zhuo's 'death', but the news came back that the army of tens of thousands of people disappeared out of thin air, and the world evaporated!

"Chi Tong, it's just me and you."

Lu Zhuo stood on the wall of the small town, looking down calmly at the army of tens of thousands.

Chitong stood beside Lu Zhuo quietly, holding Teigu Murame in his hand.

Surrounded by the revolutionary army, Gozzi was alone and powerless against the army, and eventually died.And this village rain should have fallen into the hands of the revolutionary army. It wasn't until Chitong betrayed the empire and joined the night attack that he got the sword, but Lu Zhuo casually recruited it and gave it to her.

But for this gift, she was not happy.

Because one after another, the news of friends, instructors, and deaths has hit her extremely dull. If there is no belief in her heart, and Hei Tong is supporting her, I am afraid she will have fallen.

"Will we die here too?"

Standing there calmly, Chi Tong pinched Murasame in her hand, feeling the ominous aura of curse.

"If I say yes, then what will you do?" Lu Zhuo turned his head with a smile, looked at Chi Tong, and suddenly couldn't help stretching out his hand. Lu Zhuo gently brushed her soft long hair, "Think Cry, just cry, don't hide yourself with this calmness."

Chi Tong didn't resist at all, and let Lu Zhuo touch her, even gently stroking her back.

Hearing Lu Zhuo's words, tears welled up in her eyes, but she forcibly held back, "There is no time to cry...I have to put all my thoughts here!"

"For the sake of Heitong, I won't die here." Chitong was very firm, with a wave of conviction in his eyes, which made Lu Zhuo's eyes show a hint of appreciation.

"Yes, because of Heitong, it is impossible to die here. In fact, this is just a game. I just want you to know what is the most fundamental and fundamental thing in your heart. Is it the empire, or... "

Speaking of this, Lu Zhuo listened, looked at the revolutionary army below, leaned forward slightly, and leaned gently against the city wall, with a mocking smile on his face.

"Game..." Chitong suddenly felt sad, in Lu Zhuo's eyes, it was just a game after so many friends died... She suddenly felt so tired, she even wanted to stop taking care of the affairs of the empire, like Heitong , gave up all thoughts, threw herself into Lu Zhuo's arms, and felt the warmth of Lu Zhuo's embrace.

However, there is another voice in her heart oppressing her, it is the voice of the people, for the happiness of the people, she carries the empire on her shoulders, shoulders this task, and even gives up her own happiness for this, and confronts the black pupil for this, For this reason... Hei Tong was personally killed.

Her heart is messed up.

Below the city, the leader of the revolutionary army who led the team came out with a triumphant smile on his face.

"The head of the third branch of the Revolutionary Army has met the emperor of the empire. Unexpectedly, the emperor will not bring any guards when he comes out. Do you think these assassins of the empire can protect you?"

As he spoke, he suddenly threw out a bunch of heads.

It is the head of Goziqi, Nahaxiu and others!
Seeing this scene, Chi Tong's body trembled slightly, and there was a touch of blood red in his eyes.She gritted her silver teeth, wanting to say those two words... bury.

"Nahaxiu...Sister Cole...Zhuzi..."

Chitong didn't know that Cornelia and the others had been rescued by Lu Zhuo. She thought they were dead, and now she was the only one left.

Lu Zhuo kept his hand on Chi Tong's back, felt her trembling, chuckled, and said, "Want to vent your anger? Let me do it for you, not for Hei Tong's sake, but It's for...for the sake of you now."

It's time to dress up in style...

Speaking of this, Lu Zhuo turned his head, looked at the Revolutionary Army Minister below with a sneer, and said, "Can you say something straightforward?"

(End of this chapter)

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