Chapter 445 I will be the protagonist

In the palace, Lu Zhuo was lightly kneading melon seeds, lying casually on the sofa, sitting beside Heitong who was also kneading melon seeds.

"Brother, that Night Raider is getting more and more famous now. Killing the officials of the empire to gain fame really makes me a little unhappy." The little emperor sat on Lu Zhuo's lap with his mouth curled.

Hearing this sentence, the little black pupil on the side suddenly stopped putting the melon seeds into his mouth.

"Night attack... Is my sister there?"

"Are you still thinking of her?"

"Yes, I want to kill my sister who betrayed..." Hei Tong's voice was very light.

Lu Zhuo shook his head helplessly, and said, "Why do you have to kill her? Even if you arrest her and imprison her, it's better than killing her. Forget it, she will come back to you sooner or later."

Heitong listened to Lu Zhuo's words and continued to kowtow melon seeds silently without any response.

At this moment, Lu Zhuo gently spat out the melon seed shell, showing a faint smile, "Finally, the world center of fate and karma...Tazmi."


"So you want to join the army, how about this, I know a legion commander, as long as I give him a little money, I will definitely be able to help you do this!" Leone's eyes flashed a sly, and she smiled as if little fox.

Tazmi, who was sitting across from her, was so stupid that he couldn't see that Leone, the person who met him for the first time, was slaughtering him like a fat sheep.

"Thank you so much!" Tatsumi foolishly handed over her money to Leone.

Leonai took the purse with a smile, stood up, and waved at him, "Then you just wait here, boy, this is a lesson for you."

Then, Leone turned and left.

Then, Tatsumi foolishly waited in the tavern for a whole day, until the tavern was about to close, and he frantically confirmed that he was cheated!

"Is there any mistake, is the imperial capital like this?!"

Gritting her teeth and walking on the street, Tazmi vowed to meet that 'papaya milk' again, which would make her look good!
Suddenly, Tatsumi's eyes froze slightly, and he saw in the distance, a figure against the setting sun, walking towards him.

It was supposed to be a beautiful scenery, setting off that person, but Tatsumi inexplicably felt a faint sense of disgust and rejection.

And Lu Zhuo, who came over, also discovered the sense of rejection in Tazmi, and the causal line and fate line of the world condensed in Tazmi.

Just when Lu Zhuo came in front of Tazmi, a force that Tazmi couldn't feel suddenly gathered here and issued a stern warning to Lu Zhuo.

This is the will of the world, the bottom line that must never be touched.

"Who are you?" Although Tazmi felt a little repelled, but his character was kind and cheerful after all, he still greeted Lu Zhuo.

Lu Zhuo looked at him calmly, and suddenly couldn't help smiling.

"The protagonist? Why do I suddenly have the feeling that I want to be a decent protagonist?"

Tatsumi scratched his scalp after hearing Lu Zhuo's words, and asked in confusion, "Hey, what are you talking about?"

"Is it difficult to understand? Okay." Lu Zhuo smiled, and suddenly his expression froze, his whole body seemed to cut through time and space, and suddenly shuttled in front of Tazmi.

At the same time, the will of the world used the power of the world to suppress it severely.

However, Lu Zhuo was a quick step after all. At the moment when the will of the world was suppressed, Lu Zhuo took Tazmi's soul directly and threw it into his holy world.

At the same time, in Lu Zhuo's hand, he was holding a messy silk thread, which was the combination of the world's causal thread and fate thread, and it was also something drawn from Tazmi's soul.

"You can live a noble life in my holy world." Lu Zhuo said lightly, and then with a flick of his wrist, Lu Zhuo pinched the coil of karma and fate, and then threw it between Tazmi's eyebrows.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Zhuo's eyes flashed, staring at the body of the newly appeared Tazmi.An indestructible will burst out suddenly, rushing towards his brow.

The next moment, this body was perfectly controlled by Lu Zhuo and became his puppet.And Tazmi's soul was thrown into the holy world by Lu Zhuo, and he was asked to become a nobleman.

"Hey, let me replace the main character, Zha Zha Mi." A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Zhuo's mouth.

At this moment, wisps of blood-colored thunder and lightning erupted from the will of the world came suddenly, but stopped abruptly.

Because Lu Zhuo's body returned to the holy world very cleanly, he controlled Tazmi's body and stood in place.

Strictly speaking, this Tazmi is only controlled by Lu Zhuo, and the causal line and fate line are still on him.

The bloody thunder and lightning condensed by the will of the world circled 'Tazmi' several times, and finally fell silent, dissipating the power.

And the next moment, Lu Zhuo appeared again and couldn't help laughing.

"As expected! Tatsumi, who can't protect the girl, you'd better give up the protagonist's position obediently!"


"Master, why are you so happy? Just now I seemed to feel that the will of this world was violent. It won't have any effect." Xue Ya stood beside Lu Zhuo, with a hint of worry in her eyes.

She knew about Lu Zhuo's situation, and she was being squatted by a more powerful high-ranking true saint.

"It's okay, as long as the will of the world is not destroyed, no matter what happens inside the world, the outside cannot be noticed." Lu Zhuo replied with a smile, and then closed his eyes slightly.

On the other side, Lu Zhuo, who replaced Tazmi, walked around the street swaggeringly, and then quietly walked into the manor of Alia's family.

The last time I came here was on a phoenix, but this time I sneaked here...

No way, who let me be Tazmi now.

Lu Zhuo couldn't help laughing again, climbed over the wall and went in, found a hidden place to hide, and at the same time looked at the body speechlessly.

"It's really weak. Based on strength alone, I'm afraid even a girl like Chitong can't match her."

After shaking his head, Lu Zhuo simply controlled his body and fell asleep on the sidelines. It was not until two nights later, when countless silk threads hovering over the manor appeared with red pupils and a group of people, did Lu Zhuo open his eyes.

"From now on, I'm Tatsumi." A strange smile appeared on the corner of Tatsumi's mouth, and he jumped lightly, escaping into the darkness.

At this moment, a massacre also fell in the manor of the Alia family.

Chi Tong easily killed a group of guards, and Hill and Leone, who sneaked directly inside, also found the main target and easily completed the task.

"Chitong, I didn't see that noble lady." Brand's voice was a little low, and it came out through the thick armor.

(End of this chapter)

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