Chapter 459 Raise the friendship with Chi Tong

The next moment, Tatsumi flicked his fingers lightly, and that drop of blood fell on Murasame's sword.

Life and death are a cycle.

Looking at Murasame who suddenly radiated light, a smile appeared at the corner of Tazmi's mouth.

After the light dissipated, Murrayu returned to his ordinary appearance, Chitong immediately took it back and observed it carefully.

"Hey, that evil aura is gone."

Leonai on the side twitched her little nose, looking at the brand new Murasame in surprise.

Chitong gently held Murasame, pulled it out suddenly, and waved it towards the distance.

Just as she waved, a yin and yang fish suddenly appeared, the breath of life and death, but the two contradictory forces coexisted.

Under the sudden explosion, in front of Chi Tong, the air seemed to be torn apart, and a pillar chopped by her sword turned into gray dust silently!

Looking at this scene, Tazmi said with a smile: "It seems that Murasame's power is no longer a curse poison, but a more powerful power that can turn everything it touches into dust."

"It's so powerful." Leonai looked at this scene a little blankly, then she stood up abruptly, with a coquettish expression, hugged Tazmi from behind, and pressed her papaya milk against his. on the head.

"Let's remodel it for others too... Tatsumi, I can give you a little reward."

"...Hey, Leone, if you look like this, Ma Yin will beat you if she sees you." Tatsumi said helplessly.

"Anlaan, she can't beat me again." Leona smiled and continued to look at Tazmi.

Tatsumi shook his head weakly, and said: "Actually, the materials that can transform Teigu are limited. I only have two copies, both of which were given to me by that person, but... Leone, it seems that he wants to give you one. thing."

"What?" Leonai suddenly felt very strange, she and Emperor Lu Zhuo should have never met before, how could the other party give her something?

The next moment, Tazmi took something out of nowhere and shoved it into Leone's hand.

Leonie looked down, it was beige, so familiar...

It's not my own...

"I rely on!"

Leona couldn't help but let out a foul language, and her eyes suddenly showed shame and anger, like a spring lioness.

"Damn bastard, it's actually you, ah, I can't spare you!"

Chi Tong raised his head inexplicably and glanced at Leone, and said, "What happened? What are you holding in your hand?"

"Uh, nothing."

Leoney blushed, turned her head quickly, and fled away in a hurry. Tazmi was about to burst into laughter, but she had to keep a puzzled expression on her face.

At this time, Chitong gently put away Murasame, stood in front of Tatsumi, and said with a smile, "Thank you."

"Well, you're welcome... That, Chi Tong, can't you give me some real reward?"

"What do you want?" Chitong suddenly looked at Tatsumi in a daze.

"Kiss me... Hey, don't do it!" Tatsumi just showed a smirk, and was startled by the way Chitong pulled out the brand new Murasame dumbly.

Seeing Tatsumi's appearance, Chitong suddenly smiled, and that cuteness was instantly replaced by infinite beauty, which made Tazmi slightly stunned.

Then the next moment, he felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing towards his face, and then, a small mouth gently kissed his cheek.

"Just this one time." Chitong left without turning her head, her face was hot, and she was a little surprised, why did she do that just now.

But Tatsumi stood there in a daze, and after a while, he touched his face and smiled.

What I mean is kiss, Chitong, what you did is wrong.


Najieta put her hands on the table, looked at Tatsumi with piercing eyes, and said, "The material that can transform Teigu..."

"Really no more..."

Although it is easy for Tatsumi to reform Teigu, the problem is that if there are too many reforms, his identity will be exposed.

After all, something like Teigu cannot be surpassed or recreated by the empire.

Najieta stared at Tazmi, as if she wanted to see something from his eyes. In the end, she found nothing, and could only sigh slightly, and said, "It's a pity, if there are more such things, The strength of our revolutionary army can be greatly improved..."

Having said that, her words came to an abrupt end, she patted the table lightly, her eyes turned cold, and said: "There is a new target, this time, it is very dangerous, the target is a murderer wandering in the imperial capital, beheading Zanke , is a Teigu envoy!"

"In other words, it must be a team of two." Leoney giggled, not at all worried that the target was the emperor's envoy, but ran to Tazmi's side, looking affectionate, and said: " They want to team up with Tazmi."

"Lei! Oh! Nai!" Ma Yin gritted her teeth and looked at Leonai, with a blush on her pretty face, she shouted slightly angrily: "If you don't have a man, don't hook up with others..."

"Cough cough!"

Najta couldn't help coughing, and Ma Yin also felt that the words were a little too explicit, so she quickly shut up, but Leonai smirked and said persistently: "Wow, our Ma Yin has a man Hey, Tatsumi, how far have you two developed!"

"Leonai, you are enough..." Tatsumi looked at Leonai helplessly.

Maine glared at Leonae angrily, and hummed, "Even if we're in a group, it's me and Tazmi."

"Well, Tazmi and Chi Tong are a group, Maine and Hill are a group... That's it."

Najeta suddenly interrupted their almost quarreling words, slammed the table and said, "This time, it's very dangerous, don't be careless! I need you all, come back alive!"

"What, it turned out to be Chitong." Leonai curled her lips, shook her head and left.

Ma Yin looked at Chitong vigilantly, then stood beside Tazmi, glared at Tazmi fiercely, and said, "Hey, don't steal it."

"Stealing?" Chitong suddenly showed a cute expression, and circled around Tazmi.

"Ahem, it doesn't mean it literally." Tatsumi looked helplessly at Chitong who had become a foodie, then turned to look at Ma Yin, smiled and nodded her little white jade nose, saying: " Are you jealous?"


Maine blushed slightly, snorted arrogantly, turned her head and dragged Hill away, "Who is jealous, you narcissist."


This can lead to narcissism, Maine, you girl is too... Tazmi looked at Maine's back speechlessly.

Lubbock on the other side almost pulled his hair down, looked at Tazmi with envy and hatred, and cried and said, "Why, why is Tazmi so popular with girls! !"

"If you don't always peek at Big Sister's bath."

Brand patted Lubbock on the shoulder with a meaningful smile.

"Really, then I promise not to do that again next time..." Lubbock puffed out his chest with a determined face.

Click click!
There was a crackling sound of finger bones rubbing against each other, which was creepy from behind.

"And next time?!" Nadetta looked at Lubbock with a dark face.

So call...

It turns out that this guy Brand also had a time when his teammates were black-bellied!

Seeing that Lubbock was repaired into an inhuman form, Tazmi almost burst out laughing in his heart, Lubbock, you better go and have sex with Brand, I can't compare with your kid.


On the dark street, the occasional footsteps are eerie.Nights in the imperial capital are often terrifying.

"This is the area we are in charge of, we have to act carefully." Chi Tong took Tazmi to a street with vigilance in his eyes, "Although you have transformed my Teigu, my strength has become stronger. There are many, but the opponent is the emperor after all, so we can't be careless."

"Well, don't worry, I will definitely not die." Tatsumi looked at Chitong and smiled.

Chitong's body shook slightly, and she looked at Tatsumi silently.

"If you can survive, let's talk about it."

"Chitong...why do you have to carry so many things alone?" Tazmi looked at Chitong, and suddenly said with pity in his eyes, "I heard a lot about you from others. things, your sister..."

"Don't, don't say it." Chi Tong's eyes flashed, and he suddenly stepped forward and covered Tazmi's mouth.

Tazmi was about to break free, but was pulled directly into the corner by Chi Tong.

"It's the imperial guard." Chitong looked at a group of soldiers patrolling past in the distance, and gently let go of the hand covering Tazmi's mouth.

Then, she suddenly looked at Tazmi calmly and said softly, "Everyone has their own mission, doesn't they? I think this is my mission, this is my destiny... I can't resist..."

"Fate should be in your own hands!" Tazmi suddenly turned over, supported the wall with both arms, put Chitong in the middle, and looked straight at Chitong.

From her calm gaze, what Tazmi saw was almost pain.Or rather, a kind of numbness.I've been through so much pain that I'm starting to feel numb.

Chi Tong turned his head and said, "We can't even control our own lives, and we may die in a certain mission at any time. How to control our destiny."

"Because, you didn't try to resist fate." Tazmi looked at Chi Tong and said softly, "Believe in yourself and follow your heart."

"My heart... has already fallen into darkness." Chi Tong gently stretched out her hand, pushed Tazmi's arm away, and walked out of the dark corner.

Looking at this scene, Tazmi sighed slightly, then stepped forward quickly, pulled Chitong's little hand directly, and smiled at her.

"Let's go, I'll take you to buy some delicious snacks."

"Eat..." Chi Tong's expression instantly became cute, as if nothing happened just now, he was pulled by Tazmi and trotted.

Sure enough, it would be better to abduct Chi Tong with food.

Looking at the smiling red pupils sitting next to him, chomping on snacks, with a cute and cute face, without any trace of numbness or pain, Tatsumi chuckled softly in his heart.

At this moment, a feeling of being spied on suddenly entered Tazmi's heart, causing a flash of coldness in Tazmi's eyes.

Beheading Zanker?

(End of this chapter)

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