Chapter 466 I am a god
In an instant, the ice and snow melted, and there was even a surge of vitality, directly turning the cold winter into a warm spring with blooming flowers!
This scene made Sibiya, who was about to stand up, stare blankly.

The former minister on the other side was also dumbfounded, and couldn't hold on to the crutch in his hand.

"This... such power... is like a god!"

His voice trembled a little.

Estes at the side rolled Lu Zhuo's eyes, snorted lightly, then turned around and walked towards the distance.

"Hurry up and finish. Today you have to accompany me to hunt Xue Long."


After shaking his head helplessly, Lu Zhuo looked at Sibiya who had stood up and dodged his eyes, and showed a faint smile.

Although Sibiya felt very shy, she still saluted Lu Zhuo slightly.

"Thank you, my lord, for your help."

When she said this, she couldn't help but sneak a few glances at Lu Zhuo from the corner of her eye. She never expected that the legendary Master Emperor would be such a young man!
The former minister at the side suddenly looked at Lu Zhuo with a solemn expression, and said suddenly: "My lord... I have always been curious why you, who suddenly appeared, would let Ernest, a guy who only has power in his eyes, dare not resist."

"Now, I have a guess... Could it be that the legend of the empire is true?"

There was also a trace of awe in his eyes, and he looked at Lu Zhuo tentatively.

Lu Zhuo glanced at the surrounding scene, and it seemed that the power he showed just now was a little shocking.


Lu Zhuo spoke lightly, with calm eyes, and said, "I am a god."


Sibiya on the side covered her small mouth in surprise, but after thinking about it for a while, she found that it was true.Her almost dying injury can be recovered without a trace of scar, and the cold winter weather can be turned into spring warmth with a wave of her hand.

At such a young age, Ornest was in awe in the courtroom.

All of this indicated that Lu Zhuo could not be an ordinary person, he was a god, the first emperor of the empire, and the god who was invited to protect the country when the country was founded!

The former minister's cloudy eyes also trembled slightly, without doubting it, he directly knelt down towards Lu Zhuo.

"Master God...why don't you save the empire!"

"The empire has come to an end. This is the fate of the world. It's just like the birth, old age, sickness and death of human beings."

Lu Zhuo looked at him indifferently, with a calm tone.

The former minister's body trembled, his voice trembled, and he said, "Is there no other way?"

"No... But you don't need to worry about it so much. All of this is my game. The current Emperor is my recognized sister. With me, the world will not be destroyed, and will only go on the right track in the end."

Lu Zhuo looked at the former minister, said a few more words, and after explaining, suddenly flicked his wrist, and the former minister disappeared immediately!

"Ah! Father?! Where did you get father?"

Sibiya on the side was startled and asked Lu Zhuo in a panic.

Lu Zhuo looked at her and said lightly: "I am a god, I have a world of my own, you know my identity, of course you can't let you leave casually, spoil my game. Your father is a virtuous minister, I let He went to my holy world and became a minister."

Lu Zhuo's holy world is also an imperial system, but Lu Zhuo has never bothered to take care of it, leaving it to Princess Jade to take care of it.

Sending a capable and virtuous official there now can also lighten her burden.

"As for you..."

Lu Zhuo stroked his chin, suddenly showed a faint smile, and said, "You can go to my holy world with your father, or...stay in this world and watch the theater with me."


Sibiya was shocked for a long time and didn't come back to her senses. Finally, she looked at Lu Zhuo and asked hesitantly, "Is my father okay?"

"Of course, I can let you see him."

"Then I'll stay here."

As she said that, Sibiya secretly glanced at Lu Zhuo, with reverence and admiration in her eyes.

Since she was a child, she also grew up listening to the god Lu Zhuo and the legend of the first emperor. Of course, she worshiped Lu Zhuo to the extreme. Zhuo's admiration continued unabated.

"Then, you can stay in my Emperor Shifu."

Lu Zhuo said something indifferently, waved at her, and Sibiya was sent back to the Imperial Master's Mansion by him.

After doing all this, Lu Zhuo shook his head, took a step forward, and caught up with Esdesh with a flash.

Now Lu Zhuo doesn't hide her power much in front of Esdesh, because after Esdesh reaches the semi-holy level, the power she possesses is already very terrifying.

Although it can't reach Lu Zhuo's level of changing the world and teleporting at will, he can easily freeze time and space and cut space.

Because of this, Lu Zhuo is not going to let Esdeth personally intervene in the following plot, otherwise, she can wipe out the night attack with a wave of her hand, so there is no point in playing.

Speaking of which, it's time to make Chi Tong stronger.

Lu Zhuo rubbed his chin, thinking of Chi Tong, he smiled.

Mind and will are the most important things.This is the power necessary to achieve the holy level, and it is even fundamentally related to becoming a true saint.

Because of this, Lu Zhuo didn't care how big the difference in strength was between Chitong and Estes. Once the will and mind matured, it would be too easy to improve their strength.

Even if the phoenix is ​​used to draw blood every day to bathe Chitong, it can raise her to the semi-holy level in a short time, and when the mind and will are mature, she can directly become the holy level.

Far away in the Imperial Master's Mansion, Fenghuang, who was being groomed by Xue Er, felt a chill in his body for no reason.He couldn't help shaking his body, emitting a ray of Phoenix fire.

"Oops, you almost broke my hand."

Xue'er immediately patted Phoenix's head in displeasure, and a force of rules pressed on it, making it unable to move.

Although the phoenix is ​​a holy level, it is a holy level in the holy world, and Xueer is equivalent to Lu Zhuo's spokesperson. In the holy world, or in front of the creatures belonging to the holy world, she has the power second only to the true saint. Easily suppress Phoenix.

"Too bullying the bird..."

Fenghuang silently wiped his tears...

For it, even tears are comparable to Esdeth's Teigu, the Tempering of the Demon God.


During the night raid on the base, Tazmi struggled for a while to make the girl Ma Yin happy again.

At the same time, he kept tempting Chi Tong with food, so that Chi Tong, a girl, gradually had a taste of being inseparable from Tazmi.

Although Chi Tong felt that this was very wrong, every time she saw food, she directly turned into a cute mode, and everything else was forgotten.

(End of this chapter)

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