Chapter 468 Hunter established
The door to the room was opened again, and Seleu saluted very solemnly.

"Members of the Imperial City Guard, Seleu, Ubiquitas and Xiaobi!"

With a sunny smile on her face, it is completely unexpected how paranoid and crazy she is in the justice and evil in her heart.

Then, Dr. Fashion, a homosexual, walked in, and he took a fancy to Will at a glance, which instantly made Will petrified...

After five people walked in, suddenly, another teenager walked in.

When Will was thinking about whether this person was abnormal, the black pupil beside him suddenly called out softly.

"elder brother."

Lu Zhuo walked up to Heitong with a calm expression, his eyes were gentle and affectionate, he touched her little head, and said, "Do you have to come? Wouldn't it be good to stay with me?"

"I want to take my sister back with my own hands..."

Heitong looked at Lu Zhuo, his eyes were full of something called firmness, or in other words, with a touch of paranoia.

Originally, Lu Zhuo didn't plan to let her join the Hunter, and wanted to avoid her fighting with Chitong, but when Heitong knew that the empire was about to form a special army to deal with night raids, she still ran over alone. .

Although her identity is Her Royal Highness the princess of the empire, who made the leader of the hunters Esdes?As for Hei Tong's request, Esdes agreed without hesitation. In her opinion, it is always more fun to have another Teigu envoy.

Lu Zhuo sighed slightly, looked at Hei Tong, finally nodded, and said, "Okay, I agree, you know, no matter what happens, brother will be by your side."


Hei Tong nodded lightly, with two happy blushes on his pretty face.

Looking at Heitong and Lu Zhuo, Will and the others couldn't help but grinned. Are there still a pair of siblings?

Just when Will felt that Lu Zhuo was quite normal and was about to come over to say hello in a friendly way.Lu Zhuo slightly raised his head, his eyes swept over the four of them casually.

Since Lu Zhuo came in, Sai Liu had a happy smile on her face and looked at Lu Zhuo with admiration and respect. When she noticed Lu Zhuo's gaze, she immediately saluted respectfully.

"Sai Liu has met the Emperor Master!"

"No need to salute."

Lu Zhuo smiled slightly, and replied lightly.

Will and others on the side felt that they were about to be petrified!
Lu Zhuo, who looked younger than them, turned out to be the imperial teacher of the empire? !
The one who assisted the emperor, ruled the entire empire, and stood at the top of the world's power? !
However, at this time, they couldn't help but believe it.

Of course, Dr. Shishi still remembered Lu Zhuo. Back then, Lu Zhuo took Hei Tong away in front of him and directly killed a former Raksha Four Ghosts.

"I have seen the Emperor Master."

Everyone, after reacting, saluted Lu Zhuo respectfully.

Lu Zhuo glanced at them casually, and was about to ask them to get up, when suddenly the door opened again, and a guy with blond hair who looked like a sissy walked in.

Lan looked at the scene in surprise, then seemed to understand something, and immediately saluted Lu Zhuo, saying: "You are our leader, sorry for being late."

"No, I'm not the leader."

Looking at Lan, Lu Zhuo shook his head casually, and when he was about to say that Esdesh was the leader, the door was pushed open again...or kicked open.

Esdes was wearing a mask, revealing a suffocating aura all over his body, and his steps were steady, but it gave people a faint pressure.

"Hey, I can't... ah!"

Will was about to step forward to rebuke, but was directly kicked by a perfect kick from Esdes, and the whole person flew out, slammed into the wall with a bang, and smashed the wall into pieces!
The next moment, Esdes dodged directly and rushed towards Lan in front of her.

Lan's expression tightened, and looked at Esdes' fist with incomparable solemnity, her body kept flashing, avoiding Esdes' attack.

Esdes raised her eyebrows hidden under the mask slightly. Although she only showed a little strength, Lan was able to avoid it, which also proved that his body is very flexible and his strength should be very good.

"How dare you offend the Emperor Master..."

With a gloomy face, Seleu jumped up straight and slammed a fist towards Esdes' back.

Esdes easily picked her up with a backhand, slammed her whole body, and then froze Digu Xiaobi with a flick of her hand.

Lu Zhuo looked helplessly at Sai Liu who flew over, and reached out to catch her.

When he made a mistake and was thrown away by Estes, and then rescued by Lu Zhuo, Seleu suddenly blushed and felt that he was very useless.

"That... my lord, I..."


Of course Lu Zhuo didn't mean to blame her, it's not normal for her to beat Esdesh.Putting Sai Liu down, Lu Zhuo casually watched Estes rush towards Dr. Fashion again.

Dr. Fashion frowned, his body flickering and dodging, he had already deduced Esdesh's identity from Lu Zhuo's reaction and Esdesh's appearance, so naturally he would not take the initiative to ask for trouble.

On the other side, Sai Liu, who was put down by Lu Zhuo, looked a little annoyed, and was about to continue to rush towards Estes, but Lu Zhuo directly held his hand.

"Don't go, just watch."

Lu Zhuo looked at Sai Liu and smiled. Ever since this girl positioned the justice in her heart as his justice, under some hints from Lu Zhuo, her mind was no longer so crazy and paranoid.

At most, it is similar to the black pupil.


Sai Liu was held by Lu Zhuo's hand, her little face turned red again, she already believed in Lu Zhuo as a god in her heart, even a casual compliment from Lu Zhuo would make her extremely happy.

On the other side, Hei Tong was eating snacks silently. She naturally recognized Esdes' identity and was too lazy to go up to fight her, but Esdes also wanted to test Hei Tong's strength. He rushed to the black pupil again.

The Emperor's Eight Households in Hei Tong's hands were unsheathed at the speed of thunder and streaked across a gleam of silver light.


Estes stretched out his hand without hesitation, and an ice wall appeared directly, but it shattered inch by inch under the slash of Hei Tong!

At this time, Hei Tong's swordsmanship is very close to that of the great swordsman, and the reason why he still can't condense the sword heart is because of her heart, and the knot of Chi Tong.

"good very good!"

There was an excited look in Esdeth's eyes. The black pupil's method was very similar to Lu Zhuo's. Naturally, she would not have any surprises. Instead, she was very happy. She felt that the person Lu Zhuo trained would definitely not be someone Rubbish.

With a flick of Esdes' wrist, countless ice arrows condensed out of thin air, and slammed into the black pupil like a violent storm. The chill condensed on it caused the temperature of the entire room to drop suddenly!


Seeing Esdesi getting more and more addicted, Lu Zhuo shook his head helplessly, stretched out his hand and pressed down.


In an instant, all the ice arrows seemed to be hit by a sword light, and they all shattered, and Heitong also silently put away Teigu Hachifang, and obediently stood beside Lu Zhuo.

Although there is no imposing manner, this scene made everyone's pupils shrink!
Esdeth raised his hand and released countless terrifying ice arrows, which has already amazed everyone, but Lu Zhuo's hand gave people an unfathomable feeling!

This is fashion, Porus et al., the only word in their hearts.

Estes and Lu Zhuo are simply two perverts!
(End of this chapter)

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