Chapter 481 Identity Exposed
In the jungle, Chelsea ran aimlessly with panic on her face.

She didn't know what she should do. Although Tazmi was Lu Zhuo, it was just her speculation, but she had already confirmed the possibility of 90.00%.


It doesn't work at all, with Lu Zhuo's strength, he can completely play with everyone in the palm of his hand.

Now in the night attack, the only Tazmi who can fight against Lu Zhuo will be Lu Zhuo himself. This will definitely be almost desperate news.

In other words, Chitong's power is all under Lu Zhuo's control.

Just thinking about these things made Chelsea feel terrified and her body trembled.

What does he want? !

That was the only question on Chelsea's mind.

Just when she was in a panic, she didn't notice that a bloody mouth suddenly appeared beside her and bit her fiercely.


Startled in her heart, Chelsea rolled on the spot in a panic, barely avoiding the bite.

Just now, because of the panic in her heart, she completely forgot to observe the situation around her!He didn't even feel the aura of a dangerous species coming so close!

Roaring, the owner of the bloody mouth crawled out of the low bushes, and it was a giant lizard more than ten meters long!

"Super dangerous species...Damn, I can't deal with this level at all!"

A shudder flashed in Chelsea's beautiful eyes. Her strength lies only in sneak attacks and tricks. For such a powerful and dangerous species, Chitong and even Leone and the others can easily kill them, but she is Can't handle it at all.

Without hesitation, Chelsea turned around and fled.

While escaping, she still wanted to use her emperor's tool to transform, but she thought that the Dangerous Species were in such a close distance, and transforming was meaningless.


The giant lizard roared angrily, seeing that the food in its mouth ran like a rabbit, waving its four huge claws, chasing after it like a mountain downhill.

Although it moves slowly, it is so big that each step is comparable to Chelsea running several steps.

Seeing the giant lizard chasing closer and closer, the panic on Chelsea's little face became more and more intense.

"Damn, come and save me!"

Unable to bear it, she finally shouted, thinking that she didn't run very far, Chi Tong and the others should have heard it.

"What's the reward for saving you?"

A playful voice came from behind her. This time, Tazmi did not deliberately appear at the most critical time, but simply fell from the sky and stepped on the giant lizard that was chasing.

The giant lizard struggled desperately, with anger and blood in its big copper bell-like eyes.

"be honest!"

Tazmi raised his foot impatiently and stepped on it lightly, without any strength.

But at the same time, there is a will that can make the world tremble, crushing the soul of the giant lizard ruthlessly.

The giant lizard stopped struggling in an instant, and its huge eyes were full of horror and fear.

Its soul, in the moment just now, felt its incomparable insignificance.


Chelsea turned around and looked at Tazmi, who had fallen from the sky and rescued the beauty as a hero, her beautiful eyes were shining, but an incomparably complicated look flashed across her face.

Seeing her appearance, Tatsumi was slightly taken aback, feeling that this girl's reaction was not right.

Subconsciously, Tazmi used her own strength, with extreme knowledge and arrogance, and directly heard Chelsea's heartfelt voice.


The next moment, Tazmi looked at Chelsea with a strange look in his eyes.

Chelsea also looked at him with strange eyes.

"You guessed it, it seems that I shouldn't have played like that just now."

Shaking his head, Tatsumi chuckled and said something.The power that he had unintentionally used just now, which imprisoned Chelsea's Tegu, was naturally the source of Chelsea's recognition.

"Then, should I call you Tazmi, or Emperor Master Lu Zhuo?"

Chelsea gritted her silver teeth and looked at Tazmi with complex eyes, suspicious, angry, and there seemed to be a hint of shyness? !

Now that he has been recognized, Tazmi no longer hides it, looks at Chelsea with a smile and says, "You can call me Lu Zhuo."

"You... what do you want to do, play all of us in the palm of your hand, are you happy?!"

Chelsea looked at Lu Zhuo, a trace of grief and indignation suddenly flashed in her eyes, almost shouting a question.

Listening to her words, Lu Zhuo slightly raised the corner of his mouth and said, "No, no, my original intention is not to play with you, I just want to change your fate and use it as a game."

"Games? Hey, games?"

Chelsea's demeanor became a little unnatural, no longer the usual laughing look, but a little bit of madness.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo shook his head and said, "Without me, your fate must be death... Forget it, since I have confessed to you, I will tell you something more."

As he said that, Lu Zhuo took a step forward, came to Chelsea's side, and hugged her slender waist.

"Do not touch me!"

Chelsea struggled hard, but Lu Zhuo remained unmoved, took her lightly and brought her to his Imperial Master's Mansion.

Seeing the scene in the Imperial Master's Mansion, Chelsea's body that was struggling and biting suddenly froze, and she asked dumbly, "Do you have a girl collecting habit?!"


Lu Zhuo almost spat blood out of her anger, what is girl collecting, what is that? !

"Their fate is a tragic death. I saved them and brought them here... Forget it, it's better for you to read it yourself."

After shaking his head helplessly, Lu Zhuo followed his own memory and made out the animation of the entire plot of the world of Crimson Pupil Slashing in his mind, and put it directly in front of Chelsea.

Before that, he had also shown Maine this way.

There are also two girls, Xue'er and Xueya, who also understand all of this.

"Hee hee, master brought back another one? This is... Chelsea, right?"

With a flash of her figure, Xueer came to Lu Zhuo's side, jumped lightly without any etiquette, and rode on Lu Zhuo's neck, giggling coquettishly like a little girl.

Lu Zhuo hugged her helplessly, and said, "Be good."

"I'm sorry master, Xue'er messed up again."

Xue Ya also walked over slowly, looking at Lu Zhuo with admiration and apology in her eyes.

"This is... my fate?"

Chelsea watched those scenes, her body trembling constantly.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo whispered in her ear: "That's right, this is the destiny given to you by the way of heaven in this world...but, with me, it will be changed."

(End of this chapter)

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