
Chapter 9

Chapter 9
Zihan said profit, fate, and benevolence.

The members of the Daxiang party said: "Confucius is great! He is knowledgeable but has no fame."

When the son heard about it, he said to his disciples, "What do I hold on to? Do I hold on to the imperial guard? Do I hold to shoot? I hold to the imperial guard."

The Master said: "Ma Mian is propriety; now it is pure and frugal, and I follow the crowd. I bow down, and I bow down; now I bow to the top, Tai Ye. Even though I am against the crowd, I follow the crowd."

Zi Jue Four: Don't intend, don't have to, don't be solid, don't be me.

Zi is afraid of Kuang.

Said: "Since the king of Wen is gone, does the text not matter here? The heaven will lose the gentleness, and the deceased will not be able to share it with the gentleness; the heaven has not lost the gentleness, how can the people of Kuang give it?"

The Taizai asked Yu Zigong, saying: "Master, who is a sage? How can he be so capable?" Zigong said: "He is a sage, and he is so capable." Hearing this, Zigong said, "The Dazai knows me! Less is cheap, so many can be despicable. Are there many gentlemen? Not many.”

Prison said: "Ziyun: 'I don't try, old art.'"

The Master said: "Do I have any knowledge? I don't know anything. A poor man asks me, but it's empty. I knock on both ends of it and exhaust it."

The Master said: "If the phoenix and the bird don't come, and the river doesn't show the map, I'm dead!"

The son sees those who are in decline, those who are crowned with clothes, and those who are blind. If you see them, even if they are few, you must do them;

Yan Yuan sighed and said: "If you look up, you will be taller, if you are drilled, you will be stronger, if you look ahead, you will be behind! The master is always good at seducing people, he is good at me with writing, and I am courteous. I can't stop. After exhausting my talents, If you want to make a drow, even if you want to follow it, there is no way!"

When Zi was sick, Zilu made his disciples his ministers.When he was sick, he said: "It's been a long time, and it's been deceitful! If you have no ministers but you have ministers, who am I to deceive? Deceive the sky? And I would rather die by the hands of two or three sons than die by the hands of my ministers!" Even if I cannot be buried, will I die on the road?"

Zigong said: "Is there beautiful jade here, and you can store it in a tree? Ask good merchants and sell it?"

The Master said: "Sell it! Sell it! I will treat Jia!"

The son wants to live in Jiuyi.

Or say: "It's ugly, what is it like!"

The Master said: "A gentleman lives in it, why is there such a thing?"

The Master said: "I will defend myself against Lu, and then I will enjoy Zheng, and "Ya" and "Song" will have their place."

The Master said: "If you go out, you will serve the ministers, and if you enter, you will serve your father and brother. If you don't dare not be reluctant in funerals, if you don't get drunk, why should I!"

The son said on the river: "The dead are like husbands! They will not give up day and night."

The Master said: "I have never seen someone who loves virtue as much as she loves sex."

The Master said: "For example, if you are a mountain, if you have not reached a short distance, stop, I will stop! It is like a flat ground, although you will fall by a short distance, if you enter, I will go!"

The Master said: "If you speak without being lazy, you will return!"

The son called Yan Yuan and said:

"Unfortunately, I have seen it advance, but I have not seen it stop!"

The Master said: "Those who are seedlings but not beautiful have a husband! Those who are beautiful but not real have a husband!"

The Master said: "Later generations are to be feared. How do you know that the one who comes is not the present? Forty or fifty and no one has heard of it, so there is nothing to be afraid of!"

The Master said: "Is it impossible to follow the words of French? It is expensive to change them. Is it possible to say nothing in the words of Xun Yu? Deciphering them is the most important thing. Speaking but not interpreting, so as not to change it, what should I do? "

The Master said: "The Lord is loyal and trustworthy. Don't have friends who are not as good as yourself. Don't be afraid to change your mistakes."

The Master said: "The three armies can win the commander, but the common man cannot win the ambition."

The Master said: "The clothes are worn out and the robes are worn. Stand with those who wear foxes and raccoons, and those who are not ashamed have the same reasons! 'If you don't hate or ask for it, why don't you keep it?'" Zilu recited it all his life.Confucius said: "It is the way, why should it be cherished?"

Confucius said: "The year is cold, and then the pines and cypresses will wither after knowing."

The Master said: "He who knows does not confuse, the benevolent does not worry, and the brave does not fear."

The Master said: "You can learn with others, but you can't be with the right way; you can be with the right way, but you can't be with them; you can be with them, but you can't be with power."

"The glory of Tang Di is the opposite. Don't you think about it? The room is far away."

The Master said: "Thinking of the future, how far is the husband?"

(End of this chapter)

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