Chapter 1060 Succeeded (six more)
The underground world of the God Realm naturally corresponds to the space above the God Realm. The upper part of the God Realm has no boundaries, and the lower part of the God Realm naturally has no boundaries. After the fire elves, they naturally began to look for the second one, and this search took half a month. It can be seen that the earth fire elves of the god king level are really not very common. Only he knew how far Lin Yifei had traveled in that time. However, after walking such a long distance, he didn't even see the shadow of the second God King-level Earth Fire Spirit.

"It's been half a month, and I haven't found the shadow of the second earth fire elf. If we go on like this, if we want to find more than [-] earth fire elves at the level of a god king, wouldn't it take a few years?" Lin Yifei walked quickly, and said to himself with a wry smile.

He has a lot of time. Outside the God Realm, his people are everywhere. It doesn't matter whether he goes out or not, but he doesn't have the patience to swim in this sea of ​​flames all the time!Swimming like this, there is no leader at all. In half a month, he has not found the second god-king-level nature spirit. If he comes for another half month, he will really collapse.

"I can't help it. For Xiaojin's promotion to the holy weapon, and for me to be more sure of the God of War in the future, I will bear it, I will bear it, earth fire elves, just show up as soon as you can! This time I will never let you Any pain." While praying, Lin Yifei took out the flaming long sword and continuously cut out passages, so that he could travel much faster.

"Whoosh" with a flash of light and shadow, Lin Yifei's figure disappeared into the distance again, hidden at the end of the red sea of ​​fire, but, in the boundless sea of ​​fire, I don't know when he will be able to recruit the second earth fire elf.

However, roads are made by people. No matter where the second Earth Fire Spirit is, as long as Lin Yifei keeps searching in this underground world and endures loneliness, he will find it one day. No, after a After many months of flying, Lin Yifei finally saw what he wanted to see, a mountain, a mountain peak also condensed from the essence of earth fire, and seeing this mountain, Lin Yifei finally smiled.

"One and a half months, one and a half months! I finally have a goal again. It's not easy! I just don't know if there are earth fire elves on this mountain?" Seeing the purple mountain peak in front of him from a distance, Lin Yifei Can't help but stop temporarily.

With the previous experience, Lin Yifei knew that on this purple mountain, there are probably king-level earth fire elves, and if there are, then he must be careful, like last time, first Let the earth fire elf get into the mountain, and then blew himself up to escape. That kind of situation must never happen again. Even if he can afford to lose, he can't afford to lose that person!
"Huh, the law of concealment seems to have not been used for a long time. I don't know if I want to be invisible, can the spirit of nature here find it?" In the meantime, he used the power of the concealment law to hide the whole person. Although he has reached his current state, he does not need to hide when dealing with any master of the god king, but for the sake of safety, he does not allow the opponent to have a chance to escape. It's better to approach slowly.

Lin Yifei's concealment is not only the law of concealment, the two laws of space and five elements are also very helpful to his concealment. Although the underground world is very different from the upper space of the gods, the law of space can be used to some extent. Some effects, and the Five Elements Law, can help him hide with the help of the surrounding flames, so that he can completely blend into the sea of ​​flames, and he can't feel the fluctuations brought about by his actions.

Moving incognito, Lin Yifei naturally couldn't walk too fast. It took Lin Yifei a full half an hour to approach Huojing Mountain from a distance. Finally, when Lin Yifei took one last step, he finally came to the purple Huojing Mountain. At the same time, using his eyesight, he finally saw a black figure that he had been looking forward to for a long time.

"Okay, sure enough there is a god-level spirit of nature on it. It seems that it is similar to the previous one, and it can even be a little bit stronger. This one must not allow it to have time to react. It’s better to take it down completely, so that when Xiao Jin devours it, the effect will naturally be better.”

After seeing the black figure on the Huojing Mountain, Lin Yifei's heart finally fell. No matter what, the second spirit of nature was found, and as long as he saw a person, he naturally didn't let him run away reason.

"This guy obviously didn't notice my arrival. It seems that he is absorbing the essence of earth fire from the whole mountain to strengthen himself. Thinking about it, these god-king-level natural spirits should have found these mountains later, and then took shelter. On top of that, I just don’t know if the effect of absorbing the energy of these crystal mountains is better than devouring ordinary spirits of nature, otherwise, why don’t they go up to devour those spirits of nature in the god stage?”

Lin Yifei found that the spirit of nature, which is more than ten meters high, was piercing his black flame into the crystal mountain at this moment, and from the black flame, Lin Yifei could feel the pure power of the flame It is being continuously sent to the body of the earth fire elf. I think this should be the cultivation method of the big guy.However, if I really want to absorb such a large crystal mountain, I don't know how long it will take!Of course, if they really absorbed them all, these spirits of nature might grow to the level of gods!

"Sneak attacking with the Sky Sword Art will inevitably damage this guy's Yuanling and cause unnecessary losses. The five-element array can't be displayed now, and the law of space is not so easy to use in this underground world. It seems that if you want to To get this guy completely, I can only use the puppet technique. I just don’t know if the weakness technique can also work on this big guy. Anyway, the flames on the surface of his body can’t do anything to me anymore. damage, then get closer and use puppetry!"

Lin Yifei calculated his various methods, and had to say that in the underground of the God Realm, many methods could no longer play their due role. After calculation, it seems that the only thing that can be used is the puppet technique. As for the Weakness Technique, let's experiment after controlling the opponent!This time, don't take that risk.

Just do it when you think about it, Lin Yifei calmed down a little, and then began to approach slowly. With a goal, naturally there is no need to worry. Slowly, Lin Yifei kept approaching the black spirit of nature, and the latter is now Immersed in absorbing Jingshan's energy and improving his cultivation, he naturally would not notice Lin Yifei's arrival, and even more unexpectedly, the fatal danger was slowly approaching him.

It has been a long time since Lin Yifei did sneak attacks and plots, but it has to be said that Lin Yifei is still very handy in doing these things. The two super rules, combined with the law of concealment, the distance between Lin Yifei and the black natural spirit is constantly increasing. Pulling closer, soon, the distance between the two was less than a dozen meters, and at this moment, the black spirit of nature still didn't feel the slightest sense of danger.

"It's now!" Finally, at such a distance, why would Lin Yifei hesitate?Suddenly, the power of the law of space directly tore open the space of about ten meters. His figure was in front of the spirit of nature in an instant, and his arm was inserted into the black flame in an instant, directly finding the natural spirit. Where the soul of the soul is, the puppet technique was activated instantly, and the refinement started directly by surprise.

The primordial spirit of the spirit of nature has no defense at all. Their greatest defense is the flames around them. However, these flames are useless to Lin Yifei's fire avatar. Without the flames to rely on, Lin Yifei Naturally.

Although the law of space is not so easy to use in the underground world, it is not difficult to tear the space in a short distance. At such a short distance, even if the earth fire spirit reacts, it is impossible to avoid it. When he felt Lin Yifei's arm inserted into the primordial spirit, it was already too late, waiting for his end was already doomed.

"Not bad, the peak of the middle stage of the king of the gods, and the cultivation base of the primordial spirit is close to the late stage of the king of the gods, let me subdue you." In just a moment, Lin Yifei felt that the other party's cultivation base was much worse than his own, and he was not at all There is no need to refine the opponent's primordial spirit to perform the puppet technique. The puppet technique has been used so many times, and its magical effects have been discovered by him more and more. For example, directly planting a trace of his own consciousness into the opponent's In the primordial spirit, controlling the other party's consciousness, these, Lin Yifei has slowly dug out.

Soon, Lin Yifei's puppet technique was completed, and then, in order to make the next trip easier, Lin Yifei performed the soul search again.This spirit of nature has not been damaged in any way, and the memory is very complete. Lin Yifei performed the soul search technique, and quickly read all the memory of the other party. After doing all these, he subdued the other party. Send it back to the Feixue space.

"Second one, there are already two spirits of nature, one-tenth of the task has been completed, huh, it seems to be speeding up." After sending the spirits of nature back to the deity, Lin Yifei slowly opened his eyes. He opened his eyes, and there was relief in his eyes, but also some emotion. It took so long to find two spirits of nature, and there is a long way to go!

"But fortunately, according to this guy's memory, it seems that there are quite a few natural spirits in this underground world. Although he doesn't know the exact location, there must be one. This is certain. If that’s the case, then I’ll keep looking for it!”

From the memory of the other party, Lin Yifei has already learned that in this sea of ​​fire, there seem to be not very few natural spirits at the level of god kings. Everyone is fighting for a crystal mountain to practice, some will be swallowed, and some will even sink. Go to the deeper seabed, but, according to this guy's memory, the deeper seabed is a more dangerous area, and even the spirits of nature at their level dare not go down casually.Finding a crystal mountain on this floor is undoubtedly the best choice.And Lin Yifei has already descended almost to the deepest point, and it is naturally impossible for him to dive tens of thousands of meters, not to mention tens of thousands of meters, even thousands of meters, Lin Yifei can't do it at all.

"Let's go, let's find the next target!" Finally, Lin Yifei put away the Flame Crystal Mountain again and sent it back, starting the search for the next target.

(End of this chapter)

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