Chapter 1104
In addition to the loss of six elders of the elves, the Tianyu clan and Qingtian clan have undergone great changes. The elders and generals of the two clans who went to attack the elves, only returned half, and the Tianyu clan was even more ruthless. Surprisingly, only three people returned to the Sky City of the Sky Feather Clan, but seventeen people did not return. Although not all of them perish, they really did not return.

Of course, this is not what shocked the masters of the two races. What they were really shocked was that neither their Great Elder nor the Great Heavenly King had returned, and judging from the natal jade cards, the two Great Elders of the two races actually All fell.

The three major ethnic groups are against each other, there are not many big battles, and there are quite a few small battles. However, no matter how many fights, it is nothing more than the death of a few ordinary people. 1 are lost in the elves.This attack on the elves, whether it was led by Yehede or Teda of the Qingtian clan, they all knew their purpose to attract the main force of the elves and cover for the big elder's surprise attack.

Originally, their task could be said to be very simple. The two clans jointly dispatched forty masters of the gods. They thought they could completely restrain the main force of the elves. Unexpectedly, they lost so many masters in this battle. Moreover, the great elders who went to make a surprise attack were all inside. This news was absolutely shocking to the Tianyu and Qingtian clans.

Usually, the only person who can contact the patriarch of the two clans is the Great Elder, but this time, the Great Elder fell, which made the remaining masters of the two clans completely lose their sense of proportion, especially the Tianyu clan, Ye Hezhan was originally a woman who was always cold and abnormal , but this time it was difficult to calm down. Of the 19 people brought out, only two were brought back, and the Great Elder took five elders to sneak attack, but none came back. Now, there are only a dozen or so elders left in the Tianyu Clan. It can be described as incomparably empty.

The Tianyu clan and the Qingtian clan fell into unprecedented panic, and this panic does not know when it will end. Perhaps, if the patriarchs of the two clans do not come back, they may only be in panic forever, and their patriarch, I really don't know when I can go back.

The situation of the elves is not much better. The loss of six elders is already a big deal, and what makes the elders of the elves even more anxious is that originally, according to normal circumstances, their patriarchs should be in the middle of their lives. The tree should have returned the moment it was attacked, but until now, their patriarch has not returned, and no matter how the Elf Great Elder Derong contacts, there is no news.

For a moment, the three major ethnic groups were all in panic. Of course, those who panic are the upper-level managers, and those shrimp soldiers and crab generals naturally don't know anything.

"Chutian, shall we go to find Yifei now, or continue wandering around the world and find trouble with those masters of the god king?" The man was walking and chatting.

"Yifei didn't contact us, it should be because he has his own business to do, let's take a stroll! Always follow Yifei, we don't know when the two of us will be useful! Something happened It is so difficult, he rushed up first, where is our turn? So let's take a walk in this world!"

Chu Tian slowed down a little, thought for a while, and immediately expressed his decision.

"Haha, that's right, that's right, I think the same way, with that kid, he doesn't want us to take any risks, it's better to act alone, you see, this time, we took down eight god king masters in one fell swoop , but this time it was really fun!"

"Hehe, I'll make you happy!" Chu Tian smiled lightly, shook his head and said, "Is it okay to suppress eight masters in your beast space? If there is any problem, let's go to Yifei and let him take action." Refining them."

"Hahaha, no need, no need, just eight ordinary god kings! You don't know, since the last time my physical body broke through to the god, my beast space has become very tough and spacious, even if there are not many people living in it. The problem, as for suppressing them, there is no problem at all, you can rest assured about that." Zijing slapped her chest suddenly, and said confidently.

"Well, that's good, then let's continue walking!" Hearing what Ziyan said, Chu Tian didn't say any more, the two of them smiled lightly, and then walked forward.

Lin Yifei let go of everything for the time being. The Taishan and Luye he captured were all trapped by him at this time, and his avatar was watching over him. He devoted himself wholeheartedly to the breakthrough of the soul. Three days had passed, and Lin Yifei The little Nascent Soul in his hand has already shrunk by a large circle, and his Nascent Soul fluctuations have also reached a critical point at this time.

The primordial spirit of the master of the gods is very huge, almost half of the primordial spirits are already stronger than Lin Yifei's previous primordial spirits, and Yu Guang has been immersed in the level of the gods for so many years, half of his primordial spirits are actually He has already reached the level of a god, and Lin Yifei has refined half of his primordial spirit, that is, he has reached the critical point of a god. If he refines all his primordial spirits, then he is an intermediate-level existence among the gods.

"It's only a little bit away, just a little bit away. Quantitative changes will eventually lead to qualitative changes. The god-level primordial spirit is already in sight! If you work harder, the god-level primordial spirit is about to break through."

Lin Yifei felt the slowing speed of the growth of the soul, and knew that his soul had reached a peak, and further, it would be another real realm. At that time, he still didn't know what changes would happen, and the soul broke through. , the real sea and sky!

Gritting his teeth, Lin Yifei's puppet technique was running wildly again. He really couldn't wait any longer. His physical body broke through to the god, but his big container became more able to hold it, and the breakthrough of the soul is a breakthrough in the realm. Breakthrough, once this hurdle is passed, Yuanshen will enter another space, and the real benefits are endless. At that time, all his supernatural powers will be able to operate more easily, and his control will be multiplied and multiplied. Yes, he will be able to control god-level masters as subordinates, and this is the most important thing.

The puppet technique was running crazily. Lin Yifei felt that his soul had touched a membrane, an invisible but perceivable membrane. As long as this membrane was exploded, his soul would truly enter another world. a grade.

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The puppet technique that has reached the limit suddenly has a new limit for some reason, and in just an instant, the remaining half of Yuguang's primordial spirit decreases rapidly at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye.

"Successful, I finally succeeded, the limit of the puppet technique has been broken through again, and I was immediately supplemented by the realm. I really broke through the primordial spirit to the stage of deity."

Feeling the changes in himself, Lin Yifei knew that he had finally succeeded in breaking through the primordial spirit. Almost at this moment, Lin Yifei felt that all his techniques, as well as his comprehension and application of the Sky Sword Art, were all obvious. There has been a qualitative improvement, the cultivation of the cultivator, the primordial spirit is the most important, in comparison, the breakthrough of the physical body is less effective.

"Puppet art, run it with all your strength, refine it, refine it, refine it all." Excited, Lin Yifei, as if he had a deep hatred with the Yuanshen Yuanying in his hand, ran the promoted puppet art with all his strength, and his hand The Yuanshen Yuanying in the movie is also shrinking faster and faster. Seeing that the Yuanying, the size of a baby's fist, instantly becomes the size of a pigeon egg, then becomes the size of a bean, and finally disappears invisible.

When the last trace of primordial energy in his hand was absorbed, Lin Yifei immediately stopped. At this moment, he became very quiet, sitting there cross-legged, there were strands of gray cosmic force around Lin Yifei who did not know where it came from Birth, floating back and forth around him, even a trace of cosmic force drilled into his body, as if to make up for some kind of deficiency.

Lin Yifei felt that he had entered a very wonderful state, and everything around him no longer existed. At some point, he had already climbed to the level of a god, and suddenly separated from his body, floating upwards continuously, upward, Going up, going up again, there is no end to the sky above the flying snow space, and Lin Yifei's primordial spirit is always floating up, the light feeling makes Lin Yifei feel very comfortable, so he doesn't want to stop at all.

Does the universe have an end?No one may be able to answer this question. Lin Yifei really doesn't know how big the Feixue space is at this time, because the Feixue space at this time does not know which corner of the universe it extends to. I don't know how far the distance has passed, and as the soul gets higher and higher, he finds that his soul seems to be receiving a kind of baptism. This kind of baptism is like a kind of acknowledgment of the way of heaven. The problem, after this invisible baptism, has become clear, such as the rehearsal of the Great Five Elements Formation, the last move of the Sky Sword Art, the route of the sword breaking the sky

Lin Yifei was immersed in this wonderful feeling and couldn't extricate himself from it. He naturally understood that this was the reward from the Dao of Heaven for him after his primordial spirit broke through to God Venerable. This kind of reward is naturally rare in a thousand years, and he must seize this opportunity. Understand and see through all the things that have not been understood before, and those that cannot be seen. After all, after passing this village, there will be no such shop.

Lin Yifei's primordial spirit roams the universe and starry sky, and at the same time, the cosmic force constantly enters his body, and it is also integrated into his primordial spirit and divine mansion. Everyone's divine mansion is a special place, and it is also relatively fragile. As more and more forces of the universe joined in, Lin Yifei's Shenfu was constantly being strengthened, as if the earth wall had turned into a concrete wall.

Time passed by, and Lin Yifei was immersed in the feeling of comprehension, but he couldn't extricate himself. However, Lin Yifei couldn't figure it out. Those were the things he couldn't figure out. Given him such a long time, he should figure it out, and he finally figured it out. At the moment when the primordial spirit enters the void, time is also blurred. Lin Yifei feels that he has been wandering in the universe for a long, long time, but in fact, everything is a matter of an instant.

At a certain moment, Lin Yifei's eyes suddenly opened, and two beams of golden light shot directly into the void.

(End of this chapter)

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