Chapter 1111 The Accident Was Purely Accidental (Third)
Feeling Luye's soft and boneless body again, Lin Yifei hugged her without moving for a long time. Originally, he should hurry up and use the force of the universe to heal her injuries, but the moment Lin Yifei fell into his arms, Lin Yifei Seemingly intoxicated, Lin Yifei greedily inhaled the special aura emanating from Luye's body, Lin Yifei really forgot about the business.

Luye's scream didn't last too long, she was tightly bound by Lin Yifei's arms, she couldn't move even if she wanted to, resistance was undoubtedly futile, she couldn't resist, she could only stare at Lin Yifei with unyielding eyes, However, even she herself didn't realize that being hugged by Lin Yifei this time, she wasn't as excited as the first time, and even being hugged by Lin Yifei, she could still feel a strange warmth He Xin'an, who had never been cared for before, suddenly a man broke in, and she didn't know how to deal with it.

"Hey, is this God's will? Within a few days, I was held in his arms twice, and my body has been completely touched by him. Am I going to kill him?" She stopped struggling, looked at Lin Yifei's fascinated gaze, and Luye couldn't tell what kind of feeling she had.

However, the last time she was hugged by Lin Yifei, she had been struggling to the death and vowed to kill Lin Yifei, but this time, not only did she not want to struggle, but she was still asking herself if she wanted to kill Lin Yifei, the two changes, Like heaven and earth.

"Who is this villain? How did he make Taishan loyal to him without any reluctance? If he can turn Taishan into that, can he also make me his subordinate? Definitely, but he, he will definitely not do that." The face close at hand, and the slightly fiery breath hitting Luye's face, made her feel no discomfort at all, on the contrary, she felt a little comfortable .

Luye understands that if Lin Yifei can subdue Mount Tai, then naturally he also has the ability to subdue her most subordinates, but the fact is that Lin Yifei did not do that, and he will never do that, she can be sure of this, from the look in Lin Yifei's eyes It can be seen in it.

"Wicked man, why are you hugging me? Let me go!" Although she doesn't feel repulsed anymore, but being hugged by a man like this all the time, Luye naturally blushes a little, she knows it's wrong, she is How decent is it for a majestic patriarch of the elves to be treated so frivolously by a man of a different race?If someone saw her, wouldn't she have to laugh at her to death?Of course, if you don't get seen, then...

"Gu..." Luye's shy appearance made Lin Yifei swallow subconsciously. It has to be said that hugging such a woman who is so beautiful that it is unreal is a very test of determination. At this moment, Lin Yifei I felt my whole body starting to become hot and dry.

"Phew, it's amazing, it's amazing, I can't play with fire anymore. I can't get in touch with such a woman. It will be strange if I don't make mistakes over time! It's better to heal her injuries quickly and send her back to the elves!" Lin Yifei Feeling overwhelmed, he bit the tip of his tongue suddenly, Lin Yifei made himself more sober, and then said: "Aren't you afraid that you will move around and won't cooperate! Well, don't move now, wait until I heal your injury , I will definitely keep my word and send you back, and you don’t have to doubt my motives, you know, I won’t do you any harm.”

"W-Where did I ever doubt you? You bullied me into what I am now. If it were someone else, I would have already blew my heart of nature and died with you."

After hearing Lin Yifei's words, Luye hurriedly raised her head and explained, but she forgot that she is now the passive party, doubting or not doubting Lin Yifei, that is her freedom, there is no need to explain anything to Lin Yifei, but the fact is, she Really explained.It can be seen that invisibly, she was a little afraid of Lin Yifei's misunderstanding, but in fact, she really never doubted Lin Yifei's motives.

"Hey, don't blew yourself up. If you blew yourself up, then I would die unjustly. I will be a ghost at that time, and I won't let you go!" Lin Yifei shrank his neck, as if frightened by the threat of green leaves. It was like a jump, but any fool could see that he was faking it.

"Hehe, let's see if you still dare to bully me. If you dare to bully me again, I will explode my heart of nature and let you die with me!" Lin Yifei's reaction made Luye laugh. Another scene of beauty made Lin Yifei's mind flutter again, but he didn't dare to say any more. Unknowingly, when the two hugged each other, there was the initial shouting and killing, and it transitioned to the current flirting Cursing, the world is changing so fast, it is intriguing.

"Huh, say something about death, none of us will die. Now, it's time to witness the miracle. The force of the universe, come!" The force immediately floated over from the side, wrapping the two of them in it, and then, with a thought in Lin Yifei's mind, more and more cosmic force fell from above and penetrated into Luye's body.

"Wicked man, what is this? What are you going to do?" Enveloped by the gray cosmic force, Luye was not afraid, but she was a little curious. Lin Yifei said that he wanted to heal her wounds, why did he get so much gray gas to kill her? He wrapped it up, and there were a lot of these gray gases in the whole space and universe. During the few days she was trapped, she saw this kind of gray gas all over the sky, which made people dizzy. She couldn't believe the injury of the master of the gods.

"Hehe, don't worry about what I want to do. Now, start to run your cultivation formula and see if your body is better?" Although there is gray mist separating them, the distance between the two is too close. With the help of such a high cultivation base, it is naturally impossible to see the other party, and the green leaf is not clear, so naturally she asked Lin Yifei directly. Anyway, she is not afraid of him now, but she is a little familiar with him.

"Operate the cultivation formula?" Hearing Lin Yifei's words, Luye subconsciously obeyed Lin Yifei's order, and started to operate her own cultivation formula, and as she activated her whole body, something unbelievable happened to her.

"This, how is this possible? I, my body is recovering quickly, how could it be possible to recover so quickly, my strength, my strength has recovered by [-]%, ah, it is already [-]%, ah, [-]%... "Luye was stunned. As more and more gray gas entered her body, she felt that she was recovering rapidly. The divine power that had been seriously injured and difficult to mobilize had now fully recovered. The functions are also recovering rapidly. It can be said that she seems to have compressed the recovery time of tens of millions of years into half a minute, or even shorter.

"Miracle, this is simply a miracle? How could such a thing happen? My injury, which took tens of millions of years to recover, has recovered so quickly. As long as I take care of it, I will definitely be able to recover." It is really a miracle that I fully recovered within three days and made some progress. It turns out that what the wicked man said is true, he, he can really heal my injuries."

No one can understand Luye's shock. The injury of a master of the gods is difficult to recover. This is known to any master of the gods. But today, she finally experienced a miracle for herself. Shock, nothing but shock.

Staring closely at Lin Yifei's face, which is close at hand, Luye is now full of endless curiosity about the man in front of her.Turned out to save her life, and then violated her again and again, and then to the heart-to-heart talk, and now the magical healing method, at this moment, Lin Yifei's shadow is all in Luye's mind, a picture All the pictures have Lin Yifei as the main character.

However, when Luye's injury was almost recovered and she was still in shock, she didn't feel that the green dress on her body was absorbed by her along with the gray gas at some point. After entering the body, at this time, she no longer had a trace of cover, but she was so intoxicated in it that she didn't notice it at all.

The green dress of the green leaf is made of pure life energy. She will be more careful when she uses the practice formula to prevent her energy group from being absorbed, but this time, she feels the benefits of the gray gas to her , she completely forgot about other things, and only focused on absorbing the gray gas from the outside world, and inhaling and inhaling, how could she think of her dress?
Lin Yifei suddenly felt that the arms around the opponent's waist seemed to feel even more slippery. That feeling was like touching Luye's body without the barrier of clothes.

"Hey, it seems that I'm still in a bad mood, and I'm starting to hallucinate, it's really uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh," the palm subconsciously slid for a distance, and Lin Yifei lowered his head subconsciously at the same time, and in the eyes, a pair of proud eyes Shuangfeng, like two pure white jade rabbits, the bright red highlights are so eye-catching, and further down, a pair of straight and slender jade legs, and, and

Almost instantly, Lin Yifei's breathing suddenly became rapid, and his body became hotter and hotter. Lin Yifei even felt that a scorching liquid seemed to be gushing out of his nostrils.

"Gu" swallowed sharply, Lin Yifei's arm moved down again, this was a subconscious movement, absolutely subconscious, because only by moving down a little more, he could see more scenery, of course, moving down a little more , his hand, but it was placed in a very delicate place, the same smoothness, but it became bumpy, the perfect feel made Lin Yifei really want to keep playing.

The movements became bigger and bigger. Lin Yifei originally had one free hand, but at some point, his free hand had already wrapped around Luye's jade back, and gently hugged Luye's back. It's just that, despite repeated restraint, he couldn't control this damn arm at all, slowly moving forward from behind, Lin Yifei's hand even trembled a little.

Luye was still silent in shock, the feeling on her body was not very obvious, after all her mind was not there, however, at a certain moment, her whole body trembled suddenly, the touch from her chest made her sensitive parts She had a feeling in an instant, regained consciousness in an instant, and immediately cast her gaze on her chest. At this time, there, a trembling hand was pressing on one of her jade rabbits, and between her fingers, there was a little bit of red dew. On the outside, a slight pain came from above the bright red point.

"Ah!" An earth-shattering cry resounded suddenly, shaking the entire Flying Snow Space to tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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