Chapter 1118
After arranging the three daughters of Han Xueer, Lin Yifei immediately sensed the positions of Die Wu and the little green dragon Luer in the flying snow space. Soon, the positions of Die Wu and Xiao Luer were determined by him, and with his With just a flash of cultivation, he has already come to a resplendent cave mansion, yes, it is a cave mansion, a mansion similar to a cave.

This is a planet chosen by Die Wu and Xiao Luer. The entire planet is made of unknown special crystals. On the planet, there are mountains of various colors everywhere. The Flying Snow Space was born. The planets are very special, and there is not only one spar planet like this, but this spar planet is the largest, and the spar also contains a lot of energy, so it was chosen by Die Wu and Lu'er.

Because they are dragons, they lived in the cave at the beginning, so Die Wu and Lu'er opened up a cave on this planet, and no buildings were built, but let alone, they took out a cave on the crystal mountain. It’s a special feeling to come to a cave, and the entire cave is arranged according to human habits. Although this is Die Wu and Lu’er’s small home, in essence, Lin Yifei has the final say. Obviously, although Lin Yifei is the god of the dragon clan, but more obviously, he prefers the arrangement of humans.

"Sister Diewu, it's all your fault, so I said don't leave! Look, it's been three days, and my brother hasn't come to see us. I want to see my brother, and I'm going to find him now." Little Lu'er said The voice was full of annoyance. After waiting for three days, Lin Yifei did not come. This made her a little impatient. It's a pity that her cultivation base is too low, and she can't teleport to Lin Yifei's side by herself. Otherwise, she might not be able to sit still. Living.

"Lu'er, it's my sister who made a mistake this time. Hmph, I didn't expect that bad guy to really ignore us. When I see him next time, I'll ignore him!" Die Wu's voice was a little angry, with a hint of resentment .Fortunately, she still confidently thought that Lin Yifei would come to them and give them enough compensation, but she didn't expect that after three days, Lin Yifei didn't come at all, causing them to wait and endure for three days in vain. torment.

"Hahaha, someone said they don't want to talk to me anymore? I don't know if it's true." A loud laugh suddenly resounded in the cave, and after the laughter fell, Lin Yifei's figure had already appeared in the cave, behind his hands, Rao He looked at the two women in front of him with interest.

"Brother!" Seeing someone coming, the little green dragon Lu'er didn't care about anything else, after waiting for so long, finally the person she was looking forward to came, how could she hold back?Just a little below her feet, she had already jumped into Lin Yifei's arms, without saying a word, she directly put her cherry lips on it, and before Lin Yifei could react, she suddenly attacked Lin Yifei, once again staged the overlord's hard bow.

"Uh uh uh, yes, I was taken advantage of by the little girl again, my life is really miserable!" Feeling the slippery and cold feeling on his lips, Lin Yifei couldn't help smiling wryly, but immediately, he stretched out his hands to hug her. Live in the little green dragon, change from passive to active, and start to take the lead. How can the little green dragon do this?It's better to let him take the lead.

Little Lu'er had been waiting for Lin Yifei's hug and kiss three days ago, now that she had the opportunity, how could she let it go?Holding Lin Yifei's neck tightly, she hung her whole body on Lin Yifei's body, asking for it wantonly.

"Phew, stupid girl, you actually surrendered so easily, I was really defeated by you." Seeing that Xiao Lu'er didn't even have a trace of restraint, she threw herself into her arms and gave her a kiss. Going up, Die Wu couldn't help feeling bitter. Originally, she was thinking of waiting for Lin Yifei to play a little temper and let Lin Yifei dry. Now it seems that even if she wants to let Lin Yifei dry for a while, it's useless. Xiaolu Her son's rebellion, her strength alone is simply insignificant.

"Hey, forget it, don't scare him, forgive him this time! I will never let him go so easily next time." Seeing Lin Yifei and Xiao Luer's passionate kiss, Die Wu couldn't help swallowing Drooling, she couldn't do anything about it, although she thought well before, but when she got close and saw Xiao Lu'er enjoying Lin Yifei's enthusiasm, how could she still have the idea of ​​ignoring Lin Yifei?At this moment, she wished she could take Xiao Lu'er's place and kiss Lin Yifei passionately.

"Huh, greedy little girl, she doesn't know how to let my sister do it. It seems that I can only eat leftovers." Puckering her mouth, Die Wu snorted angrily, and then simply stopped She went to see Lin Yifei and Xiao Lu'er, because she was afraid that if she continued to watch, she would not be able to control herself.

Lin Yifei hugged Xiao Lu'er and Die Wu's reaction, but he also saw it one by one, but he didn't have time to worry about it now, the most urgent thing is to feed the one in his arms, and wait until he is full Little one, go comfort the big one!
"Hoo hoo, enough is enough, brother, Lu'er is out of breath, no more!" After a passionate kiss, little Lu'er was a little out of breath from Lin Yifei's kiss, and murmured indistinctly Dao, and began to dodge vigorously.

She just wanted Lin Yifei to make up for the hugs and kisses she owed her. Now, even the interest is enough, so of course she can't be greedy anymore. Moreover, she really can't bear Lin Yifei's enthusiasm. If this goes on, she won't even stand I'm afraid I can't stand anymore.At this moment, her whole body was already a little hot from Lin Yifei's touch, and she was already a little unsteady in standing.

"Hehe, I'll let you go for now, and I'll let you know how powerful I am, brother." Letting go of Little Lu'er, Lin Yifei picked her up and put the little guy on the bed in the middle of the cave in a flash. Then there was another dodge, and he disappeared in place.

"Hey, Xiao Wuer, it's your turn now. I just said that I don't care about me. I don't know if it's true or not!" Lin Yifei appeared directly behind Die Wu, hugging Die Wu from behind Li, then blew in her ear and smiled lightly.

"You are so beautiful!" Feeling Lin Yifei's embrace from behind, Die Wu's beautiful eyes were furious, but she turned around in an instant, and then jumped onto Lin Yifei's body without saying a word, her coquettish red lips attached directly Go up and ask for it greedily.She had already been teased by Lin Yifei three days ago, and she just watched the live version of the verbal fight again, and she couldn't bear it anymore.

"My lord, you have to compensate us!" Die Wu couldn't help whispering in Lin Yifei's ear while frantically asking for it.

"How does Wu'er want me to make up? As long as I can do it, I will never shirk it." Lin Yifei temporarily left Die Wu's cherry lips and asked, biting her ear.He naturally understood Die Wu's meaning. Before that, he found a heaven-defying treasure for Han Xueer's three daughters, and let the three daughters improve their cultivation by several levels at once, but it didn't give her and Lu'er any benefits. I really should make up for coming to see them later in the day.

"Wu'er, Wuer wants to continue the fire for the adults, and spread the branches and leaves for the adults!" Die Wu and Lin Yifei looked at each other, their eyes were blurred and authentic, and in her eyes, Lin Yifei saw a trace of determination, a trace of shyness, and finally left Deep love.

"Uh, spreading branches and leaves? Continue the fire?" Hearing Die Wu's words, Lin Yifei was taken aback for a moment, but immediately, he understood what Die Wu meant, to continue the fire?yes!He has practiced so far, even if he is far behind those old antiques, it has been thousands of years, and he should really consider the next generation.

"Phew, I have so many Taoist companions. If I usually accompany one, I will neglect the other. If everyone can bear children for me, then they will all have someone to accompany, and I can also use my unique skills Pass it all down, and in the future, even if it develops into a super powerful family, it is not impossible!" Thoughts were spinning, Lin Yifei also began to think about the issue of passing on the family line.

It has to be said that Die Wu's request made Lin Yifei suddenly feel this issue that he has always ignored. His opponent is a master of gods and gods. Any kind of accident may happen. If there is something wrong with him , if he didn't even leave a single offspring, it would be too much of a failure. Moreover, if something happened to him, if there were any heirs, the girls would still have the hope and courage to live. No matter how you look at it, living Having children is very necessary.

"Haha, Xiao Wu'er, you brought this up on your own initiative. This time, I want you to give birth to a lot of offspring, and then you are not allowed to complain." After a brief moment of stupefaction, Lin Yifei hugged Picking up Die Wu, she directly tore off Die Wu's dress, hugged her and jumped onto the bed, impatiently starting to move her hands up and down.

Die Wu was taken aback by Lin Yifei's sudden action, but then she felt Lin Yifei's enthusiasm. Obviously, Lin Yifei agreed with her and really wanted to give her an heir.

"My lord, Wu'er will definitely spread the branches and leaves for my lord." Hugging Lin Yifei's neck tightly, Die Wu immediately began to respond to Lin Yifei.

"Brother, Lu'er also wants to, and Lu'er also wants to have a baby for my brother, and spread the branches and leaves for my brother!" Lin Yifei just started to move, and the little Lu'er at the side took off his dress and rushed forward enthusiastically .

"Uh, haha, don't worry, don't worry, everyone has a role, everyone has a role. Come one by one!" Lin Yifei was taken aback by what Little Lu'er said. He had always regarded Little Lu'er as a Child, and now, a child is clamoring to give birth to him, which makes Lin Yifei feel a little weird, but Lu'er has already been broken by him, she is a complete adult, and there is nothing to worry about .

One dragon and two phoenixes, Lin Yifei is naturally full of energy after holding back for so long, and he is now a god-level body. Even Die Wu, a master of the gods, is not his opponent at all. This battle is destined to be between Die Wu and Die Wu. Little Lu'er was defeated, and in the end, I am afraid that reinforcements will be needed.

However, at this moment, all of Lin Yifei's women are tyrannical, especially Han Xue'er, who has advanced to the rank of god, and she alone can deal with Lin Yifei, so Lin Yifei doesn't have to worry about not being able to vent, he has already decided, After feeding Die Wu and Xiao Lu'er, he went to arrest Han Xue'er and the three of them to carry on the family line. Of course, everyone has a share, and the rain and dew are shared. This is the principle he has always followed.

(End of this chapter)

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