Chapter 1135 Hidden Worry (Fifth Watch, Explosion Again)

Things like vision expand with the growth of cultivation base. Back then, when Lin Yifei was still an ordinary god, even a highgod or a lowgod, in his eyes, the world of humans and monsters was nothing more than It was a boundless world. At that time, he only thought that the entire God Realm was full of humans and monster races, or that there were no spiritual beasts and harsh areas where no one lived.

However, now, his cultivation base has reached the ultimate level of the God King, and he is only one step away from the God Venerable. It is an endless and vast universe, and this universe is separated from each other one by one, just like the fairy worlds and cultivation worlds in the lower realm.

The races in the God Realm are absolutely diverse, human beings, demon races, these are the races that Lin Yifei knew from birth, and now, he has come into contact with the elves, the Tianyu clan, the Qingtian clan, as well as the red-haired demon clan and the blue spirit clan , obviously, the world of God Realm is endless, and there are countless races. Correspondingly, Lin Yifei has also understood that in the past, what he thought was the ultimate cultivation level, God Venerable, in fact, there are definitely many, many.

Every world has its own masters. For example, in the world of humans and monsters, there were originally seven venerables, who should be the best among the worlds. In the world of Tianyu elves, there are also three great gods. On the side of the Famo clan, there were already two senior masters who died in his hands. As for whether there are other venerables there, Lin Yifei is not sure. On the side of the Blue Spirit clan, there is at least one venerable. From this point of view, there should be more or less venerables sitting in every world.

Although Lin Yifei's current cultivation base has not yet reached the height of a god, but the power in his hands has made him not afraid of any god.Speaking of which, Lin Yifei can go back to the human monster clan area now, find and kill the two great human gods, and avenge the sky gods, but he understands that the human gods are very cunning, and he has never heard of them. , the two great gods of human beings have fixed places of practice, and it is bound to be not that simple to find them.

Another point is that Lin Yifei wants to kill the two great gods of human beings with his own hands. Although he now has Xiaojin, Taishan, and two confidante at the level of gods, these are not his own. Strength, only when he kills the two great gods of human beings with his own hands, can he feel that he has avenged the gods of the sky. Otherwise, there will be no accidents and casualties.

"Wicked man, are those two from before your friends? Why do they look at me with somewhat unfriendly eyes?"

In the space, Lin Yifei and Luye are constantly tearing apart the space and rushing. Although Lin Yifei is not as strong as Luye, but he is proficient in the laws of space, and he is definitely not slower than Luye in driving. , both the physical body and the primordial spirit are already worthy of the name of the level of gods, and on the way, the green leaf in his arms finally couldn't help but speak.

Before, when Lin Yifei took her to find his friends Zijing and Chutian, the two were very enthusiastic at first, but when they saw her, their expressions became a little unnatural. Although Luye is very simple, but But she also understood that the two seemed to be hostile to her.

"Hehe, Xiao Ye'er, don't think about it. My two friends are very good people. It's not that they are unfriendly to you. It may be because your cultivation level is too high, which frightened them. I believe that after they get used to it After we get married, we will become friends with Xiao Ye'er." Lin Yifei clasped Lu Ye's slender waist and couldn't help explaining while driving.

In fact, Lin Yifei had already noticed before that when Zijing and Chutian saw Luye, especially after seeing the intimate relationship between Luye and him, both of them felt unnatural for a moment, but after a little thought, Lin Yifei also I understand the reason.

Zi Jing and Chu Tian were wholeheartedly trying to sell a pair of sisters from the Chu family to him, but now, there was such a beautiful and outstanding woman beside him, which made them instantly feel the difference between the sisters of the Chu family .Leaving aside Luye's god-level cultivation, her beauty and meekness alone are already incomparable to the sisters of the Chu family. Comparing with such a woman, the sisters of the Chu family almost immediately lost all their luster. How could it be possible to fall in love with them?
"Hehe, villain, you said you wouldn't lie to me. I can feel that their hostility towards me is not because of what you said!" After hearing Lin Yifei's explanation, Luye smiled lightly. Although she Simple, but the cultivation base of the owner, the god, has existed for so many years, how can he not feel some basic emotions?Ziyan and Chutian definitely didn't alienate her because they were afraid of her cultivation. There must be other things in it.

"Ahem, I won't discuss these anymore, but don't worry, after a while, they will accept you slowly, hehe, who made the current Xiaoye'er already be my Lin Yifei's wife?" Lin Yifei coughed lightly With a sound, he took the time to lightly kiss Luye's pretty face, unknowingly slowing down the speed of the journey.

"Wicked man, you are so outstanding, Luye wants to know, in your human world, do you already have a wife?" Luye leaned her head against Lin Yifei's chest, enjoying Lin Yifei's gentle kiss, but, What she said made Lin Yifei stagnate all over, and the already slowed down speed of the journey was directly slowed to the limit.

"This..." Lin Yifei was taken aback by Luye's question. Wife, this is what this world calls her. How can he not feel that a man like Lin Yifei who is gentle and knows how to love others, how can he not have a confidante?
People of the elves are generally more loyal, almost monogamous, and of course there are some powerful male elders of the elves, and they will have many wives. There may be more than one.

"Wicked man, you can't lie to Luye, do you really have a wife?" Sensing Lin Yifei's change, Luye immediately confirmed her guess, and in an instant, her expression also changed slightly.

Although she has the cultivation base of a god and was once a noble patriarch of the elves, after all, she is a latecomer. If Lin Yifei's wife does not accept her, she really doesn't know how to deal with herself. Of course, she She would not despise Lin Yifei for having a wife. When she was imprisoned by Lin Yifei, watched all over her body by Lin Yifei, and rescued from death by Lin Yifei, she was already destined to be his, even if he had many wives, she would Being bullied and ridiculed by them, she has absolutely no regrets.

Staring at the star-like eyes, there was a trace of anxiety and uneasiness in Luye's eyes, she was really worried, and she didn't want to embarrass Lin Yifei.

"Hey, my Xiaoye'er is really smart." Lin Yifei simply stopped, took Luye's hand, Lin Yifei said seriously: "Xiaoye'er, I do already have a Taoist partner, and there are more than one, as you said Wife, do you mind?"

"No, no, villain, Luye doesn't mind, I really don't mind!" Hearing Lin Yifei's words, Luye immediately withdrew her little hand and kept shaking it, her face was full of anxiety, of course she didn't mind, Just worry, pure worry.

"Luye is just worried, worried that your wife won't like me, and will make things difficult for you." Slowly lowering her head, Luye's voice was full of uneasiness, it was from her heart, without any hypocrisy.

"Haha, Xiao Ye'er is too worried, my wives are easy to get along with, you are so beautiful, so gentle and considerate, how could they not like you?" Lin Yifei suddenly smiled, and Luye's answer reassured him a lot.However, after hearing what Luye said, he immediately felt a little embarrassed.

yes!Luye doesn't mind that he already has a wife, but what about his five Taoist companions?What do they think about the addition of green leaves?Perhaps other people would not have too much dissatisfaction, and would even welcome Luye's joining more than a dozen times, but Han Xueer's test made him a little worried immediately. Let him expand his harem, but there must be a limit, right?
"Hey, Xue'er, it seems that I have to think about what to say again. Although that girl may not say anything, she will definitely have some grudges if she thinks about it! But Luye's face is calm, but in her heart, Lin Yifei At this time, I have started to worry.Luye's joining was something he hadn't thought of. He was very resolute when he let Luye leave, although at that moment, he had already had a good impression of her, or was full of pity.

But this trip to the elves, when the simple green leaf was severely injured and almost lost his life, he immediately made a decision in his heart, that is to take her by his side, protect her, and cherish her. It's an impulse, but it's still an impulse until now. The impulse that has lasted for so long is no longer an impulse.

"Evil, they, they really don't like me?" Luye didn't know what Lin Yifei was thinking, and when she heard Lin Yifei's affirmative answer, her eyes lit up immediately, as long as Lin Yifei's wives didn't reject her, she There is no extravagant hope at all, staying by Lin Yifei's side and getting a little care from Lin Yifei is enough.

"Haha, don't worry! They are all easy to get along with, well, after we kill that monster of the Blue Spirit Race this time and avenge you, I will take you to see them, to tell you the truth , at this moment, they are all in the space world inside my body, and I can see them anytime!" Lin Yifei suppressed the worries in his heart for a while, and gave Luye the most reassuring answer.

Of course, what Lin Yifei said is also true, even if several of his Taoist companions are unwilling to join with Luye, they will definitely not reject Luye, and he can be sure of this.

"Let's go, let's get revenge first, and we'll talk about other things after the revenge is over." Lin Yifei suddenly grabbed Lu Ye's slender waist, stopped talking, and tore apart the space casually, and they started to hurry again.And with Lin Yifei's enlightenment, Luye became obviously happier at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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