Chapter 1177 is getting more serious

The world of the Iron-tailed Lizard, the world of the Green Scale Clan, and several other worlds where the war between humans and insects is ongoing, the advantages of the Zergs are becoming more and more obvious. Seeing that, more and more original residents are being devoured by the Zergs, and the Zerg army The strength is also becoming more and more tyrannical, and if this development continues, the final fate of these worlds can be imagined, but unfortunately, even if the ending can be predicted, the venerables of the major worlds have no choice but to let Things go on.

The iron-tailed lizards were the first to be baptized by the Zerg army. At this time, there are not many iron-tailed lizards left. I am afraid that even a small half or [-]% of their strength is left. Almost all the ones who are still alive are experts. People at the god level, and even some weaklings below the god level, have been swallowed up by the Zerg long ago, and even the iron-tailed lizards at the lower god level are not seen much at this time.

Tie Ya was almost bloodshot, seeing his clansmen die one after another, but he couldn't solve the problem fundamentally. No one could understand the pain, and he didn't know how many Zergs he had killed , millions, tens of millions, even hundreds of millions, but so what?Compared to the [-] billion army of the Zerg, the number of hundreds of millions is simply a drop in the bucket.

Everyone is afraid of being killed by the Zerg. The Zerg is not afraid of death at all. Their eyes are only devouring, devouring all the iron-tailed lizards, and even devouring the dead Zerg. Everything, except the living Zerg.

Everyone in the iron-tailed lizards is looking forward to a miracle. How much they hope that a miracle will happen at this time, turning all the Zerg into blood mist and nothingness, so that the iron-tailed lizards can survive , and they don't have to be eaten by those disgusting Zergs. Death may not be terrible, but they can be killed by those Zergs and finally be eaten by them piece by piece. This is something no one wants to see.

Looking forward, looking forward to, a miracle really happened.

Just when everyone in the iron-tailed lizard family was desperately making the final resistance, at a certain moment, their opponents, those countless big bugs, really exploded under everyone's unbelievable eyes, turning into There was a cloud of blood mist, and the clan of iron-tailed lizards, who were originally screaming and shouting, suddenly became quiet, very quiet.

"What, what's going on here? Am I dreaming?" Everyone fell into a daze, even Tie Ya, the venerable iron-tailed lizard clan, didn't come back to his senses for a long time. Seconds later, the venerable iron-tailed lizard clan finally swallowed and muttered to himself.

Tie Ya really couldn't believe the scene in front of him. He was even thinking that all this was an illusion caused by his strong expectations. He didn't want to see the iron-tailed lizard family perish. What happened in front of him was exactly what he wanted in his heart. Hope to see, but how did all this happen?How could the countless Zerg army suddenly burst into blood mist?
There were so many Zerg troops. After they all died, the blood mist condensed into rain, and a blood rain fell on the iron-tailed lizards. Many low-lying places of the iron-tailed lizards actually formed blood lakes one by one. As for the luckily remaining members of the iron-tailed lizard clan, they were all sitting on the ground as if they were exhausted, panting heavily. Even some god king masters were breathing heavily at this time. Their god king masters have also felt that it is difficult to deal with.

The similar situation did not only happen to the iron-tailed lizards, but there were several other worlds where the situation was similar to the iron-tailed lizards. They were all desperately fighting the bugs, but all of a sudden, all the bugs exploded into blood mist and died. But it made everyone feel boundless excitement and disbelief in the rest of their lives.

In a bloody black abyss, the flower-tailed scorpions are devouring the Zerg mothers one by one, as well as various Zergs that are constantly born in the blood sea.

This is the most mysterious place of the Zerg race. Many Zerg races were conceived here and grew up to become high-level Zerg generals. Originally, even the Zerg supreme would not come here easily, but the breakthrough of the flower-tailed scorpion has reached a level. The bottleneck, he needs to devour a lot of energy and flesh to break through that layer of shackles and reach the ultimate end of this world, here is the best choice for him to obtain the essence of flesh and blood.

The flower-tailed scorpion is very clear that as long as he can break through that layer of shackles, then in this world, he can do whatever he wants. When the time comes to kill the powerful beings of other races to feed the Zerg army, he can cultivate a super powerful army Come out, one can imagine what it will be like if he returns with an army of tens of billions of god kings.

In the world of the God Realm, he laid ambushes in a total of one hundred worlds, and each world has hundreds of billions of Zergs, adding up to an army of ten trillion Zergs. Naturally, he did not have any of these Zergs He thought that all of them would be left, but as long as half, or even a tenth, was left, he could focus on cultivating this tenth, annexing the worlds one by one, and wait until these armies were all promoted to the level he expected , he will return with these Zerg army.

However, some things were beyond the expectations of the flower-tailed scorpion. The fall of the saber-arm locust and the iron-armored diamond worm was not a small loss for him. A hundred worlds needed six Zerg venerables one by one. Take a trip to wake up all the buried Zerg army. Now there are only four of the six Zerg Supremes under him. It can be said that they have a long way to go.

Of course, as long as these four Zerg Supremes act carefully, it will not be difficult to wake up the Zergs in each world, and as long as all the Zergs wake up, then the major events of the Zergs will be accomplished in sevens and eighties.

However, the thing that the flower-tailed scorpion least wanted to see happened again.Just as he was devouring all kinds of energy and flesh in the bloody abyss, the disappearance of the magic butterfly breath made him wake up suddenly. The last four remaining supreme powerhouses of the Zerg race suddenly fell one by one. Now , the manpower he can dispatch is only a pitiful three.

"The Symphony Butterfly is also dead? Trash, it's trash. Tell them to be careful, but they still follow other people's ways. Even if they die, they are still sinners!" Huawei Scorpion doesn't care about the life and death of a venerable, but he is now It was the occasion of employing people, if all the venerables under him were dead, then who would he ask to wake up his Zerg army?

"There are only three left, and it is even more difficult now. The Symphony Butterfly has awakened the Zerg in five worlds, which means that the Zerg army in five worlds has been completely lost. The poisonous spider and the blood-sucking mosquito are also gone Awakened the Zergs in five worlds, and the electric eye silkworm awakened the Zergs in four worlds. Now there are fourteen worlds of Zergs fighting fiercely with aliens, and the Zergs are still in ambush in dozens of worlds. Time, let them wake up new fighters, or stop for a while?"

The flower-tailed scorpion had to think about it. Zerg Supremes fell one after another. It can be seen that their opponents are not simple. If the remaining three sages are allowed to move outside, he is really worried that these three guys will also confess. Outside, if even the last three fell for no apparent reason, then he would really want to cry without tears.

However, he is also very clear that if the Zerg army in the various worlds is not activated, then if the Zerg army is dug out one by one at this time, they will definitely be slaughtered by others. He also does not want to see such a situation. arrive.

"You must not let others kill you without any response. Three guys, as long as you are careful, you will eventually activate all the Zerg armies. After activating the Zerg army, you will transfer the three of them back to the Zerg world. , No one can kill people in my Zerg world, but I have to tell them three to be careful, and there must be no more casualties, because we can't afford to be injured anymore."

After much thought, the Flowertail Scorpion decided to continue to wake up the Zerg army. It must not let the Zerg army be beheaded by others without resistance. Since the Zerg matter has been revealed, if the Zerg army is not awakened, the longer it will be delayed , the Zerg's loss will be greater. If all the Zerg ambushes are beheaded, then what can he do if he breaks through his current cultivation base?If he can't bring back the countless Zerg army, he will be considered a failure.

After making a decision, Huaweiscorpion immediately gave orders to the only three remaining Supreme Beings and informed them of the fall of the Symphony Butterfly. , and will definitely be [-] times, [-] times more careful. The six supreme powerhouses died within a few days. If they are not careful, they will be really stupid.

Originally, the supreme powerhouses of the Zerg were aiming at the masters of all worlds, thinking that they could kill one or two of them. After all, if they could devour a master, it would definitely be of infinite benefit to them , But now, one after another, the Zerg Supremes have fallen one after another. The current three Supremes have almost hidden themselves to the extreme, and they will not even reveal a trace of breath.

There is no benefit from life, whether it is a poisonous spider, a blood-sucking mosquito, or a sleepy electric-eyed silkworm, they have become extremely careful now, the poisonous spider has turned itself into a small spider, and others will be surprised if they see it. You may not be able to see the difference, the blood-sucking mosquitoes have also turned into small mosquitoes and fly around. As for the electric-eyed silkworm, this guy simply hides underground and cannot come out, even if he crosses the wall of the world, it is all done underground.

In this way, after the three Zerg Supremes are so careful, they no longer have to worry about being discovered, and as long as they are given enough time, the army of the Zerg buried in each world will all be activated. At that time, they Then you can retire and return to the nest of the Zerg world, no longer have to worry about danger.

It can be said that the fall of the Symphony Butterfly may not be a good thing for the Zerg. At the very least, her fall has made the Zerg completely careful, and as long as the Zerg is completely careful, then outsiders want to find them. But it is impossible at all. It is a piece of cake for a respectable master to avoid the eyes and ears of others in such a large space of the God Realm!

(End of this chapter)

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