Chapter 118 Experts Gather (Part, Explosion)
The newly born three-legged golden crow is like a fish returning to the sea, soaring freely in the sky, calling a few times from time to time, as if telling people its excitement.

However, it doesn't know where it is most excited.

Far away, a group of advanced cultivators were very excited. Seeing the newly born three-legged Golden Crow in the sky, almost everyone could feel their breathing becoming more rapid due to excitement. In their eyes, the three-legged Golden Crow It has become a necessary prop for him to soar into the sky. At this time, no matter who it is, he has secretly decided that no matter what, he will take action to snatch it today, even if he offends the three major factions.

Lin Yifei stood there without moving from the beginning to the end.

Maybe it's because he has survived the tribulation and thunder. For the three-legged Golden Crow in the air, Lin Yifei didn't want to get it like others, and took its inner alchemy to refine it into his body.On the contrary, when he saw the three-legged golden crow flying carefree in the air and singing cheerfully from time to time, he felt that no one should bother it, but let him be free and enjoy it forever. fun of.

However, Lin Yifei also knew that among those present, which one would not want to take the Golden Crow for himself?Whether it's the elites of the various factions in front of them, or the scattered immortals hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to attack, their eyes are already glowing red, and they will start to snatch it as soon as the temperature of the sea of ​​fire drops. undoubtedly.

"Master, what should we do?"

On the side of the Kunlun faction, an honest-looking middle-aged man asked Master Yuyang.

"Hey, the temperature around Jinwu is too high. In the past, he could only die. Let's wait and see! Moreover, I have already sent a signal for help to the door. I think there must be a few uncles lurking beside me at this time. Just wait and see what happens.”

Master Yuyang sighed lightly, but his face was a little heavy. He still underestimated the value of the treasure that was born this time. The three-legged Golden Crow, the legendary divine bird, is bound to be fiercely contested this time.You know, if a Sanxian obtains the inner alchemy of the Three-legged Golden Crow and refines it, then the future of this Sanxian will be bright.Ignore Jie Lei, isn't this what the Sanxians are preparing for?

In the team of Yujianmen, the sword fairy Sun Yonglin still had an unsmiling expression, and he couldn't see his happiness and anger, but the sword in his hand was telling people the fact that he was just like him. He was so excited, so excited that he even forgot to take back the magic weapon of life cultivation in his body. However, his excitement was hidden in his heart, but never showed on his face.

Turning his eyes to the real Yuyang not far away, the sword fairy Sun Yonglin couldn't help frowning slightly.

He can ignore other sects, but only the Kunlun sect can't.He is confident that without the presence of the Kunlun faction, with the strength of the people he came to Yujianmen this time, there is absolutely no one present who can beat him.But with the behemoth of the Kunlun faction here, he was really not sure if the Kunlun faction also had unexpected people.

"Hey, I hope that person has already failed to overcome the calamity and disappeared. Otherwise, counting the time, I am afraid that he should have survived the Nine Tribulations. Even the ancestors of the Nine Tribulations, I am afraid it will be difficult to fight." And win!"

Sighing secretly in his heart, the sword fairy Sun Yonglin couldn't help feeling slightly worried.However, he also knew that with the high vision of the Kunlun School, they might not really be interested in sending out too powerful seniors.But the one at the Sword Gate just happened to wake up from seclusion these few days and had nothing to do, so he came to have a look, but he didn't come here on purpose.

Sun Yonglin didn't know, his guess was correct.

For this change, the Kunlun faction did not give the highest attention. The person with the highest cultivation level who came here this time is nothing more than a Sanxian of the Seven Tribulations.This Seven Tribulations Sanxian was still one of the two injured by Lin Yifei before, but the injury was not serious, and he almost recovered after recuperation.

In fact, apart from not paying enough attention, there is another point that Sun Yonglin never thought of.

Lin Yifei's Kunlun faction had already defeated almost all the masters, and the one Sun Yonglin was worried about included one of them. At this moment, Daoist Hui Ning is recuperating from his wounds. Where did he find the time and interest to come here?However, if Daoist Hui Ning knew the preciousness of the treasure that was born this time, even if he tried his best, he would definitely come here without hesitation.

You must know that although the inner alchemy of the Three-legged Golden Crow can be used by anyone, the most effective ones are those who switch to Sanxian and Sanmo. If there is an inner alchemy, then he can directly refine it into his body with almost no effort.And once the Golden Crow's inner alchemy is refined into his body, then he can easily pass through the next tribulation of immortality and ascend to the upper realm with ease.

In the small circle of Zixia Temple, the master Yuqiu, the master of the temple, still had that treacherous smile. However, although he had a smiling face on the surface, at this moment, he was definitely the most anxious person present.

The Zixia Temple, like the Kunlun School, did not pay enough attention to this change, and they were even more miserable than the Kunlun School. The person who came this time was nothing more than a Sanxian of the Five Tribulations.It's not that he has no masters in Zixia Temple, but the person with the highest cultivation level in Zixia Temple has just passed the eighth Sanxian Tribulation recently, and his cultivation base has not yet stabilized, and the Sanxians of the Six Tribulations are all rushing. The seventh calamity level, the result is that the highest one who can come here freely can only be the Sanxian of the fifth calamity.

Stealing a glance at Master Yuyang and Sword Immortal Sun Yonglin, Daoist Yuqiu was really unwilling.However, he also knew that this time, the fat in front of his eyes would definitely not have the oil and water of his Zixia concept.

The temperature in the fiery land was still high, which made the people present dare not go forward to be the first to be the pathfinders, and could only watch the three-legged golden crow flying freely in the sky.

Ever since the Golden Crow appeared, Lin Yifei's eyes almost never left it.

Lin Yifei has a feeling that this big free-flying bird is like a child who has just learned to walk. However, this child does not know his own value, does not know that everyone is staring at him with round eyes, wanting to Take him for yourself.

Spreading the sense of immortality, Lin Yifei immediately saw all the loose immortals hiding behind.

"Six of four kalpas, one of five kalpas, one of seven kalpas, and one of eight kalpas. Hey, there are quite a few masters. Is it true that they just watch it being captured by them and remain indifferent?" The answer is of course. is negative.

Looking at the beautiful golden bird in the sky, Lin Yifei really liked it very much.

In fact, even though he asked himself this question in his heart, subconsciously, Lin Yifei had already vaguely made up his mind.No matter what the purpose is, today, he may not be able to stand by and watch.

With an idea, Lin Yifei suddenly made a bold decision.

"Three-legged Golden Crow, the legendary divine bird, I wonder if you will like the new home I found for you? Hehe, anyway, if I don't care about you, you will inevitably die, so I will make you the number one in the Feixue space. A foreign visitor!"

(End of this chapter)

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