Chapter 1208 Embarrassment (one more)
After Lin Yifei arranged the matter of the Dragon Clan inheritance pool, he returned directly to Feixue Space. The Dragon Clan inheritance pool is open to the public, and those obedient Dragon Kings will do things very well. With his orders, those guys will not There is a phenomenon of scrambling, and after this collective acceptance of inheritance, the strength of the Dragon Clan is bound to be able to increase a little bit. For the Dragon Clan, it is much better than holding an inheritance pool in the air.

Regarding these, Lin Yifei is not in the mood to care about them. There is still a super ruthless character in Feixue Space. After such a long time of silence, she should not think too much. How to arrange this ruthless character, he has to go back Take a trip and see for yourself.

For the colorful phoenix, because Lin Yifei has awakened many memories of the colorful dragon, no matter what, he still has a feeling of closeness. If there is no awakening of the memory of the colorful dragon, then the colorful phoenix is ​​similar to an ordinary phoenix. You don't have to worry about it at all, just throw the other party there, when you can use it, and then go and see it.

It's a pity that the awakening of the colorful dragon's memory made it impossible for Lin Yifei to treat the colorful phoenix as an ordinary stranger. He still wanted to take care of her and let her develop as well as possible.

Of course, there is no doubt about the strength of the colorful phoenix as the world-destroying beast of the phoenix clan. Although she is only at the level of a god king now, as long as she is given a little time, she may recover to the stage of a god. A colorful phoenix in the ordinary stage of the gods will be equivalent to a human being in the middle stage of the gods, or even a master in the late stage of the gods. Lin Yifei has no doubts about this at all. At least Lin Yifei believes that the self in the early stage of the gods can definitely Kill the people in the middle stage of the gods, and the colorful phoenix will naturally be able to.

Now that the Zerg race is raging, to be honest, Lin Yifei naturally has the idea of ​​letting the colorful phoenix participate in it to save all beings in the god world. Therefore, Lin Yifei cannot ignore the existence of the colorful phoenix for public or private purposes. Afterwards, come back to arrange the colorful phoenix.

When Lin Yifei returned to the flying snow space, he happened to see the colorful phoenix sitting cross-legged, and the energy around him was churning endlessly. Seeing this scene, Lin Yifei couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. It can't be seen that the colorful phoenix at this time is actually breaking through the bottleneck of the god king and hitting the realm of the gods, and it seems that she has no possibility of failure at all!
"Hey, the rebirth is different! Look at me, I have just been reborn not long ago, and I am about to break through the deity. I, a fake colorful dragon, really can't compare with it!" Seeing the colorful phoenix breaking through With his cultivation base, Lin Yifei stopped directly in the distance, watching the promotion of the colorful phoenix from a distance.Of course, it was said that it was a promotion, but it was actually Qicaifeng's restoration of cultivation. After all, this guy was at the peak of the gods.

The colorful phoenix is ​​not like Lin Yifei. Although Lin Yifei has received the inheritance of the colorful dragon, he has swallowed the dragon balls inherited from the colorful dragon with a human body. He is not a monster anyway, and he can obtain many secrets of the colorful dragon. , is already his luck.And Qicaifeng is a veritable direct resurrection, everything about her is still there, just because Huo Jingtian, who resurrected her, only had the god king stage before, so at the time of resurrection, she only had the god king cultivation base, if there is a god king stage The Feng Clan came to do it, and she has already recovered to the stage of Supreme God.

The energy of the flying snow space continuously converges towards the colorful phoenix, forming an energy vortex almost centered on her. Lin Yifei, who is watching, knows very well that the colorful phoenix has penetrated her five laws at this time, and has achieved The position of the gods should be supplementing the deficiency of his body at this moment!With her cultivation base, I don't know how much energy is needed to supplement it, but fortunately, Flying Snow Space has everything, especially the huge amount of energy, which she can absorb casually.

Feeling the increasingly domineering aura coming from the colorful phoenix, Lin Yifei felt a little bitter in his mouth, seeing that he rode directly on top of his head after being reborn, it was in vain for him to practice for so long, However, they are no match for the newly reborn people.

However, Lin Yifei is not worried about the promotion of the colorful phoenix. No matter how powerful the colorful phoenix is, he now has six venerable puppets, a holy weapon, and two gods and Taoists. What's more, he and the colorful phoenix are inextricably linked. Now that the Feng family is gone, the colorful phoenix may not be against him, so he naturally doesn't need to worry about anything.

The "swipe" spiritual energy storm suddenly accelerated, and all of it was sucked into the body of the colorful phoenix in an instant. Immediately, the whole world became silent. Obviously, the colorful phoenix had completely completed her promotion and returned to the cultivation base of the god.

The colorful phoenix who absorbed the surrounding aura in an instant opened her eyes, and then immediately cast her gaze in the direction where Lin Yifei was. Her cultivation base had returned to the stage of deity, and her perception was naturally much sharper. With Lin Yifei's arrival, she It has been discovered before.Speaking of it, it is very dangerous to be approached by others during the promotion, that is, if Lin Yifei approaches, if it is any other person, Colorful Phoenix will definitely end the promotion and find a safe place to re-promote.

"Hehe, congratulations, Xiaofeng, you have recovered your godly cultivation just after being reborn. Now, you are much better than me!" Seeing Qicaifeng cast her gaze on him, Lin Yifei smiled indifferently to meet her gaze, and immediately He directly dodged to the colorful phoenix and congratulated him.

"I've never been weaker than you. I used to be like this, I'm like this now, and I'll be like this in the future." Seeing Lin Yifei approaching, the colorful phoenix stood up gracefully, but there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, Obviously, she has recovered from the blow of the disappearance of the Phoenix Clan, and she can't help but feel joy when her cultivation has returned to the stage of God Venerable. Speaking of which, she is really not used to being weaker than Lin Yifei in terms of cultivation, or It is a multicolored dragon.

"Hehe, you! It's still so serious, so it doesn't matter who is stronger or weaker? The two of us have been fighting for the first place, but what can we do in the end?" Lin Yifei shook his head with a smile after hearing what the colorful phoenix said. .In the memory he has inherited, he has already remembered that the colorful dragon and the colorful phoenix have always competed with each other's strength. If Shenlong deliberately released water, it would be hard to say.

Speaking of which, when Lin Yifei was with the colorful phoenix, he would always blend into the role of the colorful dragon naturally, and truly regarded himself as the original colorful dragon, recalling the past with the colorful phoenix. Subconsciousness, subconsciousness, is not controlled by Lin Yifei, or Lin Yifei does not object.

Lin Yifei's words fell, but Qi Caifeng's complexion suddenly darkened. Obviously, Lin Yifei's unintentional words touched her nerves, and she couldn't help but think of something.

Just like what Lin Yifei said, they had been serious at the beginning, comparing each other's cultivation, but what happened in the end?In the end, didn't they all fall into the hands of the human race?The two of them are very strong, but in the end they can only be defeated by two fists and four hands. In the end, they died together with ten powerful human beings, which caused the strength of the Dragon Clan to be greatly reduced, and the Phoenix Clan was completely wiped out, leaving only the survivors left over.

"Ahem, that, don't think too much about it, the world is like this, extremes will reverse, prosperity will decline, this is an eternal truth, no one can influence it." Seeing the expression of the colorful phoenix, Lin Yifei knew that he was not Be careful to say the wrong thing, so he hastened to comfort him, but he did not intend to make a mistake. After all, he has never had any scruples in speaking, and he is used to it.

"Xiaolong, you don't have to comfort me, you know me, I'm not such a fragile person!" With a light smile, Colorful Phoenix showed her broad mind, and then said to Lin Yifei: "Xiaolong, let me out! I want to go back to the Feng Clan. Although the Feng Clan is gone, the Peng Clan, as the survivors of the Feng Clan, should have been guarding the Feng Clan's inheritance pool! I want to go back to the Feng Clan's inheritance pool to take a look, take a look Is there any hope of resurrecting more clansmen?"

At the beginning of the Feng Clan, Colorful Phoenix created the inheritance pool with the masters of the Feng Clan. First, it was to inherit the supernatural powers of the masters of the Feng Clan who died in battle, and second, it was to resurrect the clansmen in it. Those clansmen who died couldn’t keep even a trace of Yuan Ling. In the inheritance pool, there was only the king of the Phoenix Clan of the Fire Department. Huo Jingtian revived Yuan Shen after countless years. Besides, there was no one else .

However, as the boss of the Feng Clan, Colorful Phoenix will obviously have some tricks. She is alone in the Feng Clan now, and she hopes to have several Feng Clans by her side.

"Ah? Back to the Feng Clan's inheritance pool? This, this" Lin Yifei froze for a moment after the colorful phoenix's voice fell. At this moment, Lin Yifei really wanted to slap himself in the mouth!I have nothing to do and abolished the inheritance pool of the Feng family. Now it's all over, and the colorful phoenix wants to see the inheritance pool. What will he say?At this moment, the inheritance pool of the Feng clan may have been licked to the point where there is no blood left by the hungry guys of the Peng clan. Where is there any inheritance pool?
"En? What's the matter, Xiaolong, is the inheritance pool of my Phoenix clan no longer available? Those rocs and peacocks, don't they even keep the inheritance pool?" This is her last hope. If the Feng Clan inheritance pool is gone, then she will really become the only Feng Clan left in the world.

"Hey! Alright! Up to now, I won't hide it from you, but then again, I have to apologize to you, the Feng Clan inheritance pool, I'm afraid it's really gone now."

After a little thought, Lin Yifei still decided to tell the truth, it was wrong to hide this thing from Qicaifeng, and he couldn't hide it from her.Therefore, Lin Yifei changed his words a little bit, and then he briefly explained the matter of opening the Feng Clan inheritance pool to the outside world, why he opened the Feng Clan inheritance pool to the outside world, and the matter of the Zerg army. And sincerely ask Qicaifeng for forgiveness.Of course, in order to show that he had no other intentions, he also explained that he not only opened up the inheritance pool of the Phoenix Clan, but also opened up all the inheritance pools of the Dragon Clan to the Dragon Clan, in order to tell Colorful Phoenix what he did Everything is for resisting the Zerg army in the future, and there is absolutely no selfishness mixed in it.

After Lin Yifei finished speaking, Qi Caifeng stared into his eyes, but was speechless for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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