Chapter 1217 The Situation Is Severe ([-])

The five-colored dragon, the emperor of the monster clan, did not appear for a long time. However, the five-color dragon stretching across the sky has buried a deep imprint in the hearts of all the people of the monster clan. Those who came to Shenlong's Song and felt the breath of Shenlong, they are destined to feel proud and proud all the time.As a member of the monster clan, it is a great honor to meet the king of the monster clan in one's lifetime.

The figure of the five-colored dragon has disappeared into the sky, but the atmosphere of the monster race has not slowed down with the disappearance of the five-colored dragon. On the contrary, after receiving the instructions of the five-colored dragon, all the monsters became active , down to the lowest level of the little monster, up to the high god king, at this moment, all the monster clans are active, because their king told them that at a certain moment, the monster clan will face disaster , Now, they must act to resist this unknown disaster.

All the people of the monster clan are rushing to tell each other, and each ethnic group takes out their own savings, so that their own people can improve their cultivation base as much as possible. After all, everyone knows that if there is no tyrannical strength, then In the next disaster, there is the danger of genocide.Although they did not participate in the original war, according to the records of the monster clan, many monster clans were directly extinct in the original war.

No one will doubt the words of the colorful dragon. Since the colorful dragon said that the monster race will be in danger, then there must be danger. More than 100 masters of the god king were assigned to various places by Lin Yifei to lead a certain area. All the people of the monster clan must unconditionally obey the command of the gods and kings and make unified arrangements.Of course, it is impossible for anyone to dare to act against the orders of the masters of the gods.

All the monster clans who are in deep retreat have broken through, they can no longer continue to practice, and in the next time, everyone will participate in the construction of fortifications, Lin Yifei has already given an order, the enemy is very powerful, Everyone must make the best preparations, use whatever means they have, wait for the arrival of the enemy, and then kill and injure the enemy wantonly.

The sky and the earth of the Yaozu are full of people of various races who are constantly shuttling. They complement each other, complement each other, and strengthen each other's strength.

Originally, the Yaozu is a large and diverse group, and there are inextricably linked among them. Some Yaozu can unite with other groups to exert stronger fighting power. Before, it was impossible for everyone to confide in their hearts. , but now with the order of the colorful dragon, no one will cherish it with a broom, and share all the good things, and everyone is not afraid of being tricked by the other party, because no one will do that. Emperor's disrespect.

The combination of the monster clans is very effective. For example, there is a race called Hao. Their combat power is very weak, and they are not popular among the monster clans. But if they cooperate with the wolf clan and unite together , then they can complement each other, and each other's combat effectiveness can be increased several times, but in normal times, the wolf clan simply dismisses the embarrassing clan.

There are quite a few monster races like this, and now is an extraordinary period, who doesn't want to greatly increase their strength!Therefore, under the arrangement of their respective god king leaders, this kind of racial integration continues, the number of monsters remains unchanged, but the overall combat effectiveness has improved significantly.

For these, Lin Yifei was too lazy to care about it. After engraving his will into the minds of every master of the gods, he released the body of the dragon and returned to the hall of the dragon clan. Of course, he returned to the hall It's not that Lin Yifei doesn't do nothing. After the Yaozu's affairs are settled, the human world naturally needs him to spend some time.

"Water clone, it's up to you next time, the human side is more difficult to deal with, intrigues, intrigues are more serious, and they don't have collective beliefs like the monster race, so you may have to use some coercive means, then you Make it up for yourself!" In the hall, Lin Yifei was sitting on top, and below him, a person exactly like him was looking at him, listening to his arrangement, it was his clone, the clone of water.

"My deity is rest assured that time is running out now, and I understand the situation of human beings. No matter what happens, we have absolute strength. No one dares to say anything. I will refine all the masters of the gods and kings, and then unify the command !"

The water avatar smiled at Lin Yifei's body, his face full of confidence, just like Lin Yifei's body.Speaking of it, Lin Yifei and his four avatars are one body, but after the primordial spirit breaks through to the deity, the four avatars have their own consciousness and thinking, and can think independently, just like an independent In general, people can think for themselves in whatever they do.

Of course, regardless of the avatar's thinking, all their actions are naturally based on the interests of the main body. Whatever Lin Yifei's main body asks them to do, they will naturally work hard in that direction.Speaking of which, the current four avatars can live alone, and it is no problem to start a family, start a business, marry a wife and have children, but Lin Yifei doesn't want to do that!

"Hehe, you and I are one, so I'm naturally very relieved of you. Take him with you. After all, this guy is also a human venerable. There should be many god kings who recognize him, and although this guy is a humanoid weapon, but The Venerable’s cultivation has not decreased but increased, and you will demolish it with you!” Lin Yifei was very satisfied with the performance of the water avatar, and while speaking, he recruited Wu Tianshenzun and let him stand in the water. behind the avatar.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'm leaving now, and the deity is waiting for my good news!" After discussing everything, the avatar of water didn't say anything more, bowed to Lin Yifei's body, and flashed away, It flew towards the direction of the human beings, and behind him, Wu Tianshenzun immediately followed, and his control was completely delegated by Lin Yifei's body to the water avatar, allowing them to do whatever they wanted.

Immediately, Lin Yifei was the only one left in the hall, and he sent out the clone of water and a god puppet, and he no longer worried about the human beings. With these two people, no one would be able to fight back, Wu The sky subdued them, and the avatar of water refined them. No matter how many god king masters there are on the human side, they can only obey him in the end. At that time, he will naturally do whatever he wants!
"Phew, it's almost there! The Zerg army has grown irresistibly now, maybe it won't be long before it gets here!" Lin Yifei slightly raised his head and looked into the distance, squinting his eyes slightly, he had a premonition, The Zerg army will come to the world of the human monster race sooner or later, because he already understands that in this God Realm, humans and monster races definitely have the most noble bloodlines, the most powerful genes, and the Zerg race wants to devour the heavens , strong itself, then there is no reason why such a powerful existence as the human monster race should not be counted by them. I believe that when the Zerg army from all over the world gathers together, it will be the time when the human monster race world will suffer catastrophe.

"Come on, what should come will come eventually. Soldiers will come and cover you with water and earth. No matter how powerful your Zerg army is, you can never take advantage of me." Lin Yifei clenched his fists fiercely when his face straightened. After seeing the power of Yaozu, he is full of confidence in the future.

At the same time, in the dozens of space worlds in the God Realm, the Zerg army is harvesting the lives of one race after another. The ambushes of the Zerg who were ambushing in the various worlds have all been awakened by the Zerg Supremes. , the masters of the Zerg want to hide their sincerity, and no one can find out their actions, not even Lin Yifei, so Lin Yifei didn't care about the remaining Zerg Zerg Zerg's activities everywhere, but returned to the world of the human monster race to prepare .

It has to be said that Lin Yifei's initial actions can be said to have greatly reduced the strength of the Zerg. There are only four supreme masters left, and only three can be active outside. This has delayed the recovery of the Zerg army. , and because the three great lords were beheaded by Lin Yifei before, all the Zerg they awakened were buried with them. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to the Zerg.

However, despite this, the Zerg still has dozens of worlds left. The Zerg army in each world exceeds hundreds of billions. Even if they lose half or even more when devouring the worlds, they can still leave a very large army. The number, moreover, has devoured many creatures in the alien world, and the rest of the Zerg are the elites among the elites. In these Zerg armies, the lowest cultivation level is already the upper god, and the gods also account for a large part. The main thing is that in the constant battles and constant devouring of each other, the Zerg race finally gave birth to a super bug general at the level of a god king. Such a bug general is a truly powerful existence, although the bug generals born in each world will not There are more than three, but the number of Zerg generals from dozens of worlds is quite impressive.

There are more than two hundred god kings and insect generals, each of whom can lead countless Zerg armies, and the number is still increasing. At this moment, many worlds have become real dead zones.

When the Zerg is around, not only will all the creatures in the world be devoured, even the mountains, rivers and plants will be eaten by them to the root. This is the Zerg, devouring all energy objects, a real devouring machine.

However, it is worth mentioning that because there are only three Zerg masters left, three Zerg Supremes, because Zerg Supremes have been falling before, so they wake up the Zergs in each world, and then they will not No matter how much you care, even the masters in this world will not make their own plans, but according to their previous thinking, every venerable who awakens the Zerg army must use the cooperation of the Zerg army , devouring the respected masters of that world.

It is conceivable that if each of the six supreme masters of the Zerg race devours a few masters, how powerful they will be. At that time, no matter how powerful Lin Yifei is, no matter how many masters he organizes, he will definitely not be able to It may be possible to resist a huge army led by six Zerg super-supreme, so, in a sense, when Lin Yifei encountered the Zerg army, it can be said that it really greatly weakened the Zerg.

At this time, in a world in the God Realm, there are all kinds of bugs everywhere. Some of these bugs are fluffy, some have wings, and some are as firm as steel, and these are not very big. Each of the bugs is powerful, among them, the weakest one is at the level of a god, and at this moment, among the huge diamond beetles, a big spider is lying quietly on a flying giant. On the back of the beetle, the head of the big spider is clearly a human head. This one is naturally the second supreme of the Zerg race, the poisonous spider!

"The children of all worlds have awakened, and the footsteps of the Zerg race will be unstoppable. The Zerg race will soon be able to shock the entire God Realm, and eventually annex the God Realm!" Looking forward to a bright future.

"Hey, it's just a pity. I don't know who is fighting against the Zerg, but killed the third, fourth, and fifth children. In this way, it made us dare not make casual moves and ran away so many venerables. What a pity!"

The poisonous spider originally wanted to devour some high-ranking masters, surpassing the Zerg Supreme Flower-tailed Scorpion in one fell swoop, but the reality was too far from the ideal, and the sudden accident made her dare not make a casual move. In the end, she could only watch The venerables from all over the world fled from the sight one by one, but they didn't dare to make a move to keep them behind.

"Huh? Boss Huawei is summoning? I don't know why I summoned this girl. It seems that it's time to return to the Zerg."

While the flower-tailed scorpion was thinking, suddenly, she received a message from the flower-tailed scorpion in her mind, asking her to return to the Zerg race to return to life.

Not daring to delay, the poisonous spider quickly controlled the surrounding meat shields, and began to fly back in the direction of the Zerg. She was really afraid of losing her life, even if she returned to the Zerg, she still controlled a lot of bugs Protect yourself as if you are afraid of something unexpected happening.

At the same time, the other two venerables of the Zerg race, the blood-sucking mosquito and the electric-eyed silkworm, also received the message from the flower-tailed scorpion, and rushed back towards the Zerg race one after another, leaving the Zerg army outside, allowing countless armies to devour them at will and continue to grow.

(End of this chapter)

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