Chapter 1236

Lin Yifei and the three avatars travel back and forth between the world of the human and monster races. In order to reduce the death of the weak humans and monster races, and to make the Zerg race eat less, Lin Yifei and the three avatars can be said to have exhausted all their skills. People under the lower gods found, they will catch them into the Feixue space without hesitation.

The Flying Snow Space is indeed big enough. No matter how many people are put in, the Flying Snow Space will never feel crowded. Today's Flying Snow Space is already a universe, a universe that does not know how wide it is. I believe that even if the entire Flying Snow Space People and monsters from the world of human and monster races have all moved in, and the Feixue space can easily accommodate them all. To be honest, at this moment, even Lin Yifei himself can't tell how many seeds are there in the Feixue space. The planet, and how wide is the bottom land.

Except that Lin Yifei's main body went back to the Feixue space, Lin Yifei and the three avatars were busy all the time, and this kind of busyness was almost when they collected nearly 200 billion weak humans and monsters. Finally had to stop.

Compared with the more than 4000 billion in the world of human monsters, 200 billion weak people can be said to be a drop in the bucket, but from this number alone, 200 billion is already quite a lot. It is conceivable that even if it is 200 billion lower God, if the Zerg's 30 billion army can swallow them all, then the 30 billion army can definitely be raised to a higher level as a whole. After all, quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes.

Lin Yifei suddenly stopped when he put away a piece of low-god human beings with more than one million in his mind, and then, his eyes couldn't help but turned to a space in the distance, where he suddenly felt a slight fluctuation .

The law of space has been comprehended to a very high level. It can be said that the space of the entire human and monster world has been connected by Lin Yifei. As long as there is a change, it is naturally difficult to escape his perception. He has already felt that the distance In a space less than ten thousand miles away, a huge momentum is brewing there. I believe that it won't be long before there will be obvious changes in that piece of sky.

"It's coming? Is it coming so soon? It seems that the time is still too tight, whether it is success or failure, it seems that the result will come soon!" Looking at the sky in the distance, Lin Yifei couldn't help sighing slightly, he He knew that what he was most worried about was about to happen, but he didn't expect the other party to come so soon.Of course, it can also be said that he didn't want the other party to come so soon. After all, the more time he was given, the better he could make preparations.

"All people at the level of god kings have entered the state of battle. The moment of life and death has arrived!" With a slight thought, Lin Yifei had already conveyed the order. There are as many as one, except for the hundreds of god kings in the local area who are responsible for leading the people in the human monster world to fight in batches, the rest of the god king masters are fighting on their own. Lin Yifei's order is very simple, all the god king masters, do their best It is possible to kill all Zerg, but the only thing it can't do is not be eaten by the other party.

All the god king masters understood the meaning of Lin Yifei's order.If you can't let the other party eat it, then there is only one way, self-detonation, only when the self-destruction becomes a piece of energy, can the other party not be eaten, and self-destruction means death.No one is willing to die, but according to Lin Yifei's order, no one dares not to die, and no one can not die. If Lin Yifei tells them to die, they must die.

It has to be said that as a human being and a half-monster, Lin Yifei is not exempt. He can tolerate the fall of other god-king masters of other races, but he doesn't want to see the lower gods of humans and monsters killed. So, think about it for a while. After that, he can only make such a decision.

Needless to say, Lin Yifei is cold-blooded, this is different races, as the saying goes, people who are not my race will have different hearts, if these puppets captured by Lin Yifei live in different places, I believe that when they slaughter humans and monster races, they will never be lenient .

The five thousand god king masters were ready in an instant. They have been preparing for battle all the time. Everyone is ready to sacrifice, especially those god king masters of the monster race. They are honored to be able to fight with their The emperor and the five-colored dragon fought side by side, even if they died, it would be their boundless glory, although until now, they still don't know where the danger comes from and what the situation will be.

"Three hundred puppets of gods are on standby, ready to obey my master at any time, fearless of life and death!" After allocating all the masters of the god king, Lin Yifei immediately greeted all the masters of the gods in Feixue space, and then, he With a slight movement of his entire figure, a dimensional space was opened up by him, and he entered the dimensional space in a flash. into it.

For the understanding of the laws of space, the three avatars are exactly the same as Lin Yifei's body. Speaking of which, the concealment of the three avatars is no worse than Lin Yifei's body. Hiding in the dimensional space, even if the cultivation base is higher than It is absolutely difficult to find them.

The entire world of human and monster races became quiet almost instantly. Although there is no sound at all, it is definitely very quiet, because at this moment, everyone is waiting for the next change. They still don't know where the so-called danger comes from and what the situation is.

Lin Yifei was in a different-dimensional space, and his gaze was fixed on the space that was becoming more and more violent. His eyes were slowly filled with seriousness.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a minute, maybe half a minute, or maybe only a few seconds. Suddenly, Lin Yifei's pupils shrank suddenly, and in his eyes, there was suddenly more space in the distance. A smear of black, a light so black that it almost devours everything, was only the size of a grain of sand at first, but in the blink of an eye, a black spot the size of a grain of sand turned into a huge black curtain hundreds of miles away. It was exactly what Lin Yifei had seen before. Been there, space wormholes.

A space wormhole with a size of hundreds of miles appeared. Although Lin Yifei was already mentally prepared, he was still deeply shocked by this scene. You must know that the space wormhole he had seen before was definitely not as big as it is now. Less than one-tenth.

The human monster world suddenly became a little dark, and at this moment, the real sense of danger finally made everyone understand how dangerous the human monster world was.

A loud "hum" came from the black wormhole hundreds of miles away, and then, under Lin Yifei's gaze, the Zerg army finally revealed its figure quickly, and as soon as it appeared, there were thousands of people. million in number.

"咻咻咻咻!" Pieces of Zerg flew out of the space wormhole, the leader is the strongest group of Zerg today, 27 god masters, and more than a thousand god king masters, here After more than 1000 high-ranking generals of the Zerg race, they are all the most powerful among the Zerg race. Almost all of them will be able to break through the shackles of the gods in a short time, and break through to the level of a god king in one fell swoop.

"What? More than 20 god masters, more than 1000 god king masters, the strength of the Zerg race is so terrifying?" Lin Yifei couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart. Needless to say, his eyesight is so high, just one glance at him It can be seen that the first batch of Zergs that appeared was too terrifying. Tens of millions were the peak gods, and there were more than 1000 god kings and more than 20 gods. The number of top masters in hand is still a bit short, but don't forget that the 30 billion Zerg army is all masters at the peak of the gods. If so, then his god king puppet army may not be able to kill many Zerg at all.

"In just one day, the Zerg race has more than 1000 more god kings. If they develop for ten days and a half months, wouldn't it be easy to destroy the current human monster race world?" Lin Yifei's forehead Suddenly, he was sweating a little. He knew that the Zerg had an army of 30 billion gods, but he didn't know that there were more than 1000 god kings and more than [-] gods so soon. It can be said that the power of the Zerg has surpassed a little. than he expected.

"Do it! If you don't do it now, when will you wait?" All of Lin Yifei's thoughts were nothing more than Lin Yifei's second thoughts. After making a decision, he absolutely does not allow these thousand God King Zerg and more than two dozen God Zerg to run rampant among humans and monsters.

"Wu Tian, ​​Zu Hao, here comes your chance to redeem your sins, go! From now on, I forgive you!" After making a decision, Lin Yifei suddenly waved his hand, and immediately, Wu who was made into a humanoid weapon by him The figures of Tianshenzun and Zuhaoshenzun appeared outside. As soon as the two puppet gods appeared, they teleported to the distant black hole and appeared directly outside the black hole.

The place where the two puppets of the two gods appeared happened to be the horizontal plane where the thousand god kings of the Zerg and more than twenty gods appeared, and it was in the middle. The Zerg had a unified leader, but when they first came out, they had to wait They will only act after their hair is ordered, and at this moment, the appearance of Wu Tian and Zu Hao made these high-level Zerg immediately notice them.

More than [-] Zerg gods already have their own thinking, but because they are cultivated by devouring, their thinking is not very quick. The sudden appearance of two aliens makes them all have a moment to think. Dazed, as for those Zergs at the level of god kings, they are naturally even more stunned. After all, they have traveled so many worlds before, and this is the first time they have seen something like this.

However, they are in a daze, but some people are not. Such a good opportunity, after passing this village, the shop will disappear.

"Explode me!" From a distance, Lin Yifei no longer hesitated seeing the two puppets of the two gods entering the vanguard of the Zerg. When will they not explode now?

Suddenly, there was an earth-shattering loud noise from the human and monster world. This loud noise was so loud that it almost enveloped the entire human and monster world. People with low cultivation levels who were relatively close to the source of the loud noise , Thousands of people were shocked to death almost in this loud noise.A group of bright flames formed under the black hole that appeared before, and this group of flames directly pressed the entire black hole over, and everyone below could see that a round of scorching sun formed below the black hole, engulfing the entire black hole just now. A patch of unknown powerful creatures appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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