Chapter 146 A Hundred Years? (eighth more,)

Lin Yifei's voice was as soft as the warm wind in May, gently reaching Han Xueer's ears.

Han Xueer, who was sitting quietly, suddenly trembled, as if extremely excited.Then, her pair of beautiful eyes suddenly widened, and when she saw Lin Yifei in front of her, her clear eyes suddenly became foggy.

"Yifei, you are finally back!"

Han Xueer, who was sitting quietly, threw herself into Lin Yifei's arms like a swallow returning to its nest. After she really felt Lin Yifei's temperature, she was already sobbing.

Lin Yifei was taken aback by Han Xueer's performance, but he didn't know why she was so excited. It's only been a few days since we parted?As for being so excited?

Of course, these thoughts just flashed through his mind, and then he was relieved.Even he, a big man, and Han Xueer were separated for a few days, and he missed him, let alone a little girl like Han Xueer?

Sensing Han Xueer's attachment and longing for him, Lin Yifei actually had a faint joy.

As a man, which one doesn't want his woman to be attached to him in every possible way and obey him in every possible way?Han Xueer's performance undoubtedly showed Lin Yifei a fact, that is, she really cared about Lin Yifei, and she really couldn't do without Lin Yifei.

However, right now, Lin Yifei doesn't have the mood to be happy, because what he fears most is Han Xueer's tears, and at this moment, Han Xueer's tears are like a flood that has never stopped the embankment. The placket is completely soaked.

Lin Yifei hugged Han Xueer affectionately, and said in a panic: "Xueer, why are you crying? Didn't I come back well?"


Han Xue'er didn't speak, but kept crying, which made Lin Yifei feel puzzled and distressed at the same time.

For a while, Lin Yifei also lost his mind.

In his impression, Han Xueer has always been a very strong girl, why is she so excited today?If it wasn't for the belief that no one would be able to hurt Han Xueer with the protection of purple eyes, Lin Yifei would definitely think that someone made Han Xueer wronged.But since there are purple eyes guarding it, the possibility of this is almost zero.

"Okay, okay, Xue'er, don't cry. If you cry any more, your eyes will turn red. You won't be pretty by then. Don't blame me for not wanting you!"

Consolation for a long time had no effect, so Lin Yifei could only use his trump card and said this slightly threatening joke.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Lin Yifei said this, Han Xueer stopped crying immediately, and then, she who was lying on Lin Yifei's chest suddenly raised her head, her eyes were full of fear and uneasiness.

"Yi, Yifei, you, you really don't want me anymore?"

Han Xueer's voice trembled, full of fear, as if the sky had fallen, no, even if the sky fell, she would definitely not be as frightened as she is now.Lin Yifei could even feel the huge force coming from the arm, which was grabbed by Han Xueer's uncontrollable hands because of nervousness.

Sensing Han Xueer's frightened emotion, Lin Yifei was shocked.

He didn't expect that one of his jokes would cause Han Xueer to have such a big reaction.At this moment, he finally realized that something must have happened to Han Xueer during the month he left.

"Xue'er, Xue'er, I was joking with you, how could I not want you, for you, I will not frown even if I die."

Lin Yifei felt great pain in his heart, subconsciously tightened the strength on his arms, and hugged Han Xueer tightly in his arms.

"Then, then why have you been there for 100 years and haven't even come back to see me once?"

Hearing Lin Yifei's explanation, Han Xueer's heart became a little more stable, but what she asked later made Lin Yifei faint in place.

"Wait," Lin Yifei straightened Han Xueer from his arms, and asked in disbelief, "What did you say? How long did you say I've been gone?"

As if being asked by Lin Yifei about her heartbreak, Han Xueer started to cry again.


Han Xueer's words were full of grievances, including accusations against Lin Yifei, as if she was blaming him for leaving without saying goodbye for such a long time.

However, Lin Yifei was completely stunned after hearing what Han Xueer said, "It will take nearly a hundred years to go away".

From the moment he left the Secret Realm, to the VIPs of the Kunlun Sect, to the Kunlun Sect's convincing, he returned to the Qingfeng Pavilion, and then went to the land of flames to hunt for treasures, until he refined the pills for the Qingfeng Pavilion for half a month a few days ago. Adding it up, it's just over a month. How could it be possible for Han Xueer to say 100 years?
If it wasn't for knowing that Han Xueer was not a vexatious person, and even less likely to make up such a lame excuse to blame herself, Lin Yifei would really have gone berserk on the spot.

"How is it possible, how is it possible, I have only been away for more than a month, how can it be a hundred years?"

A hundred years is not a long time for those who have practiced for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, but it is different for Lin Yifei.

It has been less than 20 years since he entered the world of comprehension, and with the addition of his more than ten years in the secular world, he has only lived for less than 40 years now. For him, 100 years , It's simply unbelievable.

Lin Yifei asked himself over and over again in his heart, but he has come step by step for more than a month. During this time, he has never had a long retreat, so for the time of 100 years, he has nothing to do. Can't figure it out.

"Xue'er, you, do you really feel that I have been away for a hundred years?"

The person who tied the bell had to be untied. Since Han Xueer said the century-old period, of course Han Xueer was required to untie it.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Han Xueer sobbed a few more times, and then sobbingly said, "Well, you happened to be gone for a hundred years, and according to Zijing, I woke up from the retreat in the year you were away."

"Where is this going?"

Lin Yifei could feel that what Han Xueer said was definitely not a lie, but he believed even more that he had indeed only been away for a month. For a while, Lin Yifei only felt his head was as big as a bucket, and he was in a mess.

"Haha, kid, don't make wild guesses. It's true that you only left for a month, and it's true that Xue'er has been waiting here for a hundred years."

Just as Lin Yifei was scratching his hair furiously, Zijing's voice suddenly came, and then, Zijing slowly appeared with a smile on his face, as if formed by condensed air.

Hearing Zijing's words, Lin Yifei hurriedly helped Han Xueer up in his arms, and then hurriedly asked: "Zijing, tell me quickly, what's going on?"

At this time, Han Xueer's crying also stopped, because she also discovered the problem, it seemed that Lin Yifei felt that he had only left for a month.This immediately reduced Han Xueer's sadness, staring at Ziyan with a pair of big eyes, wanting to hear what he had to say.

"Hehe, I'm a bit to blame for this." Zijing chuckled at first, and then said a little depressed: "I saw that Xue'er's cultivation was too low, so I thought of a way to make her grow faster, but I didn't expect Let her bear such a great sadness and grievance."

"En? What did you do?" Hearing what Zijing said, Lin Yifei still didn't understand.

"Hey, it's nothing. I just set up a time-accelerating formation at the bottom of the lake, and I want Xue'er to improve a lot while you're away." Zijing said while shaking her head, as if Blaming myself for doing something bad with good intentions.In fact, for an old monster like him, time is the least valuable thing. In his mind, isn't a hundred years just a time for a nap?
"What? Time Acceleration Formation?"

Hearing this, Lin Yifei immediately understood the cause and effect.

Although Lin Yifei did not study the formation, he still knew the mystery of the formation. Judging from the name of the time-accelerating formation that Zijing said, this formation must have the effect of accelerating time. The current Han Xueer must be in a world isolated from the real world. In that world, 100 years must be equivalent to a month in the outside world.

Lin Yifei looked at Han Xueer, and at this moment, Han Xueer was also looking at him, both of them understood each other's meaning from each other's eyes, and there were four words clearly written in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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