Chapter 161 The Treasure Reappears? (four more,)
Lin Yifei stared obsessively at the ice lotus in front of him, unable to recover for a long time.

Crystal clear is the first impression it gave Lin Yifei, noble and aloof is Lin Yifei's interpretation of it.

At this time, the ice lotus in front of Lin Yifei was about to fully bloom, and the nine petals shone with crystal light. Although there was no sunlight here, they were still so dazzling.

A lotus handle nearly half a foot high is also crystal clear, as if it has the same texture as a lotus flower.But when Lin Yifei looked at it, he felt upright and indomitable.This made Lin Yifei a little surprised.Just a lotus handle can make him, a golden fairy, feel such emotion. I really don't know what kind of treasure this ice lotus will be.

Lin Yifei is like an artist, carefully watching every detail of the ice lotus, and the ice lotus in front of his eyes has become the most perfect work of art.

Except for Han Xueer, there was never anything that could make Lin Yifei so obsessed, but at this moment, Lin Yifei was really intoxicated.

When a thing combines the qualities of arrogance, beauty, unyielding and unyielding into one body, the shock it gives people cannot be described in words.

Lin Yifei even had a feeling that if it wasn't him who was here at this time, but someone who was in the Tribulation Stage, or the Mahayana Stage, or even a master with a higher cultivation level, he would definitely be confused by this ice lotus, and In the end, they will definitely become a statue here, and they will never wake up.

Of course, Lin Yifei's cultivation is advanced and his determination is unmatched by ordinary people, but even so, he still can't extricate himself for a long time.

The entire underground space was almost filled with colorful clouds, and there were already colorful clouds overflowing from the hole above Lin Yifei's head.And the colorful clouds beside him finally pulled Lin Yifei's thoughts out of the ice lotus.

Looking at the colorful clouds escaping from the hole above his head, Lin Yifei suddenly had a kind of understanding.

It is certain that the ice lotus is a treasure, and these colorful clouds should be a sign of its birth.

Reminiscent of the three-legged Golden Crow a few days ago, Lin Yifei finally understood that if he guessed correctly, the three-legged Golden Crow should have been born somewhere underground, just like the ice lotus in front of him. Consciousness was generated, and finally turned into a three-legged golden crow, a spirit bird.And as the Golden Crow slowly took shape, colorful auspicious clouds began to form continuously.

After thinking this through, Lin Yifei also understood that when there are a certain amount of colorful clouds underground, there will definitely be colorful clouds outside, and after that, experts will come to snatch them.

In fact, Lin Yifei was not wrong at all.At this moment, outside, colorful auspicious clouds are constantly being formed, and within a short period of time, the number of colorful clouds has become innumerable, and the entire icy land has been shrouded in colorful auspicious clouds, just like the birth of the three-legged golden crow. No two.

At this moment, all the first-class sects and the three top sects in the cultivation world have also received letters from their disciples one after another. For a while, everyone started to get busy again, because everyone knows that after the land of fire, the land of ice There will also be treasures born.

Kunlun faction.

"Hey, it's another colorful auspicious cloud, and another treasure is born. I hope he won't go this time." Master Yuyang, the head of the Kunlun School, shook his head helplessly, but he felt quite uncomfortable.Once upon a time, his Kunlun faction was frightened like this by a young guy.

After sighing, Master Yuyang still decided to report the matter to Master Hui Ning. As for whether the old man will go or not, that is none of his business.


Sword Immortal Sun Yonglin was contemplating with frowned.

"Qicai Xiangyun, is there another treasure going to be born? It hasn't happened in thousands of years, but this time there are treasures being born one after another. It's really puzzling! Hey, it's a pity that the Patriarch didn't want people to disturb him." Sun Yonglin shook his head and sighed, like It's a pity.Ding Haifeng, the patriarch of Yujianmen, had already strictly ordered him not to disturb him no matter what happened, and he had to concentrate on preparing for the upcoming ninth sword immortal calamity.But he learned something from the competition with Daoist Hui Ning, and he is concentrating on cultivation.

Zixia view.

Daoist Yuqiu waved away the young disciples beside him, and then took out a Jade Talisman of Communication.

"Oh? Colorful auspicious clouds appear in the cold place?"

After seeing the information on the jade talisman, Daoist Yuqiu stood up immediately, and then said excitedly: "Okay, last time I missed the treasure and got scolded by the patriarch. I didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon."

He didn't handle it well last time when he seized the treasure in the land of flames. When he came back, he was complained by the patriarch. This time, it's time to make up for his mistakes.

With a flick of his sleeves suddenly, Daoist Yuqiu hurried towards the retreat place of Zixia Guan Patriarch.

The news of colorful auspicious clouds appearing in the icy land spread quickly, and all sects have already dispatched a strong lineup to the icy land.And there is a question in everyone's mind, that is, what happened to the cultivation world recently?How come there are so many treasures to be born?First there was the land of fire, and now there is the land of ice and cold. I don’t know if treasures will be born in other places after this time.

In fact, no one knows that the appearance of treasures in the land of fire and the land of ice this time is not accidental.

The land of flames and the land of ice and cold have existed for an unknown amount of time, and the land of flames is burning with raging flames all the time. If it continues to burn like this, then one day, the entire land of flames will definitely be destroyed. It breaks down because it cannot withstand the heat, so it needs to be released.

The release method chosen by the Land of Fire is to extract the essence of fire from the entire Land of Fire to form a three-legged Golden Crow purely made of fire. In this way, its burden is greatly reduced.

Like the land of fire, the ice lotus in the land of ice is the same, but its release method is to form an ice lotus.

However, whether it is the three-legged golden crow or the ice lotus, their appearance is to relieve the pressure on the fiery land and the cold land, so that they can exist for a longer period of time.Maybe hundreds of millions of years later, in this cold and hot place, there might be three-legged golden crows and ice lotus flowers.Of course, at that time, something else might have appeared.

Soon, everyone in the cultivation world came to the periphery of the Frozen Land one after another. However, when they saw the frightening scene of the Frozen Land, everyone frowned.

At this time, the rotation speed of the Frozen Land was very fast, especially the outer periphery, and the black space cracks above the Frozen Land made everyone daunted.

The colorful auspicious clouds are still being produced continuously, that is to say, the treasures are still being formed.With the experience and lessons from last time, this time, no one was the first bird, and everyone chose to observe from the outside in a tacit understanding, waiting for the opportunity.

And what made everyone secretly relieved was that this time, Lin Yifei was not in the Qingfeng Pavilion team. In this way, their chances were greatly improved.

Coincidentally, the heads of the three top sects looked at each other, and they all saw caution and a sense of relief from each other's eyes.To be cautious, it was the other two factions who were opponents, and they were relieved, of course, they did not see Lin Yifei, a pervert.

When more and more colorful auspicious clouds appeared, everyone's hearts began to become hot. However, they didn't know that their eager hearts were destined to be poured with cold water.

(End of this chapter)

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