Chapter 168 Warmth (Third Watch,)

Lin Yifei hugged Han Xueer, feeling the hug in this special place, both of them were extremely satisfied.

In Lin Yifei's heart, he has already started to complain. If he had known it would be like this, he would have taken out his pagoda from his dantian long ago, causing him to float around in front of Han Xueer in the form of a ghost all the time like a ghost. Going, it really affects the mood.

"Yifei, where does the sun in the sky come from?"

Han Xueer nestled comfortably in Lin Yifei's arms, her pretty little finger pointed at the sun in the sky, her face was full of curiosity.

She hasn't been in the Jade Pagoda space for a long time. When she came in last time, it was empty without a single thing, and it wasn't as big as it is now. The sun came out, which really surprised her.

"Oh, it, hehe, I'm afraid you won't believe it. It turned out to be just a little bird. I rescued it in the Fireworks Land last time, and I accidentally put it into the Flying Snow Space. Unexpectedly, When I came in last time, I found that it became what it is now, but it seems to have something to do with the Primal Chaos above, it seems to be eating those things."

Lin Yifei smiled lightly, and slowly explained to Han Xueer.

After hearing Lin Yifei's words, Han Xueer suddenly stood up from Lin Yifei's arms, and said in disbelief, "What? It, it was transformed from a bird?"

Anyone who hears that a bird has turned into a sun will never have a calm expression, and Han Xueer's character makes her even more interested.

"Well, that's true. It was originally just a small firebird the size of a palm. Later, it grew up after eating all the fire-type refining materials here. Afterwards, it became what it is now."

Lin Yifei also straightened his body, and said softly to Han Xueer.

"It's amazing, a bird turned into the sun, Yifei, you really have a way, so I said you are a genius!" Han Xueer seemed to be praising Lin Yifei, and seemed to be making fun of her words, but her words were somewhat true, After all, being able to turn a bird into the sun is not something anyone can do.

"Ahem," Lin Yifei coughed lightly, interrupting Han Xue'er's words, and then changed the topic: "Xue'er, there are more beautiful things here, do you want to take a look?"

"Ah? Is there anything beautiful? Hurry up and show me!!"

Being able to play happily with the real Lin Yifei here, Han Xueer is obviously very interested, and girls are born to like beautiful things. When Lin Yifei said that there are more beautiful things, she immediately clamored to see them.

"Hey, okay, I'll take you to see it right now, I think you will like it!"

Lin Yifei smiled confidently. He knew that Han Xueer would fall in love with Binglian at first sight with its arrogance and beauty!

Taking Han Xueer's little hand, Lin Yifei smiled and said, "Xueer, close your eyes first, and open them when I tell you to open them."

"Ah? You still have to close your eyes? What is it that makes it so mysterious!" Han Xueer pouted her mouth dissatisfied, but she still closed her eyes obediently.

With a flash of brilliance, the two had already appeared in another place. As soon as they appeared, Han Xueer, who had her eyes closed tightly, couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"Ah! It's so cold, Yifei, where did you take me, why is it so cold?"

"Okay, Cher, you can open your eyes now."

Lin Yifei didn't answer Han Xueer's words, but asked her to open her eyes.In fact, it's really getting colder here, at least it's much colder than when the ice lotus first came in, and with the passage of time and the growth of the ice lotus, it may become even colder here.

Han Xueer opened her beautiful eyes obediently, but when she saw the cold and noble Binglian in front of her, her expression was a little dull.

"Okay, what a beautiful lotus!" subconsciously, Han Xueer couldn't help but praise.

Growing up so big, Han Xueer has never seen such a beautiful lotus, and she has never seen anything that can have such a temperament. It seems that what is in front of her is not a simple ice lotus at all, but a beautiful woman. She is ashamed of herself as a beauty.

"Yifei, it, is it made of ice?"

It took a long time for Han Xueer to be freed from the attraction of the ice lotus, but even so, her beautiful eyes never left the ice lotus for a moment, as if there was a magical power in it.

"Ice? Hehe, maybe it is!"

Lin Yifei has never thought about whether the ice lotus is made of ice, but it comes from a cold place, which cannot be faked, so it is not fake to say that it is made of ice, but even if it is Ice is also the purest ice, the most spiritual ice.

"It's so beautiful, Yifei, where did you get it? It seems like there wasn't such a magical ice lotus here before?"

"Well, that's right, I found this by accident in a cold place when I came back from repairing the Demon Realm. Just in time for it to mature, I moved it to the flying snow space, hehe, maybe someday it will It can make snowflakes float here, and then the name of Feixue Space will be worthy of its name."

Lin Yifei felt blessed to his heart, thinking that the temperature here is getting lower and lower, maybe someday it will really snow!
"Snow? Yes, yes, I like snow!" Hearing what Lin Yifei said, Han Xueer was very happy, maybe because there is a word "Snow" in her name, she likes snow very much, if it is true She could feel the flying snow in the flying snow space, and she was excited just thinking about it.

Seeing Han Xueer's happy face, Lin Yifei secretly decided to let snowflakes fall here no matter what, even if it was just one piece.

"Hehe, Yifei, you are amazing, you can get such a beautiful ice lotus, I just said you are a genius, hehehehe!"

Han Xueer was obviously very happy, so she wanted to tease Lin Yifei again.

"Ahem, okay, okay, I've finished reading, it's a little cold here, let's go out! See if Master has fully recovered."

Lin Yifei was afraid of Han Xueer, he didn't have a thick skin in the first place, but Han Xueer grasped this point, every time he would praise him to the sky, so as to appreciate his shy little expression.

"Ah? Let's go out now?" Han Xueer obviously hasn't had enough fun, "By the way, Yifei, is there anything else here? Just show it all for me to see!"

"Ahem, ahem, my eldest lady, what else do you want to see? The Flying Snow Space was created not long ago, so there are so many things to see."

Lin Yifei was completely defeated by Han Xueer's efforts, but he really had nothing for Han Xueer to see.

"Is it really gone?"

Han Xueer seemed a little disbelieving, as if Lin Yifei still had reservations, but let alone, after she reminded her, Lin Yifei really remembered a "thing".

"Yes, and there is one more thing to look at, but it's not pretty."

"Ha, I just said, you must have something to do, hurry up, hurry up and show me!"

With the precedent of Binglian, Han Xueer is obviously full of expectations for what Lin Yifei will show her next.

"Okay, here we are!" Lin Yifei grabbed Han Xueer's hand, and then appeared in another place.

When Han Xueer opened her eyes again and saw the "thing" in front of her clearly, she also screamed.

(End of this chapter)

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