Chapter 191 Calculating each other (,)

Huo Kuang actually released a top-grade fairy weapon to block Lin Yifei's flying sword, which probably surprised Lin Yifei!

The flying sword he released was the one he had snatched from Master Qinglan in the realm of comprehension. Later, when his cultivation level improved greatly, he processed it in the Flying Snow Space. With his serious tempering, the current fire knife is definitely at the level of a middle-grade fairy weapon, and after being urged by him with immortal power, Lin Yifei is confident that even a magic weapon that is superior to it will definitely be unbearable, but , when the fire sword touched Huo Kuang's shield, Lin Yifei clearly felt the counter-shock force from the shield, but the shield did not leave even a trace.

"What a powerful shield, I'm afraid it's definitely above the top grade!" Lin Yifei felt it secretly, and couldn't help but be full of interest in the shield in Huo Kuang's hand.Being able to withstand the force of his blow, it would definitely not be Fanpin, since it is not Fanpin, then it is worth his shot to snatch it.It's not just other people who like good things, Lin Yifei also likes them.

Blocking Lin Yifei's fire sword back, Huo Kuang wiped off his cold sweat without any trace.Although he already had a high opinion of Lin Yifei, he never expected that Lin Yifei's reaction was so fast, and his cultivation base was also quite strange. Although he was only in the middle stage of an immortal, his primordial spirit was extremely powerful. The technique is still superior to him, if it wasn't for the back hand of Yingfeng Shield, he might have been injured by the sword just now.At this point, Huo Kuang finally let go of his contempt, and immediately, Lin Yifei was promoted by him to the same level as himself.

Holding the top-grade flying sword that flew back in one hand, and the top-grade fairy weapon Windward Shield in the other, Huo Kuang quickly regained his composure.At this moment, the time for the gravity technique has not yet passed. He believes that although Lin Yifei is a bit weird, he will never escape from his palm. Of course, he must not allow Lin Yifei to escape. , then, the backstage of Lin Yifei he imagined will definitely destroy his Huo family without any effort.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect that, at such a young age, since you have such a great cultivation base, your family must have a supernatural cultivation technique, because of your unique talent, young man, let's stop here How are you?"

Huo Kuang chuckled twice, but he didn't intend to put away the magic weapon in his hand at all.

"Oh?" Lin Yifei only had a fiery red flying sword floating above his head, and he didn't have any self-defense equipment. Compared with Huo Kuang, it seemed to be so inferior. Hearing Huo Kuang's words, Lin Yifei seemed a little moved , the flying sword on the top of the head seemed to be much weaker, as if it could almost be retracted into the body.

"Is what the senior said true? The senior has a magic weapon to protect the body, and the junior knows that he is no match for the senior. If the senior can let the junior go, then the junior is willing to return the senior's nephew to the senior. I only hope that the senior will fulfill the previous promise!"

As if frightened by Huo Kuang's strength, Lin Yifei showed great humility, his straight waist bent down in such an inconspicuous arc, and the fire sword on top of his head fell back into his hand, as if he had given up. recalcitrant.

"Haha, well, a child can be taught. Since you have said so, if I make things difficult for you, it will appear that I am stingy. In this way, we are all happy to release my nephew Huo Zhan."

Seemingly satisfied with Lin Yifei's answer, Huo Kuang let out a long laugh, with a friendly smile on his face. If you don't know, you must think he is some elder of Lin Yifei.

"Thank you senior for your accomplishment!"

Hearing Huo Zhan's words, Lin Yifei was overjoyed immediately, and hastily bowed to Huo Kuang to thank him, completely giving up fighting against him.

However, at this moment, Huo Kuang with a friendly smile on his face suddenly flew towards Lin Yifei at lightning speed without even saying hello. Since he is the caster, he himself will not be affected by the gravity technique , So, in the blink of an eye, before Lin Yifei raised his head, he had already rushed in front of Lin Yifei.When Lin Yifei seemed to feel something strange and raised his head, he happened to meet Huo Zhan's crazy face. For a moment, Lin Yifei's face was ashen.

"Hahaha, kid, fight with me, you are still too young!"

Seeing Lin Yifei's terrified face, Huo Kuang felt that all his sullenness and resentment had disappeared. As long as he killed Lin Yifei, he would not only avoid future troubles, but also avenge his killing of his grandson, and more likely to get the god of a big family Aoxiu's cultivation method can definitely be said to serve multiple purposes.Protecting his body with a shield and using a long sword as a weapon, a gleaming silver horse slashed straight at the top of Lin Yifei's head. In this blow, Huo Kuang used all his strength. Mental arithmetic Wuxin, this time, he can definitely kill Lin Yifei in one fell swoop.

However, Huo Kuang's complacent expression didn't last long. Just when his sword light was about to strike Lin Yifei, Lin Yifei's expression suddenly changed. The people also disappeared directly from the place, as if they had never existed.

Insanely mad, Huo Kuang thought to himself that he was going to suffer. He knew that not only was he plotting against Lin Yifei, but the other party was plotting against him at the same time.With a full-strength blow, Huo Kuang's body's immortal energy was almost half empty. Just when his old energy was not gone, and his new energy was not born, something strange suddenly came from behind him, and then, a strong pressure pressed on his whole body in an instant. , making his stature stagnant.Just when he was overwhelmed by the sudden strong oppressive force, a rope suddenly appeared, and in a short while, he had been tied into a rice dumpling, which was similar to Huo Zhan before!

The change came too fast, from Huo Kuang's lightning strike to Lin Yifei's capture, it probably didn't take more than one breath, and when Huo Kuang came back to his senses, Lin Yifei quickly sealed his cultivation up.

"Senior, you only care about attacking and disregarding defense. It seems that you have made such a mistake just now!"

Lin Yifei's voice was full of jokes, as if a victorious cat was playing with its spoils, and his eyes were full of sarcasm.

How could he not understand Huo Kuang's thoughts?It's just that he didn't expose the other party at the beginning, but cooperated with the other party in the play. He knew that Huo Kuang would definitely think that he was young and inexperienced, he didn't know the sinister heart, and he was swallowed by himself in the end. Therefore, he So he performed the play exactly according to Huo Kuang's wishes, and the effect need not be said.

"Ah, my boy, I can't believe that this old man has been in Luoyingxing for countless years, but today he is planted in the hands of you, a little baby. This old man will not die with peace in his eyes!"

Huo Kuang was about to burst into tears. A strong man who had been in the fairy world for countless years was tricked by a little baby. This is a shame, a shame that can never be washed away. Another point is that he has recognized the things that bind him , it is my nephew's magic weapon, Binding Xiansuo.To say that the Immortal Binding Cable is an incredible magic weapon, although it is only a magic weapon close to the middle-grade fairy weapon, but in the battle between the same level, with the Immortal Binding Cable, the winning rate will definitely be greatly improved.But when Huo Zhan made the Immortal Binding Cable, he still had his share in it.Thinking of the magic weapon he refined that bound him, Huo Kuang felt that there was no greater irony than this.

Ignoring Huo Kuang's murderous gaze, Lin Yifei slowly approached Huo Kuang, picked up the shield that had fallen on the ground, and flicked it with his fingers, making no sound, as if all the force exerted on it was absorbed by him. Absorbed.

"What a powerful shield, it's so weird. Judging from its strength, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to destroy it with all my strength, right?" Thinking of this, Lin Yifei threw the shield into the air, followed by a wave of solid objects The sword qi swung out from the tip of his palm, and slashed firmly on the shield, and after that, the shield didn't look strange at all, as if Lin Yifei's blow didn't knock him down, but hit the air same place.

"Awesome, it seems that I really found a treasure by accident!" This sentence was not only in his mind, but subconsciously, Lin Yifei said it out.

Seeing Lin Yifei looking at Yingfeng Shield with a suspicious expression, Huo Kuang did not forget to cast a contemptuous look at him.

"Hmph, you, a mid-stage fairy, still want to destroy the Windshield? Even if I try my best, it's absolutely impossible to injure it at all! How can a top-grade fairy weapon be easily destroyed?"

"Huh? Yingfengdun?" As if he didn't hear the contempt in Huo Kuang's words, Lin Yifei repeated Yingfengdun's name.

"Windwind shield, windshield shield, good, what a windshield shield, it really is a good thing! Hehe, thank you for the treasure, senior, this great gift, this junior will be disrespectful!"

Under Huo Kuang's burning eyes, Lin Yifei put the Windward Shield into the Flying Snow Space.He can feel a lot, this shield is definitely weird, and it is definitely not something that a small character like Huo Kuang can comprehend.He has already decided that when he has time, he must study this shield carefully. Maybe this small shield can become a life-saving means for him.

Seeing Yingfeng Shield disappear before his eyes, Huo Kuang's eyes were dull for a moment.

Windshield, that is the ultimate fairy weapon!Ultimate Immortal Artifact, what is that concept?That is something that only those who have reached the Golden Immortal level, or even ordinary immortals, have the right to use it. Compared with the Windshield Shield, the top-grade fairy artifacts owned by the three old guys on Luoying Star are almost the same as the top-grade fairy artifacts. , that is to say, this so-called top-grade fairy weapon Windward Shield has even surpassed the category of top-grade fairy weapon.What is after the ultimate fairy weapon?That is something that only immortal emperor-level master craftsmen can forge, and it is also one of the few imperial weapons in the fairy world!

In fact, Huo Kuang obtained the Windshield in a cave by accident. After countless attempts, he instinctively identified it as a top-grade fairy weapon. However, in his heart, Huo Kuang even had a guess. However, Emperor's Artifact, that's not something that a little fairy like him can touch, so, no matter what, he dare not think about it.Now, the biggest reliance is taken by Lin Yifei, one can imagine his mood.

(End of this chapter)

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