Chapter 207 Entering the Golden Sword Gate (Part [-])
After thinking hard, Lin Yifei finally agreed to Balong's request and became a protector of the north gate of the Golden Sword Gate.

In fact, for this so-called Dharma protector position, Lin Yifei has long been a little moved in his heart. He is not stupid. It was the expression of envy and jealousy that softened. Obviously, there are quite a few people coveting this seat.

Also, what Balong said is true, Jinjianmen's guardian is nothing more than a name, it's not a big deal, there is no way to use the guardian, and what attracts Lin Yifei the most is the annual 1000 yuan Fairy. 1000 yuan is a fairy essence, such an income may be an income for others, but for Lin Yifei, these things are the guarantee for him to improve his cultivation. The essence is enough for him to be excited for a while, and becoming the guardian of Jinjianmen can get 1000 yuan of fairy essence every year. Where can I find such a good thing?What's more, there are five meditation beads of Tyrannosaurus as compensation!

Therefore, after combining his actual situation and a series of favorable conditions offered by Balong, Lin Yifei agreed to be the guardian of the law.

After getting Lin Yifei's nod, Ba Long was overjoyed.Seeing that the millennium is coming, if he can't find a strong person at the peak of Jinxian, then he will really have to break his promise. Breaking his promise is definitely a shame for a high-level fairy. I have no face to see people.

So, after Lin Yifei nodded, Balong didn't say anything, pulled Lin Yifei up and rushed to the Golden Sword Gate.

The procedure to become a Guardian of the Golden Sword Sect is very simple. First of all, leave a ray of spiritual consciousness in a special jade slip in the gate to which the Golden Sword Sect belongs. Level Golden Sword Token and refining, after that, you will be the Guardian of Golden Sword Sect.

"Hey, Brother Lin, joining Jinjianmen is a super decent thing. You don't know, many small sects want to curry favor with the big tree of Jinjianmen. If they can become a member under the umbrella of Jinjianmen Member, then this sect will save a lot of trouble, if Brother Lin becomes the protector of Golden Sword Sect, wouldn't your Qingfeng Pavilion be grateful to you?"

Balong was on the road with Lin Yifei, and at the same time told Lin Yifei the benefits of becoming the guardian of the Golden Sword Gate, not to mention, Lin Yifei really learned more after being told by him.

"Elder Balong, I have something to ask, I don't know if it's convenient or not!"

After listening for a long time, Lin Yifei also heard some doubts, so he wanted to ask, but he was afraid of breaking the rules.

"Haha, brother Lin, you can ask anything. As long as it's not too confidential, I'll answer it truthfully!" Ba Long laughed and replied boldly.

"It's like this, Elder Balong, you said that after becoming a guardian, you don't need to stay at the Golden Sword Gate. What if there is something in the gate and you can't find anyone?"

Ba Long said before that after becoming a Dharma protector, Lin Yifei would still do whatever he wanted and go wherever he wanted, which made him ask this question.

"Hehe, Brother Lin doesn't know that the influence of the Golden Sword Sect is not only in the Lengyun Immortal Realm, but our Golden Sword Sect's guardians are all over the entire fairy world. Wherever you are, you can get the notification from the Golden Sword Order, and then go ahead and complete the task. Only when there is a major event that endangers the life and death of the Golden Sword Sect, the guardians must rush back. I mean, Brother Lin should understand, right?"

Balong was very patient, so he patiently and carefully explained Lin Yifei's questions, and the latter could hear them very clearly.

"Hehe, it really is a top-notch faction, and there is such a method, the golden sword communication, it is really a big deal!" After listening to Ba Long's explanation, Lin Yifei let go of the last doubt.With such good conditions, it seems that there is no reason not to join Jinjianmen.

Both Lin Yifei and Balong's speed are not slow, especially the latter, he is now in a hurry to recruit Lin Yifei, so he speeds up his pace intentionally or unintentionally. Discover each other's little thoughts.

Jinjianmen is located on the highest peak of Lengfengxing, Simen Mountain.As the name suggests, Simen Mountain is composed of four dangerous peaks. At the beginning, the Jinjianmen sect was established as a whole, but later because each of them occupied a peak, it became the current scene of the four sects. However, although the east and west The four sects of the north and the south are independent, but in major matters, the four sects are very unified. Everything is based on the overall interests of the Golden Sword Sect.

Every gate of the Golden Sword Sect has emperor-level masters in charge. The entire fairy world knows this, but no one can be sure how many immortal emperors there are in the Golden Sword Sect.Emperor-level masters are almost the highest existence in the fairy world, so it is rare to see them at ordinary times, and the big and small affairs of the Golden Sword Gate are usually handled by the first elder of each gate.The first elders of Jinjianmen are all members of Jinjianmen, this has never changed, and the four first elders are definitely the most powerful elders in each sect. The cultivation base of the peak in the later period of Jun is only one step away from the Immortal Emperor.According to Ba Long himself, under the hands of the Great Elder of the North Gate, he would definitely last for less than a quarter of an hour, and this had to be when the Great Elder didn't use a unique move.

As Lin Yifei learned more about the Golden Sword Gate, he was able to discover the size of the Golden Sword Gate, and he was even more grateful for such an opportunity.It's really not shameful to be the protector of such a big faction!

In the distance, four towering dangerous peaks rise from the ground, seeming to connect the sky and the earth together. Each dangerous peak has its own characteristics, but one thing is almost the same, that is, high and dangerous!Compared with these four dangerous peaks, the Kunlun Mountain of the Kunlun School in the realm of comprehension back then is no different from a small mound.

"Golden Sword Gate, is this the Golden Sword Gate? Such a mighty dangerous peak, it's like four unsheathed swords!"

Staring at the four dangerous peaks in front of him, Lin Yifei muttered unconsciously.In his eyes, the four towering peaks are like four sharp swords stuck there, so sharp that people dare not look directly at them.

"Hey, how's it going, isn't it shocking?" Ba Long's voice came from the side, but his tone was filled with indescribable pride, because he is a member of this place, and a member with status.

"It's really majestic, no wonder so many people want to join the Golden Sword Gate!" Lin Yifei's voice was a little ethereal, and he took a deep breath of the fairy spirit around him, and suddenly, a strong breath far surpassed that of other places. Immortal Qi was inhaled into his body.

Sensing Lin Yifei's movement, Balong's voice came again.

"Hey, around the Golden Sword Gate, there is a large spirit-gathering formation invited by the owner of the gate, so the concentration of immortal energy here is definitely the thickest in the entire cold wind galaxy, and this is only the outer periphery. Wait for Brother Lin to follow me If you go to the North Peak, or go to other main peaks to feel it, then you will know what richness is.”

Hearing Balong's words, Lin Yifei didn't have much reaction, because even if the other party didn't say anything, he could already feel that the fairy energy in the periphery was converging towards the center at a very slow speed. Needless to say, this must be a gathering of spirits It is due to the formation, because he himself has set up the spirit gathering formation, which is both simple and advanced.No way, who gave him the wealth left by the mysterious old man?The mysterious old man has lived for so many years, and even the most profound things have been digested by him, and finally simplified.

"Let's go, I will take you to the Great Elder first, as long as you inject a trace of Yuanshen energy into the special jade slip, you will be able to receive the golden sword order of the highest level of immortality in my hand, and when the time comes, You are now a protector of our Golden Sword Sect!"

Seeing that Lin Yifei was still feeling the might of the Golden Sword Sect, Tyrannosaurus finally couldn't control it. He just wanted to hurry up and complete the task of recruiting guardians, so that he could confirm his status as an elder. You know, he didn't recruit If it takes another 200 years to protect the law, he will pack up and leave.

"Hehe, it's already here, are you still afraid that I will go back on my word?"

Looking back, Lin Yifei smiled at the Tyrannosaurus beside him, but it made the latter look embarrassed, and he didn't say anything to urge him again.

"Okay, I feel the same, let's go in!" Ignoring Tyrannical Dragon's ecstatic expression, Lin Yifei has already taken the lead to go inside.

(End of this chapter)

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