Chapter 239 Overhead Plan (Part,)
In a group of shops in Wanchenxing, all kinds of shops are crowded together, like ants in a group, densely packed.

Here, there are those who sell alchemy materials, those who sell refining materials, and those who sell finished pills.

However, in such a bustling area full of shops, there is one place that looks spacious and generous. Around it, within a radius of almost 200 meters, there is not even a single shop, just like a chicken standing on the ground. The crane among them is outstanding.But the people in front of the shop are the most among all the shops, that is to say, its business is the hottest here.

This shop is about three floors high. On a golden plaque, there are two big characters of "Oriental" written in flying and phoenix dances. This is a property of Wan Chenxing's Dongfang family, and there is a middle-aged fairy in the other. The alchemy material trading market where masters sit.

As usual, today, Dongfang's shop is also very popular, and there is a constant flow of immortals who come to buy and sell high-level alchemy materials. Immortal master, of course, if you find a master of the immortal monarch stage here, you don't have to be too surprised, because it's not that there are no masters of the immortal monarch stage here.

When you enter the door of the store, the most conspicuous place is undoubtedly the counter facing the store door.

At this time, an old man who looked not young was dozing off behind the counter, as if there was no guest worthy of his greeting at this moment.In the shop, five immortals in the later stage of the immortal are each guarding an area. Many immortals who come in to buy refining materials are concentrating on sweeping the room full of high-grade alchemy refining materials. , put the equivalent of the fairy stone into the special hole, and then the refining material he likes will be ejected directly and fall into his hands.

This kind of arrangement should be a kind of formation. It is hard to say who made it, but this formation has reduced a lot of troubles in buying and selling. If you want to buy refining materials, you can throw immortal stones into it, and throw stones to get goods. It is simple and clear.This kind of sales method is only available in the Oriental Family, and other shops are unimaginable.

Suddenly, the old man behind the counter suddenly opened his eyes, got up quickly, and looked in the direction of the store entrance.There, at some point, there was an extra person, an old man who seemed ordinary but had an extraordinary bearing.After seeing the appearance of the visitor clearly, the old man behind the counter quickly rushed forward, without saying a word, just bowed deeply, and led the visitor to the second floor of the shop.When they reached the stairs on the second floor of the store, the old man who led the way retreated respectfully, and then returned to his old position again, as if he was sleepy again.

The second floor of the store has almost the same structure as the first floor. However, if someone who knows the goods comes up to look at it, they will definitely be able to immediately find that the refining of materials on this floor is definitely much better than that of the first floor. Those who don't know the goods can also learn from the frighteningly large numbers on the refining materials that the refining materials at this level are no longer affordable by ordinary people.

Of course, this is not the only difference.Compared with the first floor, the number of people here is less, and there is also one behind the counter, but the entire second floor store, including the one behind the counter, has only four people, and these four people are compared with those below. , the cultivation base is obviously slightly higher.Three early-stage Celestials, plus a late-stage Celestial behind the counter.

When the Late Celestial Immortal behind the counter found the person who went upstairs, he reacted almost the same as the old man on the first floor, respectfully led him to the entrance of the third floor, and then slowly retreated.

In this way, the visitor came all the way, without saying a word, he went straight to the third floor.

The setting of the third floor is different from that of the first two floors. Moreover, the space for furnishing materials seems to be much smaller. Instead, there is an extra small room on the side, but the double doors are closed, and the situation inside cannot be seen. .Surrounded by refining materials, a middle-aged immortal was sitting on a bedding. As if sensing something, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the immortal who had arrived.

"I've met Elder Shi!" The immortal sitting upright saw the person coming, but unlike the people on the two floors below, he got up immediately, saluted respectfully, and shouted.

"Hehe, it seems that Protector Chen has been working hard when he came here. At the peak of the Golden Immortal, it's almost time to break through!" A sense of warmth.

"Thank you, Elder Shi, for your concern. Chen Qi has been working hard in cultivation, and he dare not neglect for a moment. It's just that it will take some time before he breaks through to the Immortal King." The immortal at the top of the Golden Immortal named Chen Qi replied respectfully, and was about to ask The purpose of the person came, but he heard a chuckle from the room behind him, and then a honest voice came from inside: "But Shi Keyang, the elder Shi, is here? Please enter the secret room for a while." The voice fell, and the room The door has opened automatically.

That's right, the person who came here was none other than Shi Keyang, one of the elders of the Eastern Family. Of course, he also has another identity, that is, Lin Yifei's puppet, the most loyal subordinate.

"Hehe, it's Shi who took the liberty to come here, and I hope he didn't disturb Elder Duan Tian's cultivation!" After speaking, Shi Keyang nodded at Chen Qi, and then walked towards the inner room.

After he entered the room, the door closed automatically, leaving only Chen Qi's yearning gaze behind.Without the cultivation base of the Immortal Lord Stage, this room cannot be entered. Although Chen Qi is the peak of the Golden Immortal, in the eyes of the Immortal Lord, he is still no different from ordinary people.

Putting aside the yearning Chen Qi, he said that after Shi Keyang entered the room, he happened to see the Elder Duan Tian he was talking about got up from the stone bed and came out with a smile.

"Elder Shi, I haven't seen you for a long time. Elder Shi's cultivation seems to have improved again. It's really gratifying, congratulations!"

Elder Duan Tian looks like he is in his 60s, but he has a smiling face. Even if he doesn't smile deliberately, there is still a smile on his face, giving people a sense of intimacy.

"Hehe, I do have some enlightenment recently, so my state of mind has improved, but compared with Elder Duan Tian, ​​there is still a big gap!" Shi Keyang chuckled, with a little pride on his face. The bottleneck in Jun's middle stage has been cleared. After taking the five spirit pills given to him by Lin Yifei, he may break through to the middle stage in one fell swoop. At that time, his cultivation base will be able to advance further, and it will definitely not be worse than Duan Tian in front of him.

"Elder Shi is too modest. By the way, I don't know why Elder Shi came here in person this time? But is there anything you want to discuss with me?" At this moment, Duan Cai got down to business. Although his shop is very close to the auction, Shi Ke Yang doesn't come to chat with him often, and only comes to ask him for help when encountering major incidents. As for this, to be honest, there are special restrictions. Without the level of the Immortal Emperor, no one can get it from the shop Take a share of refining materials, unless it is exchanged for the equivalent fairy stone fairy essence.

"Hehe, that's right. I got some good things recently and I'm going to put them up for auction, but I'm afraid that someone will come and make trouble, so I want to ask Elder Duan Tian to take care of them, just in case."

"Oh? A good thing? What a good thing?" Hearing what Shi Keyang said, Duan Tian was obviously a little curious. After all, what can be called a good thing by a master of the fairy king is absolutely impossible to be an ordinary product.

Shi Keyang smiled mysteriously, and then said: "You can let Elder Duan Tian take a look."

As he said that, a jade bottle suddenly appeared in his hand, he threw it to Duan Tian without hesitation, and then motioned for the other party to open it.

Elder Duan Tian hesitated for a moment, and opened the jade bottle driven by curiosity. However, when the lid of the jade bottle was lifted, Duan Tian turned petrified on the spot, staring at the jade bottle in his hand in a daze.

When no less than thirty king-level pills appear in front of anyone, that person will never remain indifferent. Shi Keyang can't, Ling Kui can't, and Duan Tian, ​​of course, can't do it either, so when you see yourself Duan Tian was stunned when the jade bottle in his hand was filled with no less than thirty king-level pills.

However, all he wanted was this reaction from him.Just when Duan Tian was overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of the big money in front of him, Lin Yifei who had been hiding on Shi Keyang's body finally activated it.

Binding Xiansuo, this magic weapon snatched from the Huo family Huo Kuang at the beginning, has been added twice by Lin Yifei, and after two refinements, it has reached the peak level of a high-grade fairy weapon, and it is only one step away from entering the top-grade fairy weapon. This time, it was the first time it appeared after being sacrificed, and it did not disappoint its owner.

Duan Tian, ​​who was tightly bound, was still immersed in more than 30 king-level pills and couldn't extricate himself, but suddenly felt a figure flash in front of him, and then, his cultivation base was sealed in the Dantian Zifu, unable to function At the same time, with a light touch in his hand, a bottle of king-level medicinal medicine disappeared in the blink of an eye.

A series of situations happened between lightning and flint. When Duan Tian felt something was wrong, he had already appeared in a strange world, and in front of his eyes, a strange young man was staring at him with great interest. , and behind the man, including Shi Keyang, there were four masters of the Xianjun period who also looked at him, and when he saw Brother Tianwen and Tianwu among them, his face became even more serious. Wonderful.

"Hehe, you are not the first one, but you will definitely not be the last one, welcome to join, I hope you can get used to the next identity as soon as possible." A soft laugh came from Lin Yifei's mouth, before Duan Tian understood, Lin Yifei has already started his soul refining technique, and Duan Tian has also completed the transformation from an elder to a puppet.

The overhead plan is in full swing!

(End of this chapter)

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