Chapter 32

After bidding farewell to Zheng Long and Lang Peng, Lin Yifei returned to his room.

Sitting on the bed in a hurry, Lin Yifei slowly relaxed and began to feel the changes in his body.

Reminiscing about his previous self and comparing it with his current self, he finally discovered the problem.

It was an energy, an energy different from any cultivator he had come into contact with, and he had also come into contact with this kind of energy before, it was the energy of the colorful dragon that hadn't fully transformed.

Lin Yifei shuddered shiveringly. He already fully understood that the current him has inherited a part of Dragon Ball, which is the evil spirit.

For a cultivator to be covered in monster aura, this is definitely a terrible thing.Lin Yifei finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

Thinking of this, Lin Yifei hastened to calm down, and slowly entered the inner vision.

In Dantian, Jade Pagoda, Sword and Dragon Ball still go their own way, just like a family of three living together happily.When Lin Yifei saw this scene for the first time, he was in a daze.

Originally, he wanted to take the dragon ball out of his body, but seeing it circling the jade pagoda excitedly, he hesitated a little.

However, Lin Yifei still knows which is more important, if he doesn't take out the dragon ball, then he is no longer a pure cultivator, and of course, he is not a pure demon cultivator either.

"Hey, I can't help it. You can only blame me for not being with you!" Lin Yifei sighed in his heart, and finally made up his mind.

Slowly, Lin Yifei tried to get the dragon ball out of his body.

However, at this moment, he was dumbfounded.

Dragon Ball seemed to have found the best shelter, no matter how Lin Yifei summoned it, it would just spin around there in its own way, and even ignored Lin Yifei's summons as nothing.

Lin Yifei was shocked.He has tried his best, but Dragon Ball didn't even respond at all, as if here, it is the master, and Lin Yifei has become a passerby.Lin Yifei had a feeling that he could no longer summon the Dragon Ball from his body, maybe in the future, but definitely not now.

Although Lin Yifei was shocked by this sudden change, he did not panic or fidget.At this time, he can be said to be unprecedentedly calm.

Now that the problems have already occurred, we must calm down and find a solution. Anxiety will only confuse the mind.

Lin Yifei's brain was running rapidly, and many methods came flooding in. He tried one after another, and eliminated one after another. Finally, he found that none of the methods worked.

"There is no unparalleled road, there must be a way." Lin Yifei cheered for himself from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that when he met the Duan family brothers in Qilin Mountain, he didn't feel any aura from them.If it weren't for his special ability to perceive the energy body, he would even regard the two of them as two stones.Moreover, judging from the situation at the time, the two had deceived all the demon cultivators and successfully approached Shenlong. If it wasn't for themselves, their plan might have already succeeded.

"Could it be that the two of you have practiced some kind of profound breathing technique?" Lin Yifei thought suddenly.

Thinking of this, Lin Yifei hurriedly found the storage ring that was brought along from the brothers of the Duan family.

These two storage rings were brought by him inadvertently, and he hadn't had time to look at them, so it happened to be at this moment to see what happened.Lin Yifei separated a ray of consciousness, and slowly penetrated into one of the rings.There are some pills, two high-grade spiritual tools, and a jade slip, but there is nothing else besides these.Then put the consciousness into another ring, the situation is almost exactly the same.A few bottles of pills, two spiritual weapons, and a jade slip.

With a thought, two Kodama Jianjian appeared in Lin Yifei's hands one after the other.

The moment Lin Yifei probed his consciousness into the jade slip, three large characters immediately appeared in his mind.

"Abstract interest technique".Lin Yifei only felt a burst of excitement.It really made him guess right, the two jade slips were actually the same, and both recorded a kind of profound breath-suppressing technique.Lin Yifei only felt lucky for a while, fortunately he took these two rings back then, otherwise, he would have missed this advanced spell.

Without further ado, Lin Yifei hurriedly stabilized his mind, and began to devote himself wholeheartedly to the breath restraining technique.

Breath Containment Technique, as the name suggests, is to collect all the breath in the body, without even a little leakage, practiced to the extreme, and even integrate into nature, making people unable to perceive existence, like the brothers of the Duan family, from a very early age People who practice the Qi Qi technique are not at a low level.

In fact, to put it more clearly, the so-called restraining breath technique is a profound concealment technique.

This technique was originally a treasure of a cultivator sect who made a living by stealing, but later, somehow, the brothers of the Duan family got the news, so the two of them slaughtered that sect and took the Breath Containment Technique as their own have.As for who created this technique, and how it appeared in that sect, I am afraid that no one can explain it.

Lin Yifei looked at the breath restraining technique from beginning to end, and found that this technique is really mysterious.

It is divided into two stages. The first stage is to collect the qi into the body, which is to absorb the whole body's aura, or monster qi, or devil qi into the body, so that people can't see the race, and can't feel the breath; The second stage, blending with nature, is to integrate the whole body into the surrounding space. Of course, this is just a simple mutual penetration of the body and space, not to control the space, but it has some characteristics of invisibility, but compared with invisibility, Its level is higher.

The first stage of the breath restraint technique, the opening chapter Every meridian, every bone, every drop of blood, and even every cell in the human body is a container. They can store energy and release energy. Different energies will release different breaths. Practitioners The true essence of the cultivator will release the aura of the cultivator, and the demonic energy of the demon cultivator will release the demonic energy of the demon. body, never leave
When he saw this, Lin Yifei knew that he had found the right one, to gather his energy into his body, isn't this what he needs now?
Lin Yifei stopped hesitating, and immediately gathered his mind, and began to formally practice the breath restraint technique.

According to the introduction in the opening chapter of the breath-holding technique, the entry into the breath-holding technique is slow, and the further you go, the slower the progress will be. Some people, in their entire lives, can only complete the first stage, and miss the second stage. into nature.

After repeating the mantra of the technique of restraining breath several times, Lin Yifei has subconsciously practiced according to the route of the technique of restraining breath.

Slowly, Lin Yifei's body has changed.

With Lin Yifei as the center, the air seemed to form an invisible vortex, every molecule in the air seemed to come to life gradually, slowly turning around Lin Yifei, and getting closer and closer to him, until finally touching him , just an acceleration, rushing into his body.

In this way, Lin Yifei sat there, constantly perceiving and comprehending, in his perception, all the cells seemed to be inhaling to their heart's content, sucking in all the aura of the surrounding world and the aura released by himself. …

At the same time, Zheng Long and Lang Peng are drinking Lang Peng's 300-year-old drunk fairy juice.

"Haha, happy, old wolf, I really didn't expect that you actually made such a fairy wine, drunk fairy juice, if I remember correctly, this should be the last work of the genius winemaker Du Kang?" As a wine lover For a human being, there is nothing like drinking a jug of good wine.

After seeing Lang Peng take out this almost extinct fairy wine, Zheng Long, who was as calm as Zheng Long, couldn't help but go crazy with excitement.

Zui Xian Jue is the last work of the brewing master Du Kang. It is said that Du Kang is not a deep-rooted person, but he loves wine making. It took him several years to develop the wine. Sudden death due to excessive drinking. Since then, he drank less and less drunk fairy juice. In the cultivation world, there is no one who knows how to brew drunk fairy juice.

"Hey, yes, this is Master Du Kang's fine wine, Drunken Immortal Juice. I didn't expect the old dragon to recognize it at a glance." Lang Peng said sadly.

"Hehe, old wolf, don't make fun of me. What's the use of knowing it? Haven't you never drank it? I really don't know how you got it."

"Hey!~ It's not for others to refine weapons, and others reward them." Lang Peng, as a master weapon refiner, is there any kind of people who fawn on him?Among them, there are also some super sect leaders and sect masters, and among them, there are big figures from Zuixianzhi.

"Haha, let's not talk about it, let's taste this rare wine first! You must have a good drink today." Seeing Lang Peng's distressed appearance, Zheng Long really didn't dare to ask any more questions.Picking up the wine glass, he seemed to be looking at his lover, with an indescribable tenderness in his eyes. …

For a whole day, Lin Yifei had been sitting there like this, with no sadness or joy on his face, as if he had fallen asleep while sitting alone.

Around him, everything is still, the whirling wind is gone, the beating aura is gone, and the narrow space seems to have become a vacuum.

Gradually, Lin Yifei, who was sitting upright, suddenly opened his eyes.Subconsciously waving his hand, the surrounding space immediately seemed to be shattered, and the air of the outside world filled the vacancy here again.

Lin Yifei stood up, exhaled lightly, and immediately walked towards the door.He was going to find Zheng Long and Lang Peng, and let them see if he was still full of demonic aura.

Three steps and two steps, just a few breaths, Lin Yifei came to the place where the two were.Before he came forward to say hello, Zheng Long saw him first, and shouted first.

"Haha, little brother, it's just in time for you to come, come and have a few drinks with me, Lao Lang has a lot of good wine here!"

Lin Yifei glanced at the cups and cups on the table, and felt a sense of admiration.I really don't know how long the two of them have been drinking, but they actually drank so much.

"Okay, since the elder brother has his fate, how dare the younger brother refuse to obey?" Lin Yifei had already come to the two of them, "By the way, elder brother, do you think I still have a demonic aura?" Lin Yifei pretended not to notice asked a question.

"En?" At this moment, Zheng Long realized that Lin Yifei had lost even a trace of aura, not to mention monster aura, even the aura of a cultivator was gone.

"Impossible, it's impossible! Why did you suddenly lose any breath?" Zheng Long didn't answer Lin Yifei's words, nor did he mention drinking anymore, he just said something to himself that made Lin Yifei puzzled.

"Brother, what's the matter, is there something wrong?" Lin Yifei asked lightly.At this time, Lang Peng also turned his attention to Lin Yifei, and he also discovered that Lin Yifei was different at this time.

"It's strange, it's really strange, Yifei, what did you do just now? Why can't you feel any breath on your body?" Lang Peng asked curiously.

At this moment, Lin Yifei already understood that he had really mastered the first stage of the breath restraint technique.However, it seems that he still lacks the time to control his breath.

Thinking of this, Lin Yifei slowly adjusted his original breath, and slowly released it out of his body.A breath unique to cultivators instantly spread around him.

"Hey, well, it should be all right now?" After finishing all this, Lin Yifei asked again.

Zheng Long and Lang Peng looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of surprise in each other's eyes.They can also absorb their own breath into their bodies, but they will definitely not drink water as easily as Lin Yifei.

The two shook their heads tacitly, and stopped paying attention to Lin Yifei's magical method of restraining breath.After all, Lin Yifei's talent was beyond their comprehension.

"Hehe, the little brother is really a genius, and he is so proficient in the art of restraining breath. Don't talk about it, let's have a few drinks with us!"

In this way, Lin Yifei also joined this alcoholic gang and began to develop in the direction of an alcoholic.

(End of this chapter)

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